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  1. Conuai
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Look, I want to commend the mod author for a well-built mod, and the voice acting is top notch.

    That aside, there should seriously be a warning that this is not a lore-friendly mod, at all, inside the description.  I shouldn't have to spend 15 minutes checking around the internet to see whether others have decided it's not lore friendly when the mod author should know for themselves. Case in point:

    I just get finished having the Greybeards tell me that no one is allowed to visit Paarthurnax, and it's an honor that I get to meet him. I climb to the top of the throat of the world, ready to be surprised that the leader of the Greybeards is--*gasp!*--a dragon!

    And some dremora sells me a lootbox? I mean harr harr, lootboxes are a scourge on gaming and an inside joke. Whatever.

    But at the Throat of the World? If this guy had been in some random location I probably would have rolled my eyes and moved on. But this mod seriously should have some warning in the description that it isn't lore friendly. And feel free to say "the first image is a talking skull, what did you expect?" Except that talking dead guys aren't really lore breaking, and I'm totally fine with some characters that are lighthearted or jokesters.

    "But a dremora could get up there if he super duper wanted to!!1!one!" I don't care. This is supposed to be a bit of a solemn moment. This is a sacred place. And I can't even upend the people selling doves at the temple.

    There's good stuff in this mod, I don't want to just complain as if it's the worst thing evaaar. But seriously? I'd uninstall it, but I wouldn't want to harm the integrity of my save. Tongue in cheek is one thing. A few fourth-wall breaking jokes is also okay. But don't interrupt the battle at the Black Gate to have Aragorn sell me McDonald's mini-figures. It's kinda insulting.
    1. Koriik
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Yeah it does take a while to figure out whether its to your tastes or not. I wish there was a lite version tbh; there's so many NPCs with great dialogue but im not that into the python-esque characters along the way.
    2. deleted150923488
      • account closed
      • 9 kudos
      To be fair, this sort of fourth wall breakage seems more in line with certain older RPG's such as Baldur's Gate II (where a zombie has an argument with his nephew the first time you enter the city and go past the graveyard, kills him, and shuffles off to get it on with said Nephew's wife), that made all sorts of references to (then) real-world pop-culture and even political events and other such things.
    3. SpookyDonutGhostHouse
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Luckily if you install the ezPG mod you can decide what characters from this mod you want and which ones you don't. So, you can disable God King, Jarl Marx and the loot box guy which is what I did.
  2. Kathryyn
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    spoiler on a follower
    Strahg Is one of my favourite followers and the VA is like borderlands Psycho level quality, actually 10/10
    1. Sanzray
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Came here to say the exact same thing
  3. cronodoug
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    The mod idea was awesome... until I talked to the new NPCs and found out that everyone (that I could find) is very rude. It is no longer enough for all the Guards, Braith, Nazeen, etc. Now we have yet another exciting new pack of new offenses.

    As if in real life, people weren't offensive enough already.
  4. deleted150923488
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
    ''And that, after all, is what role-playing is about: allowing the player to explore morality and complex themes to develop their character and place within the world''

    If only Bethesda still felt this way...
  5. deleted150923488
    • account closed
    • 9 kudos
    ''Conversations exist as an exposition dump with no personality; only one or two options that lead to the same outcome or information. There were no meaningful choices for the player, no "voice" to each option in dialogue that allowed the player to build who they wanted to be in a given situation, only what Bethesda wanted you to know, where to go and what to do when you got there.''

    And morons 'still' call this game an ''RPG'', lol. What a joke Bethesda is becoming. 
  6. MrKinkku
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    Hi friend, I would like to congratulate your model is sensational. I would like to ask. Altmer from Darkbrotherhood, I found it in the intro screenshot. But my advanced save. and the dark brotherhood has been destroyed and is changing to Dawnstar, will he go with me, or if he dies along with the other members?
    1. Craftian
      • member
      • 585 kudos
      Hey there. Soliron dies with the rest of them. Funny thing is, I never actually scripted that... it seems to happen with the way Bethesda set up the attack and cell changes.
    2. MrKinkku
      • member
      • 50 kudos
      Wow, I wanted to ask you, because I'm writing a story, which has a big focus on the Dark Brotherhood, I would like to know if you allow me to use your character in the temple of Dawnstar? I don't intend to change its physiognomy, much less history, just relocate it.
  7. Stillsnow1234
    • member
    • 186 kudos
    This is a really awesome mod!
    But is there some kind of a cheat sheet? walkthrough or something about the followers?
    Cause, I just got dissed by Sarath, that "she felt sick about what I did at a temple" probably about Molag bal or Namira's quest, but it'd really help out if I did no how they feel about the actions I might take :(
    1. Mathejakpot
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      same here; it doesnt matter how I finish the quest "the taste of death" (killing the cannibals/becoming a follower of namira) she ends up hating me all the same. I really hope that there is some workaround to that ;-;
    2. Craftian
      • member
      • 585 kudos
      Copying this over from the SE bug report for reference.

