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Blippy Pippins

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  1. phillipallenk
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I tried installing Snuggly Serana, but got some weird error message that told me I had to inform the MOD author.  Something about a child something or other that is invalid?  If you need the exact wording, I could try installing it again, then just write down the words, but you probably already know more than I do about this.  And, yes, I did indeed install all the ancillary MODs as instructed, ran FNIS, LOOT, etc. all that nonsense and still, I got the error message. If, in spite of everything I did, I still screwed up somewhere, please let me know. If not, then I send you this message about the missing or invalid file.  The error message says the MOD author has to correct this.

    OK. I got the exact wording of the error message.  It is as follows:
    The installer Snuggly Serana v1.3 (fomod).7z-90839-v1-3.7z is invalid and couldn't be installed: The element 'plugin' has invalid child element 'image'. List of possible elements expected: 'description'. Please inform the mod author.
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      My guess is that you're not using MO, this FOMOD was designed and tested with MO in mind, I don't use any other organizer and I likely never will, sorry.
    2. Arlyana
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      oh so its vortex then causing the problem
  2. Arlyana
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Fomod wount install due to a Invalild xml the element 'plugin' has invalid child element 'image'. Listof posible causes  line 10, pos 16
    it said to inform the mod author so that he/she can fix it
  3. regeth
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Your Mod  has just come to my attention: can you tell me, if at all possible, what outfit Serana is wearing?

    Many thanks
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      iirc, it's part of the remodeled armor set from CT77 I think? one of the hide sets
    2. regeth
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank   you
  4. soloforlife33
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Thanks for the mod. I can say it does not work with followerlivepackage mod.
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      sorry, I've still never gotten around to testing that mod out although I've always wanted to, it's probably a relatively easy fix, but until I install that mod and play with it, I couldn't say. what needs to be done is pretty obvious from the patches I've already made, so don't be scared to take a crack at it, as it is unlikely that I will ever get around to doing this myself
  5. Marryfrea
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. I love the concept of this mod. But sadly serana won't snuggle with my character. She'll just sit in on her bed roll. I've installed the archive version with nexus and am using sde. My relationship is more than 50 with her. I also have installed usleep. I've tried everything. From changing relationships status to 200 to adding her to married faction. But nothing works. The mods I'm using are deadlier serana, seranaholic, sde, camping(which you recommended) and yours. Don't know what I'm missing. Please reply.
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Hi, sorry, I'm not sure what could be affecting it - I'm hoping by 'camping' you mean Campfire by Chesko (which isn't a recommendation - it's a requirement). Otherwise I don't know what could be causing it. With a relationship that high, she should snuggle with you regardless. If you're still having issues, I would look into other Serana mods that you may have that may be overwriting her packages (I'm not currently aware of any other mod that does this though) as a starting source - I would look into any follower framework type mods you have like AFT, NFF, EFF, etc... I don't use these any more since they tend to make all my followers go whacky, but recent updates to those mods (since this mod was created) may be causing this feature to stop working for all I know and are the most likely suspects to alter this behaviour imo. This mod works because it inserts chesko's campfire package above most of Serana's other packages - By default she just doesn't see the package, this mod forces her to see it, that's really all it does, aside from setting a few other conditions to allow her to lay with you even when not married. In fact, I recently did a play thru for the first time with this mod installed from the start and found a bug in it - I need to insert a check to make sure Serana is actually NEAR you before she lays with you. Otherwise, even if you've never met her before, she will wake up next to you in campfire. I never noticed this happen before when I made the mod (probably because I was already well into the quest). So it's a bit buggy right now, but you can simply leave this mod out of your load order until you want her to lay with you and then add it in for now as a fix for this, you can add this mod at any time afaik, and have many times without any issues that I'm aware of. You campfire might be just 'out of whack' also - Being affected by some other mod and causing it act 'wonky'. I've seen Campfire do this many times (in my current playthru for example, I suddenly can no longer place cooking pots at a campfire, which I've seen happen before at least half a dozen times now). I don't know if it's a bug in campfire or (more likely) another mod causing it issues. Lots of mods will affect your game in really weird ways. I hope you find a fix.
    2. ayylmaoyya
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I found that it only works if I have Amorous Adventures installed (even if I haven't done any of its content), even though I don't even like that mod lol. For some reason she only does it when I have that installed.
    3. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Hmm, that's odd, it shouldn't rely on AA as far as I remember. But I definitely made some logical error issues with this mod last I checked. I recently started playing again and this was (I'm embarassed to say) my first time trying this mod from the very start, and I noticed that even though I hadn't started the Dawnguard quest yet, she was waking up with me while I was camping (when she should of been snuggled away in her tomb), so there's definitely some issues with it (easy fix, imo is to simply install/activate the mod once you've started the questline for the currently released version).

