Assassin's Creed: Revelations
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  1. JaeMaarouf1
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    Does the Mod enhance Guards' AI in terms of chase and parkour? In the vanilla they are truly stupid and have a fish-like memory. And if not could you enhance them? Would be lovely to experience how guards used to be like in Assassin's creed 1 where they were harder to evade.

    Thank You.
  2. YAMILive
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    I wish there was a simpler version, Agiles can't resist Counter Kill
  3. jacksaints
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    is there any way for a mod to remove the hookblade and only use single blade fight animations?
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      Don't know i didn't try 
    2. TheKukiMan
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      Love the single blade fight animation 
  4. Exaercase
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       First for this great work, i have do many time many creed but evrytime i fed up and i'm upset by the easy of the combat and all the weapons and options you have to not combat and be stealth, if see so many option to be able to flee and hide and be incognito, or if you are in combat you have so many weapons, object, special move etc .. and the game is so simple you do all the time the same things. So  thank for your mod that change my life.

        but i'm sad cause the game crash to desktop evry time you go the west side of Imperial Distrct or go the south side. After that the game CTD at load no solution. the only solution i find is remove your mod and put again the orignal file.

        I have one time the luck to be able to reactivated it but it don't work again. And i have no idea of what i do for that and despite many try solution i could'nt make it work again.

       I'm very sad now i taste your mod i could not play the game normaly.

    Could you help me ???
    I'm in V1.03 or 1.3 not sure. I use the last version

    Thank for any help
    Thnaks again for your mod
    Best REgards ExA.
  5. ZeroIceKiss
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    not for v1.03?
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      should work for any version of the game
    2. ZeroIceKiss
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      The game crashes once you enter the west side of Imperial Distrct after replacing the file.
    3. ZeroIceKiss
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      and the south side too
  6. cubbyman1
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    • 22 kudos
    hopefully i installed this correctly, i made copies of all my forge files, but i didn't delete any of them from the data folder so this will just be added to that list of forge files.
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      if you followed instructions you should be fine.
    2. cubbyman1
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      yeah, it worked, ok so i just did a little test run, and man oh man this is fun, very challenging, you figure out real fast the janissaries are not tough anymore, i mean they are still resilient as ever, but you have much more interactivity with them than the other NPC combatants. 

      so what i'm saying is the janissaries are now easier than every other enemy NPC. but it's only because they can deflect your chain attacks, but you can at least go from one chain to another so long as the other NPC is another janissary. 

      the other NPC's you can't chain kill in any way and they pretty much take no damage unless you get lucky or throw a knife, for some reason my gun doesn't seem to work when i choose my sword, i don't know if this was something you did or something else, but yeah they are a bit harder.

      i do think it would be nice if every guard had the janissary behavior or better yet, outright replace them with the janissaries. i was going to upload a video, but my game ctd, but i can try again later. 

      you find out real quick the ones you want to take out first are the little guys who can dodge nearly every blow with ease, and they can only be taken out via throwing knife so if i'm out of knifes, i will have to either call on my help or get lucky or run away and trick them into a trap, but these guys also run faster than you do so idk if it's really fare game lol.

      but i'm having fun, when i play i turn off the ssi so i never know who is attacking me at any given time so it makes the combat slightly more difficult, sometimes i turn off the UI altogether, i noticed that my armor doesn't need to be repaired, i thought after a few fights i would at least have to, but nope.
    3. LeafyyIsHere
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      Btw you can also choose a sword with high damage,then when someone attacks you just dodge and repeat attacking.
    4. cubbyman1
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      • 22 kudos
      right, i forgot about this, it's been a while since i played this game, i used to know it inside out.
    5. cubbyman1
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      you know the only thing i hate about the janissaries is their overuse of their stupid gun during combat, like it's what they choose to use at least 90% of the time, so it's super annoying and i wonder if this behavior could be changed in some way, maybe put it at 30% so it's more fighting and less pulling out the stupid gun lol, if i'm being capped from using my gun, than they should be at least reduced imo. 

