7 Days To Die

The following can be found as part of the Farmer Trader's job listing:

The Hunt (Tiers 1 through 5):
- Clear a number of mutant animals (current Vanilla set of animals with different skins and will retaliate)
- Each wave is triggered by killing a number of them
- The Trader Network supplies you with mechanical allies to assist you in your mission
- Tier 1: dogs that will regenerate your stamina if you stay close
- Tier 2: wolves that will regenerate your health if you stay close
- Tier 3: lions that will periodically burn nearby zombies and knockback foes in an area of effect
- Tier 4: bears that will periodically do explosive damage to nearby foes which will knock them down
- Tier 5: androids that will periodically shock nearby foes
- Allies will only have enough power for a few minutes
- Get your reward from any trader once the objectives have been met

Protect (Tiers 1 through 5):
You are sent to a random POI which you have to protect with the help of the locals (in white).
- Tier 1: The Black Shield faction sends in some of their bandits (in red).
- Tier 2: The Black Shield faction sends in more of their bandits.
- Tier 3: The Black Shield faction experimented on some of their people and are sending them in along with their bandits.
- Tier 4: The Black Shield faction pushed their experiments even further. Expect stronger and faster mutated bandits.
- Tier 5: The Black Shield faction created a beserker mutation. Party up if you can.
- you can loot the bandits (extra dukes, even when alive)
- you can loot the captains (even when alive) and they have a chance of dropping extra loot when they die
- you do not have to stay within the limits of the POI

Hazard (Tiers 1 through 5):
You are sent to a random location to kill a number of wanderers in hazmat suits. They carry canisters of hazardous gas that will impair your vision
- Tier 1 impairments: Color Blindness
- Tier 2 impairments: Reduced Vision + previous tier impairments
- Tier 3: impairments: Bloodshot Vision, Distorted Vision + previous tier impairments
- Tier 4 impairments: Out of Focus Vision + previous tier impairments
- Tier 5 impairments: Blurred Vision + previous tier impairments
- The impairments last 6 seconds each but can stack
- Having the wrong combination of impairments will blind you for the duration of the impairments
- Each tier of the questline will reward you with a random radiation resistance mod (5 in total: head, chest, legs, gloves and boots)
- Some are more difficult to get than others
- Worn individually they have no effect but if all 5 are worn, you become immune to radiation

Toxic (Tiers 1 through 5):
You are sent to a random location to kill a number of toxic zombies and animals before they poison the water sources with radiation
- Tier 1: Regular entities
- Tier 2: Regular entities, slightly tougher
- Tier 3: Feral entities
- Tier 4: Radiated entities
- Tier 5: Radiated Entities, slightly tougher
- Entities are toxic. If you stand too close to them you will take temporary radiation damage (radiation mods above will mitigate the damage)
- Adds over 100 entity variations to the game

The following can be found as part of the Farmer Trader's inventory:

Baby Mechanical Pets:
- Unlike other mechanical allies, they do not despawn but have no special abilities
- Can only put down one every 3 real-time hours played
- Can replace one by killing another yourself
- Will regenerate 1 life every 3 seconds

Leonidas' Spear:
- Primary attack (swing):
- Shocks enemies
- Twice as fast as the steel spear, slightly greater range
- Greater damage (entities and blocks)
- Secondary attack (throw):
- Shocks and knocks enemies down in a radius of 7 meters from where it lands
- Greater distance than steel spear
Note: Requires Better Barter 5

The Jackal, Assassin Knife:
- Primary attack (swing):
- Burns enemies (knives cannot have the Burning Shaft mod in Vanilla)
- Slightly greater damage than the hunting knife (entities)
- 1500% more damage on head shots
- 1500% sneak damage
- Secondary attack (throw):
- Straight for a short distance
- Burns target
- Great for sneak kills given the combined 3000% damage on sneak head shots
Note: Requires Better Barter 3

- Primary attack (swing):
- Shocks enemies in a radius of 3.5 meters when you hit nearby blocks (including ground)
- Much faster than traditional steel sledgehammer
- Secondary attack (throw):
- Shocks and knocks enemies down in a radius of 3.5 meters from where it lands
Note: Requires Better Barter 5

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