      I'm in the middle of completely rebuilding this mod actually (see the se version sticky for some notes). I'm deep in the middle of trying to develop a quest for it also, which is proving to be much more difficult then I expected, but so far is turning out pretty good imo. Unfortunately, I don't have plans to back-port it to LE, but assuming I do finish this mod, I might re-tackle this LE version one more time to simplify it so there aren't any real requirements, maybe just a dialogue to initiate her cuddling up with you and leave it up to the player to enable/disable the feature as they please.
  6. deleted62667266
    • account closed
    • 10 kudos
    This is in my permanent load order. It works great! Thank you.

    Could something similiar be done with M'rissi?
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      ya, you could use this with any follower, but you'd have to replace all references for Serana for M'rissi. This would require modifying the esp and the scripts iirc.
    2. deleted62667266
      • account closed
      • 10 kudos
      Thanks for replying! I may look into doing that(at least for myself), provided it's cool with you.
    3. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      It's actually partly why I made this mod, as an 'example' of how to do just that. Knock yourself out ;-P
  7. rooser1
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Would it be possible to add the option to lower the Serana Dialogue Edit relationship level cap on this LE version. Just as you have for the SE version. It would help in testing if I could rule out a too low SDE level vs another mod conflict. Thanks.
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      I do intend on eventually updating the LE version as well, but it's not currently on my plate atm of things to do, however, with that said - Sooner or later, people are going to go with one or the other. I used to be very pro LE, but since I've been using SE again, and finally seeing how much has now finally been converted and how much better it just runs overall - I may stop providing LE ports enitirely. An outright decision hasn't been made for this yet, but it may be an issue in the future. It's also quite possible that I will provide a single version that simply works for both, it's not a very complicated mod and I wouldn't be surprised if I can, I just haven't tried that yet.

      I honestly don't know how much ThatGuyYeah (creator of SDE) would appreciate me telling you how to do this. Not that he ever told me how, but from his forums, it appears like everyone has been trying to figure out how to change this setting, and considering ThatGuyYeah hasn't posted any responses regarding it that I've seen, I'm under the impression he prefers people not knowing. Maybe I'm just completely wrong, it's not like I've read all the posts there.

      However, I do understand the need for troubleshooting and I can easily see how it could get annoying. So, despite what I've previously said, I'm gonna tell you how to troubleshoot this thing to hell and back.

      When you want to know what your SDE relationship level currently is while playing you can type this into the console:

      sqv sdecustommentalmodel

      If you press pageup a couple of times (3 for me iirc), you will see a line that says:


      ??? is the current value of your SDE relationship with Serana. Now to change it, its also a very simple command:

      setpqv sdecustommentalmodel sdecmmrelvar 50

      This will change your SDE value to 50. I'm sure this will help you out a ton. Good luck with whatever you're working on.
    2. rooser1
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you - You're right that was extremely helpful. No doubt there are many out there who will appreciate you sharing this information. I was able to confirm that despite freeing Serana from imprisonment, foiling her father's evil plot, rescuing her mother from the soul cairn and bringing about their reconciliation, convincing her to give up being a vampire, and finally joining in holy matrimony, somehow i was still in the friend-zone.

      In fairness to ThatGuyYeah I must admit to installing SDE just prior entering Soul Cairn so its quite possible i missed certain opportunities to raise the value beforehand.

      But I did not expect to have SDE relationship level below 50 given i had completed Dawnguard so i suspected a possible mod conflict was keeping your mod from working. Set the SDE value to 50 and your mod works exactly as described. Very Nice! Her behavior is now consistent with my play through.

      Again, thanks for your quick reply and even more thanks for sharing what you've learned. Hope you keep modding.
    3. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Ya, it takes a LONG time to get her relationship value up to 50 I think, I just did a playthru where I completed the Dawnguard Questline as well as the Dragonborn Questline, which was the last big update for SDE I think, and I was still at only like low 30-40 iirc, I'm guesing I missed a lot of content (makes we want to take a closer look under the hood of the mod), I'm pretty sure the max value he set was 200 for his mechanic, I have no idea how you're suppose to even approach that, or if it's even possible yet (probably not). I'm pretty sure he still has a lot more planned. I payed close attention to her numbers by the time I began the quest until I hit the Chasing Echo's quest. It was almost exactly that time that it just went over 25 in relationship value, which to me, makes sense as a good time for her to feel that comfortable with you and clearly makes sense if you have Amorous Adventures installed.
    4. rooser1
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      That explains it. Adding Amorous Adventures for new play-through. Looks fun. Just curious if there's a simple way to drop your mod's SDE value check or just stick with changing the SDE value in the console? I did notice a >=50 reference check for your mod in TES5Edit under the bp_camp_spousesleep package for the GetVMQuestVar. Would setting that to 25 accomplishing the same thing? Haven't tried it since i didn't want to break anything mid play through.