      don't know if you could change anything like this, another thing that is annoying is the fact that every other NPC is impossible to really hit, i can't even tire them out or make them loose a little health each time i either counter them or come into some kind of contact with them.

      in AC 1 i remember there was this little mechanic during combat that would play out as an animation of disgust and the NPC would basically not pay much attention, and if you were paying attention you could use that as a window to attack them and they would not block or dodge the attack, but it seams like they took that little mechanic out of ACB and ACR.

      another thing is the fist combat is useless, i was hoping at the very least i could take some lower NPC's weapon away and use it on them, i will frequently switch weapons in combat because different tools require different tactics. 

      i don't know if it's possible to make some kind of chance gap to better balance out the combat so not every move is useless, like right now it appears almost nothing will work outside of 2 built in mechanics when it comes to fighting, oh but i forgot to test the diversion bombs to see how they work, i avoided using any cheats like my assassins or using any mercenaries and such, however i did use throwing knives very sparingly, but i think if the game could be tweaked in what i have talked about so far, the combat can still be challenging, but less restrictive, it's still fun, but i don't think it's there quite yet.

      an example is when an NPC grabs you, normally you have the ability to get out of that attack and flip them on the ground and you have a chance to finish them off, but that doesn't work anymore, another one is when you use the reverse flipping them onto the ground before and during combat doesn't work, you can no longer throw an enemy to the ground, they pretty much negate that attack 100% of the time, this is what i meant by a chance gap, could be introduced to make it at least possible.

      i do wonder if you could add more of the janissary NPC's to the game and less of the little guys and the medium size guys, i also wonder if the groups could have more NPC's fighting you at once? i mean occasionally you will get another group who will join the fight, but they are rare and that's the only time you get 8 NPC's all fighting at once. 
    6. LeafyyIsHere
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      • 18 kudos
      Well im not sure if i can reduce it but i could probably disable it,so yea idk man.
    7. cubbyman1
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      • 22 kudos
      so there is one issue for combat that makes using the hook blade useless, so you can't do a hook and run anymore or a hook and throw an enemy down to the ground or jump from off a rooftop on top of a NPC when you want to jump down quickly. it also seems to effect jumping backwards when you climb sometimes which can make climbing a little annoying. and then when you steal from NPC's and they engage in combat with you can use your fists when countering and punching aimlessly, the throw sand functionality doesn't do anything anymore.

      i have tested this with both late game and early game, and the results are the same.

      maybe some of these things could be brought back simply because some mechanics need to work properly to do some tasks.

      i honestly think if every enemy NPC fought just like the janissaries, that would be fine, but this would require the countering to actually work on other NPC's. 

      but there is one little detail i have not been talking about, the game is crashing a lot with this mod, i don't know what could be causing it, but it does happen, i don't think i have ever had this game crash on me ever until now, but it also could be one other mod i have added so far, so i'm not automatically putting the blame on yours, the other mod only takes away fog and makes the game look slightly better, but it's not a reshade.
    8. cubbyman1
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      anyway so i made this video last night and just uploaded it now, unfortunately youtube compression made the quality of the video kind of s#*!, but it will still show how the gameplay looks for right now, i got lucky in the fight at one point, but most of the time when you fight you can't counter as it's blocked on most NPC's.
    9. cubbyman1
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      • 22 kudos
      double post.
    10. LeafyyIsHere
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      Nice,as i said this mod is still not yet done and not so perfect so when i have time i will rework it a bit to make it atleast slightly easier for people who download this mod.Btw i saw the video,rlly cool xD.
    11. cubbyman1
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      • 22 kudos
      it's all good mate, i know how these things go. for now i have had to take it out of my game because of the crashing issues. but when you update i look forward to trying it out again.
    12. cubbyman1
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      so i have been doing some reading, and i think i might know why it's crashing, it has something to do with having the tool you used to make this mod, i'm not sure why that mod would even be needed but it seems a lot of other mods require it in order to work, i have not installed that yet because i find the installing instructions to be confusing and i need a visual representation in how to install it so i can test it, but i'm thinking that it has to do with having that tool kit installed in order for your mod to not crash.
    13. LeafyyIsHere
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      Nah its my mod,if you are replaying some missions or entire game it will crash.I dont know why it happends but it does.
    14. cubbyman1
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      well that might be true, idk, after i uninstalled the mod i still get the crashes even with a new playthrough, i might have to do a fresh install to fix it.
  7. Chroma1
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    Game crashes after being a couple seconds in game, any ideas?
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      yes forgot to say that this mod works in very few missions and works fine in free roam i don't know whats the cause of it 
  8. Salloums
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    Will you make a mod like this for ac brotherhood? 
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      • 18 kudos
      i think i will 
    2. cubbyman1
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      • 22 kudos
      brotherhood is my absolute favorite in the ezio series, and i look forward to trying this out as well.
  9. cubbyman1
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    i just checked this game at random on the nexus and suddenly i find this game is actually being modded still, and it's not just another reshade, it's a mod that's actually worth trying out for once.
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      ofc there is a lot of mods for this game now
    2. cubbyman1
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      my point is, it's mostly mods that only appeal to esthetics, it's incredibly rare there is a mod that does something to the game such as this.

