Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. jburrowes
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    YEAH! This works for Skyrim VR. I have a lighting mod that made Bleak Falls Barrow - in the area you encounter Draugers - really dark. There was no way I was going to fight without a torch but no way to wield my bow with one! Thankfully this mod solved the problem. For anyone else with this dilema...

    - equip a torch
    - equip a weapon in the same hand and the torch drops to the floor - as it says in the description

    You can do this through your favorites menu or, if you're using VRIK, grab your weapon off your body

    - now put away your weapon and take out your bow

    Of course, this is only a partial solution because the torch drops where you're standing. That's not always convenient. So...

    HIGGS to the rescue!

    HIGGS - if you don't know of it already - is a fun new Skryrim VR mod that lets you pull things to you - like telekinesis - and grab and hold things. And throw them! Once you try it, it'll become a permanent addition to your load order - just as VRIK is. Now I often tidy up after a kill. I put the body aside, or in something or, if in a high place, toss it off! lol lol lol. That guy in Bleak Falls Barrow... What's his name? Hadvar? After he ran off he got killed by a Drauger and I placed his body in one of the, uh, shelves that they get out of. lol. Serves his right for running off after I helped him.

    So with HIGGS, after I drop a torch or two, I pull one to each hand and toss them to where I want them. Moving through the dungeon was a bit slower this way, but it's just so much more immersive when the walls aren't self illuminated. So I'll take the trade-off. And of course as you move through the area just pick up each torch with HIGGS and easily drop / toss them again. Rinse and repeat until through the dark area.

    Drop Lit Torches is great. Drop Lit Torches + HIGGS is GREAT!

    1. LaseRain
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      And that is exactly the post i was looking for. Funny that i'm at the exact same situation as you were. About to enter  Bleak Falls Barrow but kind of dark in there with mods :D Cheers for the info!
  2. paradoxnrt
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    Strange...mod prevents Skyrim from even starting.  It worked fine in my last install....and my mod list is almost identical this time.

    What is different is I'm using Nemesis instead of FNIS...but I can't see how that would be an issue....

    Too bad, I really like this mod.

    * The mod 'Simple Drop Lit Torches SE' works I'm not sure what the difference is between the 2 mods....
  3. MaleUser008
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Are the torches supposed to give off light when dropped? Mine aren't. They're "lit" but don't actually give off any light, and that kind of ruins the purpose of the mod for me, which is to be able to drop my light source when I don't have a hand free to carry it in really darkened dungeons, so it can still help me see.
    1. smallstonefan
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I'm having the same problem...
    2. MetalCh3
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      having the same problem, I don't use enb either.

      it's supposed to still give off light when dropped, I can see from the pictures. maybe it's because I have a lightning overhaul mod? RLO? Gonna give this one a try.
    3. MetalCh3
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      My findings show that if you are using a lightning mod like RLO with the effects option ticked (stuff that change lighting FX) upon dropping your torches will not emit light. It will be fine when equipped but bugged when dropped. There really needs to be a patch for such effects changes on lighting mods.
  4. hyp3rdr1v3
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm getting some incredibly bizarre bug where if I drop a torch and don't pick it up, when I equip a new torch I will occasionally be teleported back in the worldspace to my most recently dropped torch??

    The only other 'torch' mod I have is the one to cast shadows, is this some strange, unrelated script error? Anyone experience anything like this?
    1. PetroniusProwler
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      lol man you just crafted a new checkpoint magic xD
    2. Kenrox
      • member
      • 29 kudos

      Ok i will not download this mod for now XD.
    3. JohnnyWaffles27
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was getting this bug as well. It has stopped for me for some reason but I never knew what exactly was causing it.
    4. Kain973
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm a bit late to the party, but I just had the same bug.
      I'll have to uninstall the mod and change my enb to have a bit more light in dungeons.
    5. catbert7
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      That is bizarre, indeed! If it's not a problem as long as I don't leave torches behind, I can easily live with it, though. The usefulness of the mod is having light at a moment's notice for battles, not for leaving torches throughout a dungeon. There are already braziers and candles and such for that.
  5. deleted1065539
    • account closed
    • 5 kudos
    MCM support would be nice (yes skse64 works pretty good so far). I would like the option to pick up torch without equipping it again, and also a option to not drop on weapon change, perhaps a hotkey to drop it would be fine.
    1. catbert7
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      There is already another mod like this one that requires SkyUI, please leave this one as is for those of us who can't use SkyUI (VR users) :p And it seems to me that both the features you're asking for are already readily available with some common sense ;) If you don't want to equip torches when picking them up, simply have a weapon equipped in your left hand when you pick it up or else go into sneak for second when you pick it. If you want to equip a weapon to the left hand without dropping the torch, just unequip the torch first (though, I really don't know why you wouldn't want the light if you're going to be fighting there).
  6. ssj4kakarott
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    can we maybe please get a light version of the mod where you just press r and drop the torch and it stays lit and you and recollect it, otherwise it acts same as vanilla. jus don't wanna always have to remember to pick my torch back up.

    cool idea though.
    1. gamingsrc
      • account closed
      • 24 kudos
      I have done it despite I have zero knowledge in programming.
      I removed in the script all blocks except 2 that invoke drop/add lite torches to the inventory.

      Now I can get ride of "wearable lanterns mod" from my list since I never really liked it.
  7. balance5050
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have a bug where I can't re-equip the torch once I drop it to the ground. Help?

    Edit: Ok narrowed it down to what seems to be a conflict with torchees cast shadows. Patch possible on your end?
    1. christoph392008
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      Confirmed. Moving Torches Cast Shadows above SM Lit Torches doesn't help either.
  8. jaydee1989
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Dunno if there's any support coming for this mod, but I've got a pretty "mod-breaking" issue with it. In my case, the Torch Hotkey does in fact re-equip my previous weapon, but it will equip my previous left hand weapon to my right hand. Any chance to equip previous weapon to the correct previous hand?
  9. jesusrcm
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    • 1 kudos
    Spanish Translation:!SdkW1TrL!7Rm_ZlpnBn_zQznCKeZOjkoBgCuItWZaEHbmkis_0YQ
  10. jesusrcm
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The best mod ever my friend. Love It.

    It has auto equip but it dont auto add the torch to the quick menu.

    Very thanks for this essential mod.