Skyrim Special Edition


  1. anbeegod
    • premium
    • 1,018 kudos
    Death Consumes All 2.0 is now in early access on a certain channel!

    Difference from 1.7 (the last version pre-revamp):
    1. Completely revamped most of the original quests to give them much better flows, storytelling, and writing
    2. New quests with deep storytelling and diverse choices
    3. Better designed and balanced encounters and battles
    4 Rigorous bug-fixing
    5. Improved voice acting for some characters
    6. New introductory quest with much better flow and storytelling
  2. anbeegod
    • premium
    • 1,018 kudos
    Death Consumes All 2.0 may be ready for closed beta this month!
    1. ocroxare
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      a new save will be required?
    2. anbeegod
      • premium
      • 1,018 kudos
    3. AliRenegade
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Could you make sure that this mod is compatible with Conquest of Skyrim please as I would love to be able to use it once I successfully take over Skyrim, it would be a nice DLC to wrap up the story in a spectacular Game of Thrones style.
  3. anbeegod
    • premium
    • 1,018 kudos
    This mod is getting a revamp on various quests and content, including but not limited to:

    • A better intro - experience a better intro with a story-based quest introduction that guides you through the mod's start, without having a quest stuck in your quest log.

    • Better voice acting for several characters - making the game more immersive and engaging, improving mostly those previously voiced by AI voices.

    • Better Ayraneserace - transformed from a painful and gruesome journey to an epic and ominous quest, where you face Death in an extraordinarily fiery fashion, and an internal psychological conflict.

    • Better Sleep-Rise-Tree quest - reworked to provide a more coherent narrative, giving more hints to what the Stillborn Divine's nature is.
      "If you do not die, we cannot be born."

    • Better Colosseum of Life quest - partly rewritten to provide a more coherent narrative, making it easier to understand for those who aren't familiar with Aldmer lore. The fight itself has also been reworked to provide a more pleasurable experience.

    • New quest about the Thalmor's plot in Dawnstar to incite a worker's revolt amidst the plague - a heartwarming and heartbreaking story where you can decide the fate of the town and characters you'll grow to feel for. More hints to the Thalmor's dystopian ideology in the Shezarrine Saga have also been included.

    • Random NPCs reduced - previously, there were about 160 random NPCs in total. Now they've been reduced to about 10 per each Hold, making the game less cluttered and reducing lag, especially if you use HDT.

    • More climactic final battle - new music, new dialogues, and new character development for your player character.

    • Improved romance - progress-based, no longer need to spam gifts to Livia to romance her.

    • Stock Market of Skyrim - a stock trading system added to the game as an optional content. You can trade stocks, collect dividends, and perform actions that impact the game world's economy. (Limited to the stock trading system only, completely compatible with most mods except Open Cities)

    • Bugfixes.

    It's in the work, so it's still open to feedback. Please feel free to leave your comments and I may implement them if I believe they can make the mod even more enjoyable!

    The sequel mod Shezarrine is being developed in parallel. If you wish to contribute to our work and have modding skills, please be welcome to contact me!

    1. InDoPah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Seeing that Shezarrine is still in development just gave me three weeks worth of dopamine in a minute. o7
    2. hogjockey
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Better Ayraneserace

      Better WHAT???
    3. anbeegod
      • premium
      • 1,018 kudos
      The Frozen Wasteland, if you played the mod you'll know what that is.
    4. MasteredCid
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Aryan-ese Race? Huh.
    5. anbeegod
      • premium
      • 1,018 kudos
      When I see Ayran, I think of the Turkish delicacy. When you see Ayran, you think of a historical Indo-Iranian people whose name was hijacked by a bloodthirsty war criminal.
      When I see race, I think of restaurace and hence Czech food. When you see race, you think of ethnicity.

      We are not the same.
      In a more serious tone, "Ayran" means "Queen" in the ancient Aldmeri language, a variant of "Arana" in Ayleidoon. It is also a part of the evil ancient Aldmeri goddess-queen's name "Ayranaceth".
      "Serace" is an Aldmeri word I made up that means "waste, laid waste to".
      "Ayraneserace" means "the Queen's Wasteland" in Old Aldmeris.

      The final boss of Ayraneserace, "Serace e' Ayranaceth", means "Devastation of Ayranaceth" in blunt translation, or "Destruction brought about by Ayranaceth" if translated by the actual meaning.
    6. Direlyra123
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      • 0 kudos
    7. Squibster99
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      this all sounds awesome! Was actually considering downloading now, but I might wait...
  4. anbeegod
    • premium
    • 1,018 kudos
  5. anbeegod
    • premium
    • 1,018 kudos
    If you're stuck on a quest, use the debug function in the gameplay setting spell under Alteration spell. Remember to make screenshot and post it here!
  6. r6bakudan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So this is a "100% my fault" kinda problem, but I felt it worth mentioning regardless:

    I activated this quest long after installing and battling plenty of tough enemies, who all dropped the Blood of Energy vials. As they looked important, I kept them. By the time I started this questline, I had enough to listen all the way through the soul gem's story to the endgame, but did not realize that circumvented basically the entire quest. Not sure if that had to do with how difficult the endgame was, but I definitely had to tgm in order to not die within a few lightning bolts (at level 38).

    So if you are intending to do this questline properly, you should probably ignore the Blood of Energies as much as possible.
  7. FireballSuper
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    • 0 kudos
    Just in case, I found a bug with one of the later mod quests.