      To explain this, the condition check used for The Taste of Death quest is GetQuestCompleted. Unfortunately, the game also considers failed quests still completed, so killing Eola means that the mod recognises your actions the same way as joining the cannibals.

      While this is unintuitive, it was also an oversight on my part that should've been fixed when changing the Stormcloak/Legion checks to the GetStageDone condition instead. The best thing I can suggest is to either not do the quest or use the "set" console command to change the relationship variables running in the background and bypass the bug.

      Off the top of my head, Sarath's was "CoT_rVar" to track her disapproval and Gallyn is similar. You can check by using the help command followed by "cot_" to get the Global Variable IDs. Strahg doesn't care or really have a morality.

      Open the console again and put "set [variable ID] to 1" without quotation marks to clear the disapproval.
    3. Mathejakpot
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Appreciate the support! Will definitely try this fix.
    4. Esmerelda396
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Can't seem to get this to work, maybe I'm doing it wrong? She also won't let interact with her inventory at all. I also will spawn the conversations once but if I tab out of the conversation will lose the option to ever have it again. Anyway to reset this?
    5. Craftian
      • member
      • 585 kudos
      That's not being caused by the bug, since the latest version fixed it.

      Sarath won't just allow you to take stuff or dump items into her inventory until you've gone to the effort to know each other, since she has difficulty trusting people. To put it lightly.

      Losing the conversation option after tabbing out is deliberate. One, because it was easier than having to flag with variables each time, and two, because my goal, above all, is to write people. Imagine having a meaningful conversation or trying to open up to someone and then that person just walks away. They, especially Sarath, wouldn't exactly be up for it again.

      Some people might think this is a cop-out answer, but characters should exist independently of the player, not mindlessly for their convenience, a la Bethesda and Ubisoft.

      Other than reloading a save, you might be able to get around it by changing the "set" command for her relationship variable, along with the level/quest checks to trigger these. However, the Say Once flag on these topics may still prevent it.
    6. Damocles09
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Every time I try the set command with the ID given by searching "COT_" and finding her it aays it's an unknown variable. I tried her Ref ID as well. I'm doing it like this "Set 541EC11B to 1". Could you explain further how to overcome this bug with Sarath with commands? EDIT: I figured it out, just misinterpreted your instructions. You do "set COT_Rvar to 1 or 0" and "Set COT_pvar to 1"
  8. TheZWizard
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    How do I marry anya? I want to marry anya.
  9. Thunderfluff
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    1. Craftian
      • member
      • 585 kudos
      Probably corrupted face gen or a mesh from another mod. That isn't being caused by Citizens directly.
    2. Thunderfluff
      • premium
      • 61 kudos
      Thanks for the idea. I looked into it and you were right! It was a corrupted mesh being worn by an NPC who was spawning there. I'll delete my previous comment.
  10. boogiebot257
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Maybe I'm not finding the right NPC's, but I'm pretty quickly wearing thin on the number of joke NPC's in the mod. An unfortunate Argonian that falls from the sky because of a supposed connection with dragons and a ghost who makes a quick joke. Okay, I guess, that's fine. But then I meet...Jarl Marx, and then I meet a dremora on the Throat of the World who's an extremely tired and played-out loot box joke. Really? Does the RPG from 2011 really need a bad loot box joke? My point isn't that jokes are bad for a mod to have, it's that these jokes aren't really in tune with the rest of the game and take me right out of it with Wild Wasteland-esque references. On top of that, examples like the dremora are just not good jokes. It would've been funny if emphasis was put on the dremora being stuck at the top of a mountain to sell crap to whoever comes by, that's a fine joke, especially if you pair it with the fact he's basically fifty feet away from Paarthurnax, but aside from an "I'm bored" line, nothing is done with the character and the joke is so one-note it's barely a note.

    Then there's Jarl Marx I mentioned. Does the fantasy RPG really benefit from a completely disconnected NPC that is making communism jokes? To make jokes about "rising up and seizing only what NPC's can?"  To make some of the most painfully delivered 'meta' jokes I've ever heard? If this is supposed to be a play on the concept of 'CHIM', it's done incredibly badly.

    Again, maybe I'm not finding the good, non-joke NPC's, but the ones I have encountered have all left an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. They just kind of hang out with the rest of the non-joke NPC's and serve only to take me right out of the game. If you're gonna have a joke NPC, that's fine, joke NPC's are fine. But it needs to not only be a good joke, but a joke that fits the game and isn't going to make the player groan with its inclusion.
    1. Butterfliezzz
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      What was the punchline in the "only what NPC's can" part? was it just to break the fourth wall?
    2. Bersark93
      • premium
      • 202 kudos
      Yeah I found that too, there's some serious and really well thought and written npcs and a few minor joke npcs which I don't mind but then Jarl Marx just takes me right out of it end up disabling him in console. That aside this add a lot of much needed content to Skyrim.