7 Days To Die

The following can be found as part of the Handyman Trader's job listing:

Hold and Fetch (Tiers 1 through 5):
- Phase 1: You are sent to a random POI which you have to clear
- Phase 2: Once cleared, waves of zombies will spawn and you must kill a number of them in order to activate each subsequent wave
- Phase 3: Fetch the Courier Satchel within the POI
- Phase 4: A large number of zombies will spawn and you can either stay and fight or run back to the trader like a little baby
- Phase 5: Get your reward from the trader you received the mission from
Notes: you do not have to stay within the limits of the POI

Ghosts (Parts 1 through 5):
- Through each part you get to unveil a storyline involving the Trader Network and one of its enemy factions, the Black Shield
- In parts 1 though 3, you are asked to track down and kill a series of cloaked mechanical prototypes that have mysteriously "escaped" from the Trader 
  Network's labs
- Parts 4 and 5 become more difficult as the Black Shield unleashes new types of mechanical prototypes
- In part 5, you fight alongside the Trader Network's new line of white prototypes to defeat the Black Shield's robots and their plan to kill the 
  entire colony
Notes: Spawns occur over time and are essentially queued. You should do your best to stay and fight. If you leave and are in single player, the
         game will not clear the spawn queue (bug that has been submitted) which will cause NullException errors when you go back in. The spawns
  will not occur, but the game will still attempt to action the queue until the queue is empty. Spawning usually lasts 6 minutes total. One way to
  clear the queue is to close the game

Steal Tech (Tiers 1 through 5):
- Part 1: 
- You are sent to a random POI
- Once you reach the marker, a number of bandits will attack
- You must clear the POI and retrieve a book from a hidden satchel
- Once retrieved, a number of Bandits will show up
- Once you turn in, the Trader will give you a map and will ask you to investigate
- Part 2:
- You are sent to the location marked on the map
- Once you reach the marker a number of zombies will attack
- Once the marker is activated, a dig location will appear and a number of Trader Network Soldiers will show up to help defend the area
- Over time, a number of bandits and zombies will show up to disrupt your digging
- When you find the buried chest, pick up the supplies and the Black Shield Backpack containing the Black Shield's Tech Blueprints
- Once the backpack is retrieved, more soldiers and bandits will show up
- Return the backpack to the trader for a reward

Mini Horde (Tiers 1 through 5):
- Phase 1: You are sent to a random location to activate your mission. It is recommended that you build some sort of defenses
- Phase 2: Waves of zombies will spawn and you must kill a number of them in order to activate each subsequent wave
- Phase 3: A large number of zombies will spawn and you can either stay and fight or run back to the trader like a little baby
- Phase 4: Get you reward from any trader once the objectives have been met

The following can be found as part of the Handyman Trader's inventory:

All Terrain Vehicle (land and water):
- Capable of seating 7 people
- Greater stability and significantly better up hills
- Steering in water handled through Right and Left keybinds
- Small chance of purchase at Better Barter 5
Note: Be gentle on your transitions from water to land or down hills (release the turbo)

Ash's Boomstick:
- Shotgun holding 6 shells
- Very fast firing rate
- 10% chance to create explosion when fired
- Knocks enemies down
- 100 additional explosive damage
- Reduced kickback
- Barrel is on fire, creating some light in darkness
- Firing sound is a little deeper
Note: Requires Better Barter 4

Ash's Chainsaw:
- Blade optimized for flesh wounds (aim for the head)
- Consumes gas quickly
- Very high chance to dismember
- Higher fuel capacity given faster consumption rate
- Blade is on fire, creating a bit of light in darkness
Note: Requires Better Barter 5

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