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Kalab Depew

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  1. Koranxtheold
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So wait, since you had stormcloaks in the picture, does this mean the rings work on army factions in general? Like, would the rings just kill off imperials, stormcloaks, and guards regardless of the faction?
    1. kalabquake
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was just in that town. There is a way to check if an actor IsGuard(), so it kills any actor it targets that IsGuard() returns true
  2. badwolflabs
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    combine this with an AutoLoot function and this would be [Voice type="James Earl Jones"] EPIC

    btw this would be way OP but can this be edited to work with bandits and such??

    btw could you include the psc files next time??
    1. kalabquake
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I added the psc files, but there isn't much to them.

      I have not seen a way to ask if the target actor is a bandit, but I did see that I can have it kill anything in a(or multiple) specific factions, so that seems possible.

      I wouldn't know how to do an autoloot function, but I will look into it

      I know it is 'way OP'. Having little experience in papyrus, and the ability to toy around with functions.


      This is my script to give the user every achievement in skyrim(It worked on my steam account). It was the first spell I made for skyrim, but I figured it wasn't a proper mod to put on Nexus. Also, I realize this would work better as a quest, but when I made it, I didn't know how to make quests yet.

      Scriptname AllAchievements extends ActiveMagicEffect
      import game

      EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
      objectReference caster = akCaster
      int i = 0
      While(i < 75)
      i = i+1
  3. Unedjis
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Lolwut? :D