Skyrim Special Edition

Steps to get the Debug Information in SPM 64

1) Open SPM 64, and click on the "Launch Skyrim" button to start Skyrim SE.

2) If you're able to get Skyrim SE running from SPM 64, continue with step #3, otherwise go to step #4:

3) Once Skyrim SE launches, let it run for about one minute, and then exit the game. You should now be back in SPM 64.

4) In the SPM 64 Menu, click Tools, then "System Information". This will display the System Information  Window.

5) On the System Information Window, select the information type (typically DEBUG INFO) and click the "Copy to Notepad" button.

6) Once in Notepad, copy-paste the text from Notepad to either here on the Nexus site, or on PasteBin:

Please remember though, if using PasteBin, you'll need to grab that URL and paste it here ;)

Pastebin Example.  Please note that you are not required to create a Pastebin account.

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