    5. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      That would partially solve it, you would also have to look for '50' in the scripts, one of them has 3 places where it would need to also be changed to 25 and then you would need to recompile the script, which is actually super simple, you don't even need to use the CK if you don't want, just drop it in your papyrus location and compile it. It's honestly easier to just change the sde value, but I have no idea how much that affects SDE. As far as I know it's really just 'tracking' your relationship level, but not actually 'using' that value for anything much, but I could very easily be wrong, I've never looked into it that much, in fact, the SDE check was an after-thought for this mod, it wasn't originally part of it. You might be just as happy using v1.0, which lacks all that stuff and simply makes her lay down with you after Chasing Echos. I don't remember what the requirements were for it, but I think that was all that was necessary. Although you might run into issues with AFT if you use that.
  8. blckknight119
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Can this mod be safely converted to Special Edition:?
    1. shawntheguitarist
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      I attempted it and got way more errors in CK than I typically would for self-conversion. SSEEdit didn't like it, either. I saved anyway and got CTD. It'll likely take a bit more hands-on than the usual easy-peasy conversions of re-saving the plugin (and working with the BSAs and NIFs). If anyone comes up with a process that works please post instructions so I can self-port for my own usage (or if the author succeeds in porting officially that'd be awesome too).
    2. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Without looking into it (I haven't played in a while unfortunately), due to it's hard and soft dependencies and SKSE integration requirements, I highly doubt this mod will work with SE as is, or even with only minor changes. It would need a complete rewrite I would think, which probably wouldn't be that hard, but it really depends on SKSE64 and how Campfire was changed in SE (afaik, unless he's released another version, Chesko removed much of his code, which iirc, I access in this mod).

      Long story short, I'd have to look into it, which I'm sure I will eventually, I love this game and always come back to it, but atm, it's not something I'm playing.

      I have many reservations on using SE for various reasons, it's why I make my mods for LE. Until the dust finally settles on SE and the SKSE64 updates (which may have happened by now, I have no clue, I'll find out the next time I get a hankering for modding again), I doubt I will make mods for it, if ever since, imo, most serious players are likely still using LE and probably will never make the switch.

      Just before I stopped playing there was another really good sleeping mod released, which unfortunately I forget the name of it, but it looked pretty cool. You might want to track it down (maybe a year ago), but tbh, I doubt Serana will work with it and will again require a mod like this to get it going, but it's worth a try. Wish I could help you more atm.
    3. shawntheguitarist
      • premium
      • 83 kudos
      Every time Creation Club gets an update they update the Skyrim EXE which requires SKSE to get an update to compensate. Most SE users like myself have turned off automatic updates in our Steam settings and only manually update if there is an actual runtime change within SKSE that one of our mods requires (like Papyrus Util or something of the sort). It's annoying, but Creation Club is the culprit. For the most part, unless a resource you use within SKSE goes through an actual change during one of these updates, there isn't much maintenance needed on SKSE64-based mods. Many continue to work just fine without reversioning (SKYUI for example hasn't seen an update since schlangster ported it last fall).
    4. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      I just uploaded the SE version, it's now available here:
  9. Youmaycallme6OD
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    so I tried to install it via Vortex and got:

    The element "plugin" has invalid child element "image". List of possible elements expected: "description"
    Please inform the Mod Author

    No freaking clue whats going on but there you go
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      Unfortunately I've never used Vortex. The mod works perfectly fine in LE however. Your issue is not the mod, but with Vortex and possibly how it expects to import mods. Vortex may not work well with FOMOD installations if you're trying to use that, so you might want to use the archived version instead if that's the case (or vice-versa).

      I have always used mod organizer and I highly suggest you do the same.
  10. dickheaddicted
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    OMG this is so cute!!!! LOVE THIS MOD!! perfectly match with amorous adventures!! lol

    edit: wait. why wont she do it already? am i doing it wrong? is it because im already married to her, finished all her quest in dawnguard and amorous adventures, then i installed this mod and serana dialog edit afterward, so my relationship still "tolerate"??
    but ive also tried to add her with "addfac c6472 1" but nothing happen~_~ please help. ii dont have any followers mod so... or can i tweak the relationship using console?? pls
    1. blippyp
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      It's been a long time since I've looked at this, but my guess is that you have Serana Dialogue Edit installed and your relationship level with her isn't high enough (iirc, this overrides everything else), because even married couples don't want to sleep/snuggle with eachother when they're not getting along ;-P