7 Days To Die
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About this mod

Adds 23 new Action Skills in Undead Legacy.

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Requires Undead Legacy 2.6.17 (latest as of April 2023) which you can check out and download here: https://ul.subquake.com/

Adds 23 new Action Skills in Undead Legacy.

It is recommended to play with this mod on Difficulty 3 (Nomad) or Difficulty 4 (Warrior) and Loot Abundance no higher than 100%. It is very easy to get to a point where you pretty much have unlimited ammo if loot abundance is higher than 100% and it makes melee/sneaking/strategic play completely redundant. Also, there is a noticeable change in how loot RNG functions in UL if the loot abundance is changed from 100%. There are several reports of cases that wrenches, impact drivers, certain rifles, certain shotguns and vehicle engines do not spawn sometimes if the loot abundance is too high as their RNG is not calibrated for higher % in loot groups.

1] Titanium Gut
Increases Iron Gut efficiency up to +25%. Includes a debuff of up to -30% movement speed (-15% each combined) when dying of starvation and or dehydration.

2] Vehicle Technician
Increases Vehicle Speed up to +60%.

3] Lightweight
Increases sprint speed up to +25% and increases chance of suffering critical debuff effects on being hit up to +25% whilst sprinting.

4] Sleight of Hand
Increases dismemberment chance with all melee weapons and tools and swinging speed up to +20%. Increases player level XP gain from melee kills up to +15%.

5] Craftsman
Increases crafting, smelting and scrapping speed up to +25%.

6] Infection and Poison Antibodies
Increases Infection and Poison catching resistance up to +20%.

7] Weapon and Tool Technician
Increases weapons and tools mod attachment bonus up to +20%.

8] Deadshot Daiquiri
Increases ranged weapons dismemberment chance up to +25%. Increases player level XP gain from ranged kills up to +7.5%.

9] Turret Engineer
Increases hostile detection range up to +25% and dismemberment chance with all turrets and sledges up to +50%. (single player only(?)

10] Shackleshot Marksmanship
Increases knockdown chance with bows and crossbows up to +40%.

11] Dead Lucky
Increases randomised zombie loot bag drop chance up to +10%.

12] Blunt Trauma
Increases knockdown chance with all blunt melee weapons and tools up to +30%.

13] Pack-A-Punch
Increases knockdown chance with unarmed and fist weapons up to +30%.

14] Violent Nature
Increases disabling dismemberment chance of arms and legs with all shotguns and rifles up to +75%.

15] Reinvigorate
Increases movement speed up to +25% and increases dismemberment chance up to +75% when at 13% health or below.

16] Infected Incarnate
Increases movement speed up to +25% and increases chance of suffering critical debuff effects on being hit up to +50% when infected.

17] Double Edge
Increases disabling dismemberment chance of arms and legs with all blades and axes up to +75%.

18] Heavy Hitter
Increases melee strikes to the chest cripple, slow, deep bleed and remove radiation chance up to +30%.

19] Incapacitate
Increases ranged shots to the chest cripple, slow, deep bleed and remove radiation chance up to +20%.

20] Armor Power
Increases armor and clothing mod attachment bonus up to +20%.

21] Deogen
Increases sneaking jump strength up to +40%. Decreases sneaking reloading and aiming speed to make less noise by up to +20%.

22] Commando
Increases sneaking melee strikes to slow and deep bleed chance up to +100%. Increases player level XP gain from sneaking melee kills up to +10%.

23] Overzealous
Increases all kills player level XP gain up to +10% and carry weight up to +40 but decreases critical debuff chance to bleed on being hit up to -40% when above 90% health.

Simply drag the folder into steamapps/common/7Days/Mods where all of the other Undead Legacy files will be. The folder name starts with "V" to load after Undead Legacy's file order.

Everyone requires this mod for it to function properly. Server side, local files side, client side, everything side. Not just the host. Everyone needs it or it will function like ass and look like ass. Plug and play with existing worlds. Doesn't affect original skills if you uninstall by removing the folder either. You may as well just get it.

Fully compatible with existing saves and worlds to keep updating it over your current version. Simply delete the old folder and put the new one in. It will keep your current levels and XP across all skills.

This mod isn't affiliated with Undead Legacy in its original form. It's simply an add-on to make it that bit more enjoyable for like minded people.

