• Invalid email addresses and you

    We've made a small change to the site today to inform any users whose emails are "bouncing" that they need to update their email records.

    A bounced email is basically an email we've sent you and then received back saying that the email is undeliverable.

    Bounced emails are bad for us as they are expensive to deal with on our email delivery platform and ultimately, if you are using the wrong email address or an email address that does not work/exist any more then you will n...

  • Security update for Nexus Mod Manager

    Today we are releasing some security updates for the Nexus Mod Manager to bring us in line with the new EU GDPR rules coming into force next month.

    NMM has been "end-of-line" since 2016, which means we no longer provide any official support for the software, but we thought it was prudent to spend the time and money to release this update so our users could continue to use the software's online services while ensuring we're compliant with the new regulations. We also did not want peop...

  • Vortex Alpha Release

    Hello everyone,

    For over a year now we've been working on a mod manager to replace the ailing Nexus Mod Manager. The premise was simple, attempt to combine the simplicity of the Nexus Mod Manager with the advanced functionality of Mod Organizer and create something that is accessible to all types of modders. Back in May of 2017 we named this replacement "Vortex".

    A couple of weeks ago we did a limited Alpha release of Vortex to 1,000 users, many of whom have been extremel...

  • February Giveaway #1

    I'm going to be completely straight with you, we're currently working on increasing our social media presence for Nexus Mods and have budgeted a small amount each month towards increasing our social media readership. We could certainly put that money straight into purchasing Facebook and Twitter ads, but I much prefer the idea of using that money instead to fund giveaways that benefit our users and that everyone can enter (even if you don't care about or hate social media).

    To that e...

  • Hiring for community management positions

    As part of our relocation process to our offices in Exeter, we now have two job openings at Nexus Mods working within our community management team.

    This position is based in our offices in Exeter in the UK and you will need a right to work in the UK before you apply.

    Here are the details.

    The Role
    As a community manager, it is your responsibility to interact with and look after the Nexus Mods community and understand the needs and wants of the var...

  • Limited Vortex alpha release today, full release soon

    Hello everyone,

    For over a year now we've been working on a mod manager to replace the ailing Nexus Mod Manager. The premise was simple, attempt to combine the simplicity of the Nexus Mod Manager with the advanced functionality of Mod Organizer and create something that is accessible to all types of modders. Back in May of 2017 we named this replacement "Vortex" and we aimed for a January 2018 release date.

    With that in mind, the full release of Vortex is alm...

  • We're Hiring: Vortex developer

    June 2018: We're currently not hiring for this position.

    Last year we set up our first office for Nexus Mods and began the process of relocating as many of the current staff as possible into the new environment.

    As part of this process, we now have a job opening at Nexus Mods working on our Vortex software with Tannin, which is replacing the Nexus Mod Manager.

    This position is based in our offices in Exeter in the UK, which I know limits our ...

  • Year in review and looking forward

    A belated Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everybody!

    We've been quiet in our news section recently as we've been busily working away on the site redesign and Vortex development, but the new year brings the perfect chance to update you on what happened last year and what we're working on in 2018.

    2017 in numbers

    We welcomed 1,612,142 new users to Nexus Mods in 2017, or to put it another way, a new member joined Nexus Mods every 20 seconds. We now ...

  • Mod Author Donation System

    While a few of the developers continue to work on the new site design, fixing up bugs, improving page load time performance and responding to useful critiques and suggested improvements to the UI and UX from users, I wanted to take some time out to announce a new feature that a few of our other developers are currently working on that we plan to launch in the first quarter of 2018. A new year's resolution of sorts, if you will.

    The new functionality I want to talk about today is...

  • PC Modding Race Giveaway! We have tons of games and gear to give away from GOG.com, CORSAIR, and MSI!

    In celebration of our new site design, we have teamed up with GOG.com, CORSAIR, MSI, and PCMasterRace to share our love for PC gaming worldwide through a massive giveaway! Before we get into the juicy details though, I wanted to take a quick trip down memory lane and look at some of the previous designs we've used at Nexus Mods before reaching this point.

    Since its initial founding in 2001, Nexus Mods has been through many incarnations. It all started with Morrowind Chronicles, a fan...

  • Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress

    We're currently implementing stage 2 of our redesign soft launch process and as such, you might experience a few oddities and/or get thrown about a bit between the old and new designs as we gradually implement the changes and stress test things.

    Stage 2 is moving the nexusmods.com domain over to the new design so by default, users will be on the new design. During this time we're still allowing users to access the old website design via https://old.nexusmods.com.

    If durin...

  • An update on Vortex development

    It's time for a Vortex development update!

    Since our last news post back in May we have setup a focus group of around 30 individuals who have been given access to an early build alpha of Vortex using a rudimentary design and UX flow. Tannin has been working with these users, taking on their feedback and patching up bugs that have been found over the past couple of months. At this stage, the core functionality is all done and now it's a matter of rounding off any rough ed...

  • New Nexus Mods design launched

    Hello everyone,

    The time is almost upon us as we near the official release of our redesign. We're now ready to share the redesign with all of you in the hopes that you can help us in identifying the remaining issues before we officially go live and change the site over.

    We're doing a very soft launch of this redesign. In September we provided the mod authors with access to the new site to receive their feedback and bug hunting help and a few weeks ago we provide...

  • Happy 10th Anniversary to The Witcher series!

    Hi everyone! This week is the 10th anniversary of The Witcher series by CD Projekt Red and, to celebrate, our friends at GOG.com are running some excellent deals!

    As all of these games are highly moddable, we wanted to let you know firsthand about these deals.

    List of moddable games on sale right now:

    The Witcher Series:

    The Witcher 3 - GOTY Edition (60% off)

    The Witcher 3 - Expansion Pass (50% off)

    The Witcher 3: Bl...

  • We're Hiring: UI Designer/Front End Developer Position

    Update: Thank you to all the applicants and submissions, please note that this position is now filled.

    We're looking for a UI Designer/front end developer to join our team at our office in Exeter, UK. The ideal candidate will be multi skilled with experience working with HTML/CSS/JS for both websites and desktop applications.

    Your primary short term role will be to help design and shape our new desktop application "Vortex" which is replacing the Nexus Mod M...

  • Mod Spotlight: Frosty Tool Suite

    Frosty Tool Suite
    The Frostbite Engine is one of the most powerful game engines around, and the backbone of many of the most popular games. Unless you only play indie games, you've likely played a game running on the Frostbite Engine. Up until recently, however, modding Frostbite Engine games was a daunting task (and by daunting I mean near-impossible).

    When GalaxyMan2015 (known as Ehamloptiran here on Nexus Mods) couldn't find the tools to dig into the Frostbite Engin...

  • Staff Picks - 07 June 2017

    This week we have enlisted the help of one of our moderators, Jokerine, to fill in for BlindJudge while he is away. She takes a look at cleaning up with command console in Fallout: New Vegas, while SirSalami decides to play The Witcher 3 with some help from Geralt's friends. Our guest submission adds a unique and lore-friendly set of armor to Morrowind and I'll be trying to beat the summer heat in Stardew Valley! 

    We love to hear the communities picks so keep them comin...

  • Nexus Mods and GOG Giveaway

    EDIT: Wow, we've had an incredible turnout for this giveaway. Thank you to the thousands who entered!

    With help from GOG, 60 winners were chosen at random and have been emailed their keys. Be sure to check your inbox!

    If you didn't win this time, don't sweat it. We'll keep trying to bring you more opportunities like this in the future. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get notified about the latest modding news, events, and giveaways like this one.

    Also, be...

  • Staff Picks - 24th May 2017

    This week in our Staff Picks - Terrorfox1234 shows he has a heart and looks to rehome an elderly gentleman, SirSalami goes all Hitman and sneaks around Skyrim dressed in the clothes of his enemies, Svariato decides that they are going to begin sinking oils back like they are shots to grant various powers to their characters and weapons, and I go all John Woo and decide that I'm going to run through the Fallout 4 wasteland taking pot shots at the limbs of all those who offend or attack me!...

  • The Great Thumbnail Rebuild

    We have been gearing up for some time to get ready to rebuild the thumbnails for over 2.5 million images that you’ve all uploaded over the years so that they are a much higher quality for the new website design that we've been working on.

    We kicked off this rebuilding process at the start of last week, and it is now complete. The higher quality thumbnails may take some time to filter down through our various CDN providers as they are heavily cached.

    Some of you m...