My short braid WIP

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Converting my braid I made for Dragon Age Inquisition/Sims 4/Far Cry 5 for Baldurs Gate 3, also trying to add it as new asset instead of replacing an existing asset.

Preview is on a Gnome thanks to Playable Gnomes


  1. deleted101105868
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    I luv!
  2. lidertz
    • supporter
    • 161 kudos
    This is absolutely awesome! Await it! ^^
  3. ysabeaus
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This is so cool!!! I'm so excited to see this, would you consider making a tutorial for conversions once you've figured it out? I'm getting so pumped seeing the progress the modding community is making 
    1. Padme4000
      • premium
      • 687 kudos
      Thank you <3 I am definitely going to be doing a tutorial, but so far I have ran into problems with hairs that have physics. Ones like this that don't have physics seem to be okay. So I may do tutorial for short hairs such as this first, then one for physics. Such as converting hairs from one race/gender to another.