Always happy to join new worlds, have suggestions for other UL mods or feedback to improve. Feel free to add me on:
- Discord: iv7z
- Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/iV7Z (friend code 112433748)


As of September 2023; unfortunately I am no longer able to give the level of commitment I would like to updating and continuing to create mods for Undead Legacy. This notice is also to certify and grant permission for anyone to use my original code to continue updating these mods:
- Undead Legacy No Vehicle Maintenance Learn Order
- Undead Legacy Skills Extended
- Undead Legacy x3 Attribute Action Skills XP Bonus
- Undead Legacy ZZTong's Custom POI's Compatibility
- Undead Legacy Better Bug-Out Starter Bag
- Undead Legacy Better Vehicle Repairs
- Undead Legacy Better Small Battery Loot
- Undead Legacy Better Hard Difficulty
- Undead Legacy Better Molotov Crafting
- Undead Legacy Extended Recycling
- Undead Legacy Realistic Zombie Melee Range
- Undead Legacy Better Food and Drink
- Undead Legacy Extended Immersion and Rebalance
- Undead Legacy Better Shotgun Block Damage
- Undead Legacy Better Auto Shotgun
- Undead Legacy Mauser C96 Pistol Compatibility
- Guppycur's Zombies Revamped
These mods are all final versions for A20 to work with UL 2.6.17 and are no longer getting updates or support. I would appreciate if the 7 Days modding community can come together to update all of these to work with A21/A22 and UL 2.7 and also future versions of the game if the demand is plausible. Anyone can feel free to use any original code copy and pasted from these mods. They made my time in A20 much more fun and special thanks to Subquake, Malkore, Herr Lutter, Messajah, ZZTong and all 2023 Moderators/Admins of Guppy's 7DTD Modding Discord.

- Fixed and Buffed Deadshot Daiquiri to not include the reload speed debuff. Was causing some severe reload speed issues.
- Nerfed Deadshot Daiquiri ranged kills XP gain from up to +10% to up to +7.5%.
- Nerfed Dead Lucky zombie loot bag drop chance from up to +15% to up to +10%.
- Nerfed Infection & Poison Antibodies infection and poison resistance from up to +25% to up to +15%.
- Nerfed Armor Power mod attachment bonus from up to +25% to up to +20%.
- Nerfed Weapon & Tool Technician mod attachment bonus from up to +25% to up to +20%.

- Added new Action Skill > Commando - increases sneaking melee strikes to slow and deep bleed chance up to +100%. Increases player level XP gain from sneaking melee kills up to +10%.
- Added new Action Skill > Overzealous - increases all kills player level XP gain up +10% and carry weight up to +40 but decreases critical debuff chance to bleed on being hit up to -40% when above 90% health.
- Removed Action Skill > Sealed Fate - t'was a buggy mess.
- Buffed Incapacitate to include a stronger initial slow and cripple.
- Buffed Heavy Hitter to include a stronger initial slow and cripple.
- Buffed Deogen sneaking jump strength from up to +25% to up to +40%.
- Buffed Deogen sneaking reload speed nerf from up to -25% to up to -20%.
- Buffed Sleight of Hand melee kills player level XP gain from up to +10% to up to +15%.
- Buffed Infected Incarnate from only being activated upon having 15% or higher infection to always being active when infected.
- Buffed XP gain for Vehicle Technician.
- Buffed XP gain for Lightweight.
- Buffed XP gain for Titanium Gut.
- Nerfed Deogen noise buff from reloading and aiming from up to +25% to up to +20%.
- Nerfed Titanium Gut to include a debuff of up to -30% movement speed (-15% each combined) when dying of starvation and or dehydration.
- Nerfed Reinvigorate activation time from when below 15% health to when below 13% health.
- Nerfed Shackleshot Marksmanship from up to +50% chance to up to +40% chance.
- Nerfed Blunt Trauma from up to +40% chance to up to +30% chance.
- Nerfed Pack-A-Punch from up to +40% chance to up to +30% chance.
- Nerfed Heavy Hitter from up to +40% chance to up to +30% chance.
- Nerfed Reinvigorate dismemberment chance from up to +100% to up to +75%.
- Nerfed XP gain for Deogen.
- Nerfed XP gain for Weapon and Tool Technician.
- Nerfed XP gain for Dead Lucky.
- Fixed Double Edge not affecting blades and axes.
- Fixed Heavy Hitter not affecting blades.
- Updated some skill icons.
- Updated some skills localization.

- Added new Action Skill > Sealed Fate - increases disabling dismemberment chance of legs with landmines up to +100%.
- Added new Action Skill > Deogen - increases sneaking jump strength up to +25%. Decreases sneaking reloading and aiming speed to make less noise by up to +25%.
- Added new Action Skill > Armor Power - increases armor and clothing mod attachment bonus up to +25%.
- Added new Action Skill > Incapacitate - increases ranged shots to the chest cripple, slow, deep bleed and remove radiation chance up to +20%.
- Added new Action Skill > Heavy Hitter - increases melee strikes to the chest cripple, slow, deep bleed and remove radiation chance up to +40%.
- Added new Action Skill > Double Edge - increases disabling dismemberment chance of arms and legs with all blades and axes up to +75%.
- Buffed Deadshot Daquiri reload speed nerf from up to -50% to up to -40%.
- Buffed XP gain for Vehicle Technician.
- Nerfed Sleight of Hand swing speed from up to +25% to up to +20%.
- Nerfed Deadshot Daquiri to not include the weapon handling bonus.
- Nerfed Dead Lucky randomised zombie loot bag drop chance from up to +20% to up to +15%.
- Nerfed Titanium Gut from up to +30% to up to +25%.
- Changed Lightweight to include a debuff of up to +25% chance of suffering critical debuff effects on being hit whilst sprinting.
- Changed Infected Incarnate debuff from pain resistance to up to +50% chance of suffering critical debuff effects on being hit whilst on 15% infection or higher.
- Fixed Reinvigorate not including the movement speed bonus.