    In "Talons Of a Crow" it gives you the option:

    (Bring Sayma's Blueprint to the noble)

    Problem: When you come to Vittoria Vici (The noble) It has no dialogue option to give her Sayma's note

    This quest leads on from helping Audhid to get out from mourning and aid in the starving of falkreath. In order to get the war machine I think you need her?
  8. Kaioken100
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    getting a ctd related to this mod related to an npc called 'miner' and hairmalenord08 that happens everytime wherever they are
    1. Kaioken100
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      saw someone have a similar issue in comments but it did not happen when a crowd was around, one time in a mine where it was the only guy and other time with 3 guys in Beyond Reach's arnima.
    2. Kaioken100
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      [RSP+158] 0x216DF363100      (BSFadeNode*)Name: "skeleton.nif"RTTIName: "BSFadeNode"ExtraData[0] Name: "BSBoneLOD"ExtraData[1] Name: "BOM"ExtraData[2] Name: "BBX"ExtraData[3] Name: "BSX"ExtraData[4] Name: "SkeletonID"Flags: kSelectiveUpdate | kSelectiveUpdateTransforms | kSelectiveUpdateControllerFull Name: "Miner"Checking User Data: -----Object Reference: File: "Death Consumes All.esp"Flags: 0x00040008 kInitializedName: "Miner"FormID: 0x4001795FFormType: NPC (43)Checking TESObjectREFR: {}Object Reference: File: "Death Consumes All.esp"Flags: 0x00040008 kInitializedName: "Miner"FormID: 0x4001795FFormType: NPC (43)Name: "skeleton.nif"[RSP+160] 0x216DF363100      (BSFadeNode*)Name: "skeleton.nif"RTTIName: "BSFadeNode"ExtraData[0] Name: "BSBoneLOD"ExtraData[1] Name: "BOM"ExtraData[2] Name: "BBX"ExtraData[3] Name: "BSX"ExtraData[4] Name: "SkeletonID"Flags: kSelectiveUpdate | kSelectiveUpdateTransforms | kSelectiveUpdateControllerFull Name: "Miner"
  9. Tenz81
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Very great mod, cool adventure and deep lore, I liked very much the pacifist and politics critique of the mod (at least the with the choices I made), much needed especially in last years...
    Super story, nice follower, it remembered me a bit Rigmor and Umbra, but of course also much different.
    Also I appreciate a lot mods that add story and things to do to the existing worldspace/dungeons.
  10. Dylandog045
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    idk if you're still responding to comments but if you are does this mod work in vr?
    1. anbeegod
      • premium
      • 1,018 kudos
      Yes, it's actually a thrilling experience in VR.
    2. Dylandog045
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      oh hell yeah thank you. do you know if there's an installation guide? i tried downloading but i don't think i did it right
  11. Skyrimmodder65
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Idk if anyone has asked this already, Is it possible for you to make a legacy of the dragonborn patch (I'd love a Livia museum display to honor her since i was unable to save her). 
  12. Skyrimmodder65
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I wanted to ask a really weird question, I read that the Bards song (A murder of crows) was a tribute to the artist, Ive been unable to find out any info about the artist, did the artist pass away or is it a tribute for all the work they did?
    1. anbeegod
      • premium
      • 1,018 kudos
      No, it's his song, that's it. He's alive and well
    2. Skyrimmodder65
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Oh phew, thank you for replying, 
  13. DragonzBalls
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    This mod is good, especially Livia, congrat' voice actress.
    Bad thing is uninteresting generics NPCs added all over Skyrim, killing my fps.

    Edit: ok they're usefull to progress in the quest, but sh*** they're getting stuck in objects added by village and town mods, increasing my ram  x(.

    Edit 2: where can i find all quests and stages IDs ?   
    /!\ SPOIL /!\    =>   Have a bug at kavius dead body quest. I watched a playthrough and there's no "kavius's echo" around me, tried to find him with console and a mod for finding NPs, saying he's disabled.
    I reloaded my save before going to Rorikstead and i did the debug option spell and that's tell me to report you this: [DLC4_SF_DLC4MQ02ChangeLocatio_05016A99 < (4C016A99)>] 
    I did debug spell a second time and this time it says to report you this:
    [SF_BardAudienceQuestScene_00108ED5 < (00108ED5)>]
    1. anbeegod
      • premium
      • 1,018 kudos
      The next version fixes this issue
    2. DragonzBalls
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I'm done with this version. I didn't even finished it.

      Good points: voice-actors, the follower Livia, the quest concept.
      Bad points: many bugs, main quest transform into many subquests running all over Skyrim (this thing killed me), ram increased due to many NPCs added and plague script ? 

      To all, wait version 2.00 for trying this mod.
      Good luck to you for new version, potential is here, i will wait.
  14. Sauronm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    when the translation into spanish please?
  15. Emelean
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Really wanted to like this mod. The set pieces in Riverrun and Rorikstead were great to play through. But I can't recemend anyone downloads it. I had a character I loved who is now destroyed because The Lord of Death became invincible and kept infinietly reviving no matter what I did. Can't uninstall this mod without breaking your game as well. I also have a pet peeve against mods that require you to trapisy around their OC the entire time. I was determined to finish this before starting dawnguard so I could grab Serana, but now my character is gone.

    It's buggy as hell. Several quests I needed consoles to get pass and some of the encounters are just poorly designed. Three high level mages in a tight corridor spamming AOE spells? Seriously? And they have a huge HP pool... I play on expert and went through Vigilant the entire time without lowering my difficult. This forced me to drop it just to get past poorly designed encounters. At other times I just had to use consoles as some ledges couldn't be jumped over despite it being required to proceed.