World of Tanks
  • Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer

    Fallout 4 has just been announced complete with a teaser trailer from Bethesda.


    Details are obviously scarce right now, but we won't need to wait for much longer as the E3 reveal for Fallout 4, complete with gameplay (one would assume) is coming in under 2 weeks time at E3 on June 14th.

    What I can say is, from watching the trailer, it looks like you'll roleplay a dog and be the trusty companion of a Vault Dweller......

  • Fan Film News : Fallout Nuka Break 2014

    If you are a fan of the Fallout Nuka Break series there is good news for 2014....

  • Starbound and State of Decay support in the latest NMM update

    We've released version 0.49.0 of NMM today which includes support for both Starbound and State of Decay. Both are compliments of modders within the community, KrazyTheFox for Starbound and MrxknownJG for State of Decay. Their help in getting support for these games in to NMM has enabled our dedicated NMM programmers to carry on with other projects in NMM (profiling, mainly) so they have my thanks.

    Here's the full change log:
    New Feature: Added support for State of Deca...

  • Integrated support and separation for other language and "translation mods"

    Files that are written in languages other than English and "translation" mods (authors who have translated an English mod in to another language) have always caused a bit of a pickle for users on the Nexus due to the fact they're mixed in with all the other mods in one big soup. If you're an English-only speaker it can be a bit of a pain having to navigate past numerous mods written in different languages, or indeed multiple different translations for the same mod. Similarly if y...

  • Nexus Mods centralisation complete, we now support mods for all games

    Well hello there. Before we get into the main meat of this news post I’d like to list a few things happening right now on the sites that we are aware of, that we don’t need you to tell us about or confirm, or reconfirm, that will be fixed soon. I say soon, we’ve been working 14 hours straight, from 9am to 11pm and while the main conversion is complete there’s still work to do which will be pushed into Tuesday day (i.e. we’re going to bed soon!). Anyway, here’s the list, and if yo...

  • OpenMW v0.27.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.27.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This release brings the first official release of OpenCS, the OpenMW team's efforts to bring an open source solution for editing content for OpenMW. OpenCS is in an early Alpha state, please take that into consideration when testing! See the full notes below.

    Check out the release video by the indomitable WeirdSexy.

    Known Issues:

  • Registration issues today (hopefully) fixed

    Naturally when problems occur on the Nexus they don’t occur at 9.30am just as we’ve showered, eaten and gotten to our desks. They always occur at 1am just as we’ve gone to bed, leaving a good 8 hours before we know there’s anything wrong.

    In true Nexus fashion we hit a rather comical problem in the early hours of this morning whereby we’d reached the maximum number of registered accounts as set by the forum software we use, Invision Board. I’d never thought to check up o...

  • NMM now available for brave alpha testers

    Ok, it’s ready for testing. I mentioned a couple of months back that we were putting the finishing touches on the next build of NMM that will become 0.50.0. This latest build features a new feature, mod profiling.

    Profiling is the ability to create and manage multiple different playlists for each game we support so you can switch between your playlists before running the game.

    What’s the point? Well, if you’re the type of person who likes to do multiple different ...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 79 : Jaggarsfeld

    I have not covered nearly enough player homes in my videos and so I am going to try and fix that starting with a great player home with a lot of very cool features.

    Download links:
    Jaggarsfeld ...

  • OpenMW v0.26.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.26.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. This is the most violent release of OpenMW to date, with the implementation of Melee combat, Lyncanthropy, and Drowning. See below for the full changelog.

    Known Issues:
    Extreme shaking may occur during cell transitions for some users (enable anti-aliasing as a possible workaround)
    Polish version of Morrowind.esm makes OpenMW crash

  • Greatest game series of the decade?

    The GameSpot "Greatest Game Series of the Decade" poll is nearing its end now, and the finalists are The Elder Scrolls versus Grand Theft Auto.

    So, if you want to take part in deciding which game series is the greatest (of these two), head over to GameSpot to vote.