- Added new Action Skill > Violent Nature - increases disabling dismemberment chance of arms and legs with all shotguns and rifles up to +75%.
- Added new Action Skill > Reinvigorate - increases movement speed up to +25% and increases dismemberment chance up to +100% when at 15% health or below.
- Added new Action Skill > Infected Incarnate - increases movement speed up to +25% and decreases pain resistance up to -50% when at 15% infection or above.
- Buffed Titanium Gut from up to +25% to up to +30%.
- Nerfed Vehicle Technician vehicle speed increase from up to +75% to up to +60%.
- Nerfed Blunt Trauma knockdown chance from up to +50% to up to +40%.
- Nerfed Pack-A-Punch knockdown chance from up to +50% to up to +40%.
- Nerfed Dead Lucky randomised zombie loot bag drop chance from up to +25% to up to +20%.
- Buffed XP gain for Deadshot Daquiri.
- Buffed XP gain for Sleight of Hand.
- Buffed XP gain for Infection and Poison Antibodies.
- Buffed XP gain for Lightweight.
- Buffed XP gain for Vehicle Technician.
- Nerfed XP gain for Dead Lucky.
- Nerfed XP gain for Weapon and Tool Technician.
- Updated some skill icons.

- Added new Action Skill > Blunt Trauma - increases knockdown chance with blunt melee weapons and tools up to +50%.
- Added new Action Skill > Pack-A-Punch - increases knockdown chance with unarmed and fist weapons up to +50%.
- Fixed all localization and tag errors of some weapons and tools not being applied some skill bonuses. Honestly, why does nobody report these things it's taken me like 80 updates to notice.
- Nerfed Shackleshot Marksmanship knockdown chance from up to +75% to up to +50%. I don't know why I thought almost every shot being a knockdown was a good idea.
- Buffed Deadshot Daquiri reload speed reduction from up to -75% to up to -50%.
- Updated some skill icons.

- Added new Action Skill > Dead Lucky - increases randomised zombie loot bag drop chance up to +25%.
- Fixed Shackleshot Marksmanship not applying the knockdown chance. It literally wasn't working lol.
- Buffed Shackleshot Marksmanship knockdown chance from up to +50% to up to +75%.
- Buffed XP gain for Shackleshot Marksmanship.
- Buffed XP gain for Titanium Gut.
- Updated some skill icons.
- Added new Action Skill > Shackleshot Marksmanship - increases knockdown chance with bows and crossbows up to +50%.
- Buffed Turret Engineer dismemberment chance from up to +25% to up to +50%.
- Updated some skill icons.

- Updated all skill icons.
- Fixed some localization.

- Added new Action Skill > Turret Engineer - increases hostile detection range up to +25% and dismemberment chance with all turrets and sledges up to +50%.
- Removed Action Skill > Sonic Boom - unable to get code triggers to function. For now I hope.
- Buffed Sleight of Hand to include scaling player level XP gain up to +10% for Melee builds.
- Buffed XP gain for Infection and Poison Antibodies.
- Buffed XP gain for Lightweight. Yes, again.
- Buffed XP gain for Titanium Gut.
- Nerfed XP gain for Craftsman.
- Nerfed reload speed for Deadshot Daiquiri from up to -50% to up to -75%.
- Fixed using tools to break things not levelling Sleight of Hand.

- Added new Action Skill > Deadshot Daiquiri - increases all weapon and tools handling, dismemberment chance and scales player level XP gain in turn to decrease the unrealistic reload speed.
- Buffed XP gain for Lightweight.
- Fixed Sonic Boom not levelling sometimes.
- Fixed using explosives power levelling Craftsman.
- Fixed specific melee, tools and weapons tags not being applied to certain skills.
- Fixed XP gain to level properly after skill level 10 for some skills.
- Fixed some tools not gaining the swing speed buff from levelling Sleight of Hand.
- Fixed Craftsman gaining XP randomly on shooting zombies.
- Moved Sonic Boom to Intellect where it rightfully belongs.
- Updated icons for some of the skills to be less tacky.

- Fixed Sleight of Hand & Weapon and Tool Technician giving the wrong amount of XP.
- Updated icons for most of the skills.

- Mod created, added 8 new skills.