Skyrim Special Edition

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Created by

Simon Magus

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  1. SimonMagus
    • premium
    • 2,287 kudos
    Hey everybody!

    Thanks for your interest in my work! Check out my Discord Server if you want to keep up with what I'm doing next. I also have a Patreon if you'd like to follow me and support me there. 
  2. Sebfish08
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I'm having an issue where the starting spells aren't being distributed when starting a new save. Any idea what could be causing this? I don't have any other magic mods and have mysticism installed already. Great mod otherwise!
  3. ComradeStranger
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    • 0 kudos
    I presume Nord's "you take 25% less damage while power attacking, drawing a bow, or casting a spell" applies regardless of combat mods which add attacks of opportunities and is multiplicative with similar perks from non-Adamant perk mods?
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
  4. WetDogSquad
    • premium
    • 31 kudos
    I'm getting a weird bug I suspect is being caused by this mod where whenever I enter a cell with a Khajiit NPC, I get the night eye effect applied to my screen.  Can anyone reproduce?
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      This is weird, I will look into it.
  5. pledex
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ngl dark elfs racial passive might be a bit op cus with that + alteration perk that reduces spell cost by 10% + sallow regent black book passive gives you 30% spell cost reduction with no equipment
    1. TwiceRek
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      All these effects are multiplicative with each other.
    2. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      There's nothing OP about this.
  6. Faldow
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi SimonMagus,
    I have a few comments to make regarding the racial abilities in your mod, based on lore from ESO:


    • Stealth: Khajiit are harder to detect when sneaking, reflecting their natural agility and stealth abilities.

    • Poison Resistance: Argonians have a natural resistance to poison, reducing poison damage by x amount.
    Bosmer (Wood Elves)

    • Poison Resistance: Bosmer possess a natural resistance to poison, reducing poison damage by x amount.

    • Robustness: Nords are known for their physical toughness. They should have additional health points to reflect their ability to endure injuries. (Bonus HP)

    • Increased Stamina: Orcs have superior endurance, allowing them to have a higher stamina pool. (Bonus stamina)
    • Strong Muscles/Legs: Due to their physical strength, Orcs should run 10% faster than other races.

    I understand that ESO and Skyrim are different games, but as someone who is obsessed with the lore, it feels strange to see Argonians and Bosmer without poison resistance, and Orcs without higher stamina than average. I just wanted to mention this, but of course, it's your mod, and I already enjoy it as it is.
    Otherwise, this is the most balanced and lore-friendly mod I have found. Thank you for your hard work!
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      Simonrim and ESO have very different goals.
  7. Ignikai
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi Simon.

    I was experiencing an issue where the lowest level Hagravens in Ooreeoo's 'Madmen' mod, were unable to cast the spells that were distributed to them, and discovered that the Aetherius 'lower starting skills' addon was the culprit. 

    I'm almost certain that this has something to do with the fact that every race's base skill level seems to be reduced by 10 in the 'iAVDSkillStart' record, but only the humanoid races appear to have their skill levels restored to their desired starting values in the various 'race' and 'adjuster' records. These records don't exist for the non-humanoid races, resulting in all of their skills being reduced by a flat value of 10 (which I confirmed through the 'More Informative Console' in-game interface). Therefore, Ooreeoo's lowest level Hagravens no longer have the skill levels necessary to cast the spells distributed to them (which rather amusingly, turns them into solely melee users).

    I went ahead and also checked the actor values of other spell-casting non-humanoids such as skeletons and draugr, and noticed the same 10 point reduction, which I could see posing an issue for various other mods. Therefore, Is it possible that the skill levels for non-humanoid actors remain unaltered/are restored, to avoid general mod conflict, or is this something that should be brought up with Ooreeoo and other mod authors to make a patch for?

    I really enjoy the lower starting spells for my player character, but now I'm wondering if it's perhaps causing other similar issues within my modlist, so I'd love to hear your input. Keep up the awesome work!
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      Thanks for pointing this out. My solution for this issue assumes that only playable races are affected. I will work on an update.
  8. Demonu
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    In the description: what does the yellow text for Argonians mean?
    I gather each race is coloured according to which archetype they fit best going by stats with blue = mage, red = warrior, green = thief but I do not know what yellow could be. Red and Green to make Argonians into warrior/thief because of Hand to Hand?
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      idk i just liked the color 
  9. HalfHound
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Edit: Hello again friends, I'm leaving this post up as to own up to my blunder. If anyone experiences this particular problem and you find yourself asking it, please read the description again, and do not fast-read like me. SimonMagus placed much effort on it and you'll do well on taking your time.

    Hello friends, anyone getting a visual effect bug with any NPC who is a Breton?
    Is like a small portal effect over them, every so often. I'm trying to figure out who is causing it and so far this mod seems like the culprit. 
    Anyone had the same problem?
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      Come on, seriously?
    2. HalfHound
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Im sorry, by your reaction it's likely that I missed something.

      I could have worded that better, your hard work does not go unnapreciated. I can delete this comment.

      Again, very sorry.
    3. HalfHound
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      I see what I missed now, so sorry for the inconvenience.
    4. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      We stan personal growth. (More seriously, there’s just no way for me to help you troubleshoot this, because literally any mod could accidentally add a broken cloak. The only real way to find it is to find a Breton NPC and disable mods until it goes away. That’s what I have the option sequestered in its own addon with a warning and everything.
    5. HalfHound
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Thanks for your understanding.

      I would like to learn; what do you consider a broken or poorly implemented cloak? I'm willing to manually patch my order if need be.
  10. Zeshin
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Noticing in new games I start, Orcs are not receiving the bonus to health/health regen.  It is listed in Active Effects, but Health isn't increased by 50 (pretty sure the Health Regen isn't working, but that one is harder to tell).

    Could be a conflict with a mod (I recall installing some sort of consistency patch for Aetherius, but don't recall it off the top of my head...though I know it's not aljoxo's Aptitude race changes, I never used that component of Aptitude).  I'll do some more checking when I can.

    Anyhoo, thought I'd mention it.
    1. SimonMagus
      • premium
      • 2,287 kudos
      This is a problem with your load order. Just open up Aetherius in xEdit to find what is overwriting it.
    2. Zeshin
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yep, found the issue.  An outdated Aetherius/Modular Clothing System patch.  Removed it and working normally.
  11. abignol
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does this work with cotr races