      there are plenty of cosmetic items such as reshades and sweet fx or clothing recoloring's or changes to the clothing. but mods like this are rare and very needed, now like one other user already mentioned, this is maybe a little too difficult considering that it negates all the fighting mechanics in the game and makes every enemy unbelievably hard, but maybe he will be able to fine tune and adjust that aspect a little so it's not so hard that it doesn't feel impossible lol.
    3. LeafyyIsHere
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      Yeah i know its too difficult but the point of mod is to make player actually go stealth instead of fighting,you can fight them if you have paticence for a fight.But in future i may change up some things for now its going to be like this.
    4. cubbyman1
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      that's perfectly fine, now i need to try it out for myself and see how i fare in a fight lol. i like stealth in games, but these older games didn't really have a good built in stealth system, but i'm willing to try.
    5. LeafyyIsHere
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      • 18 kudos
      Good,tell me if you like it but if you dont im fine with that cuz i know AI is very very hard and resists to most abilities of ezio.But as i said it will be changed in future.
  10. CinematicSeriesGaming
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    • 1 kudos
    This is a very interesting mod but I think you might be going a bit too far. If you make all enemies basically immune to counter kills, chain kills and other moves, you're just deleting a large part of this game's combat. And making combat actually more repetitive because now the only way to reliably kill people is to stun them with bombs or shoot them with a pistol or crossbow. And what can you do in melee combat? Kick and then finish off I suppose. 

    Rebalancing combat is a good idea, but I think it'd be better if you made a version that isn't as strict. I would love to see a mod that makes enemies slightly trickier but doesn't completely nullify Ezio's combat skills. Is it possible to implement a system similar to AC1 where some tough enemies require a few counter attacks to weaken them before the fatal blow? For example, elite soldiers could block your counter kills and chain kills but only 1 or 2 times before they are eventually killed. This would make them tougher but those attacks would still be useful to weaken them. I like the animations when enemies negate Ezio's moves but it's a bit ridiculous when they do it all the time. Perhaps it's possible to introduce a chance of this happening. E.g. agile soldiers can negate your counter/chain attack 30% of the time. If enemies negated SOME of Ezio's attacks based on chance, it'd be way more fun IMO. 
    1. LeafyyIsHere
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      • 18 kudos
      yeah i agree with what you said but adding special buildtable to them actually activates those immunities not me,i just combined fight ranks and archetypes.
    2. LeafyyIsHere
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      • 18 kudos
      also this is just a start of this mod,later on it will be more things fixed and added things.
    3. LeafyyIsHere
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      About AC1 im not sure,because for now i cant mod it since doesn't have that many features in anviltoolkit.But if it gets any new features i will try modding AI there too.