    Both of these series have been moddable for quite some time, and have both seen some great mods being produced. Whether or not that is an important factor as to why they appear at the top of the bracket is un...

  • OpenMW v0.25.0

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.25.0! Grab it from our Downloads Page for all operating systems. With the implementation of SoundGen records and the Wander AI Package, this release introduces stomping NPCs. Note that AI Wander must still be called from the console. SoundGen implementation also means that Creatures make noises. Prepare for squealing scrib nostalgia. SDL2 has also been implemented, which stomps out a lot of mouse focus and other UI bugs. Check ove...

  • Cluster move complete, a few bugs to fix

    We successfully completed the move of our databases over to a new centralised cluster yesterday with the final site, Fallout 3 Nexus, moved in the afternoon. Moving the databases off the same servers that actually serve the site’s pages has freed up resources on the servers that can go towards handling more concurrent connections and as such I’m hoping you’re finding the browsing experience on the sites this weekend, especially on Skyrim Nexus, are much more satisfactory.


  • This mod Falskaar is kind of big


    Alexander Velicky has released Falskaar, a content heavy new land and quest mod set on an island of the same name. It's available right here exclusively on Skyrim Nexus.

    The mod was designed to be as complete as a Bethesda Game Studios developed game add-on, and it's pretty damn impressive considering that Alex primarily designed and created the mod himself (albeit with a lot of help for the sound, testing, and working through bugs). Alex explained t...

  • Skyrim 3.1gb Crash Limit & Skyrim Performance Monitor

    A member of the S.T.E.P team contacted me to tell me about a problem Skyrim has with crashing if you surpass 3.1 gb of RAM used by the game. You can find the forum threads discussing the problem here:
    CTD at 3.1GB

    Download links
    Skyrim Performance Monitor

    Thumbnail is 'Undead' courtesy of andreamkall....

  • OpenMW v0.24.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.24.0! Mosey on over to our newfangled Downloads Page to find releases for all operating systems. This release brings the much-anticipated animation layering feature, Athletics, Security, Night-Eye and Blind, along with a plethora of other fixes and changes. Oh, and openable doors! GO OPEN SOME DOORS!!

    Check out the release video by the unstoppable WeirdSexy!

    Known Issues:
    - Extreme s...

  • Skyrim artwork lithograph for sale

    The Bethesda store has made available a limited run of 300 lithographs of a Skyrim artwork (above). Well, 299 since I've already bought one. The lithographs are 18" by 24" / 45cm by 60 cm and sell for US$40. International shipping was $28.

    A lithograph is a reproduction of a piece of artwork.

    A lithograph is a type of printing process during which original works of art can be printed and reproduced; the final product is also known as a lithograph, which is...

  • OpenMW v0.23.0 released, now with particles! (and a lot more)

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.23.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA and for Debian in our Debian PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page. This release introduces the initial implementation of NPC movement AI, item repairing, enchanting, levelled items, texture animation, basic particles, and more, along with an extensive list of fixes and improvements. Also as a note, Morrowind's 11th...

  • Skyrim Legendary Edition

    Most of you may have seen that hideous Legendary Edition cover that has been floating around the net lately. Well, now the real thing is on its way. Bethesda announced it about an hour ago, and it is set to be released June 4th in the US and June 7th in Europe. The price will be set to:
    Consoles: $59.99 US / £39.99 / €49.99 / $69.99 AUD
    PC: $59.99 US / £29.99 / €39.99 / $49.99 AUD

    The Legendary edition will include all DLCs (Hearthfire, Dawnguar...

  • Skyrim: Legendary Edition

    UPDATE 5:05 PM GMT:
    In a tweet, Pete Hines had this to say about the cover of the "Legendary Edition":
    that is hideous

    Take from that what you will, but that cover is most definitely not legit.


    Eurogamer is reporting that a Polish retailer, Ultima, has listed Skyrim: Legendary Edition, which will contain the core game as well as all three game add-on packs, for sale with a release date of 7 June. It is currently unconfirmed by Bethesd...