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About this mod

The imposing Centaurs are an ancient and reclusive beast-race with traits of man and horse. Alternatively admired and despised, legends of their exploits range from the epic to the pornographic. The Council of Artaeum have called the Centaurs "true followers of the Old Ways" of Tamriel.

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"Centaurs are ancient and mysterious creatures, alternatively worshipped and despised. Legends of their exploits range from the epic to the pornographic, perhaps for no better reason than that they have varied personalities. The Council of Artaeum have called the Centaurs "true followers of the Old Ways" of Tamriel, referring to the complex system of ancestor worship that Artaeum itself espouses. All that one can certainly say about Centaurs is that in battle, there are few who are equal." Daggerfall's manual description on Centaurs

"The imposing Centaurs are a nomadic, sentient beast-race with traits of man and horse. A Centaur possesses a humanoid head with pointed ears, strong man-like torso and arms and a lower body similar to the body of a horse. They are covered in brown fur in the most part of their bodies. They are legendary creatures who are admired by some and despised by others, while some think they are just no more than a myth. Considered to be ancient and mysterious, Centaurs are capable of sophisticated speech and some use to refer to other races as "mortals", suggesting that they possess a greater lifespawn, perhaps similar to elves, or even that they have power over their corporeal existence. 

There is evidence that the second theory is correct, with Centaurs being practitioners of Mysticism, a school little understood but with incredible powers of manipulation of matter and spirit, known for the manipulation of magical forces and boundaries to bypass the structures and limitations of the physical world. When in danger or about to enter battle, a Centaur casts a non-verbal protective spell on himself that protects his soul from being captured, and his body from being desecrated if he is killed. When it dies, the organic matter dissolves, leaving behind only a yellowish etheric liquid. According to several scholars, they actually teleport their now dead body to another dimension or even to an unknown place on Nirn, instead of dissolving it, and some even argue that they simply teleport themselves before they die, as an automated magical escape route, making it impossible killing them and justifying why they refer to other sentient races as mortals, but everything remains in the realm of theory.

In Valenwood, Centaurs were one of the many civilizations inhabiting the province's vast forests, predating the elven inhabitants' arrival. Following the fall of the Second Empire, they came to inhabit the abandoned human trading posts on the province, and according to old tales, families of Centaurs attended revelries in Falinesti alongside Bosmer, Wood Orcs, and Imga. The Elden Hollow beneath Elden Root was the final resting place for generations of Centaurs and Minotaurs.

In High Rock, Centaurs made their homes in the woods and hills of Bangkorai, having been more commonly found in the First Era. Their populations dwindled by the Second Era, but proliferated to higher numbers later on. By the late Third Era and the current Fourth Era, they can still be encountered in the Illiac Bay regions of High Rock and Hammerfell, but also occurring in the holds of Skyrim and Cyrodiil that make frontier with the mentioned regions. On that provinces they commonly live solitary lifes, while in Valenwood they were described in large groups living on deep forests. Their native tongue is known as Centaurian.

Centaurs are proud and honorable, and formidable foes. Commonly they wield piercing weapons, such as spears, halberds, guisarmes and similars, but some Centaurs can be seen using swords or claymores. They use simple shields, and paint their bodies with tribalistic symbols and runes, probably related to their old traditions. They use rustic armor, such as fur, leather, and iron. Due to all the prejudice against their race over the eras, they became hostile to other races, and have the tendency to be territorial, attacking invaders on sight.

Centaurs on Skyrim are treated as outcasts. In the past several Centaurs joined the Imperial Legion, to serve Tamriel and spread freedom and justice, but after the events of the last war against the elves, they ended completely disappointed looking at the cowardy of men, who they allways considered respectable due to their bravery and honor despite their fragility and small lifespawns, and looking at the tyranny of elves, who they allways considered fellow brothers on the ancienty, and carriers of the wisdom that derivates from a long life. All that savagery made several Legionnaire Centaurs leave the legions of the Empire and they are now considered deserters and seen with distrust by the Empire. 

In the other hand, knowing that many Centaurs served the Empire, Stormcloaks are commonly hostile to all their kind, having the belief that all their race was aligned with the Imperial forces. This harsh environment forced the Centaurs living on provinces such as Cyrodiil and Skyrim to choose for solitary lifes in remote places, since the mere grouping of a small clan would be reason enough to raise suspicions of riot for the authorities, which could lead to a bloody attack against the group.

No much is known about their beliefs or society, not even what exactly their "Old Ways" are. What scholars know is that most Centaurs have a strong connection with the nature, specially with the art of the hunt. They honor the ancestors, and the living force of all things. Some Centaurs in past ages described their worship of aspects of Kyne, Hircine, Lorkhan and the Earthbones (such as Y'ffre) during interactions with other races, but scholars also believe in the possibility that each group has a different line of belief.

Some Centaurs aligned themselves with the Reachmen after the events of the Great War and other similar conflicts, seeing the Reachmen as a light at the end of the tunnel for humans, believing that they remained faithful to the "Way of the Old Gods". These Centaurs have embraced the cause of these clans, including the Forsworns, and are now part of their societies, defending the camps, participating in plundering those they deem lost, which includes virtually all non-Reachmen, and worshiping the Hagravens, Hircine, plus all the rest of the Old Gods pantheon. However, it should be noted that most Centaurs apparently do not agree with this view, as they have been seen on several occasions engaging in combat with the Reachmen Centaurs they encounter, as well as documented attacks do exist made by the Reachmen on Centaurs not aligned with the Reachmen clans.

On the other hand, those who served the Empire and are now seen as deserters, and who served as legionaries, tribunes and legates during their time of service, seem to be more accustomed to imperial traditions, nonetheless, as they still use ritualistic body painting, it is unknown to the scholars dedicated to their study, what the beliefs of these Centaurs really are, with most of these scholars believing them to be simply a syncretic mixture of both cultures.

Those who seem to be keeping to their original traditions and lifestyle in a more puritanical way are the most common to be found in the wilds of Skyrim, but what these original traditions are specifically is unknown, however scholars believe the theory that these groups indeed live a more pure and ancient Centaur lifestyle because they cannot identify influences from foreign traditions on their behavior and way of life. Unfortunately Centaurs are shrouded in mystery, and because in the 4th Age the friendly interaction with other folks is virtually impossible due to the long history of abuse they suffered at the hands of other races, it is possible that everything about these fascinating beings will forever remain a mystery."

by Beastmaster Mihail *
(*Who is Beastmaster Mihail? He is my avatar/persona within the universe composed of all my mods. He is the ingame author who writes the texts that are usually presented as descriptions for my mods. A former monster hunter, now a dedicated scholar, he is planned to be released as an NPC in late 2022/early 2023, doing the same job in-game as my descriptions do on Nexus.)

- 6 new creatures: Centaur, Centaur Wildhunter, Centaur Marauder,
Legionnaire Centaur Deserter, Legionnaire Centaur Renegade,
Legionnaire Centaur Apostate;

- 4 new weapons: Iron Guisarme, Forsworn Spear, Centaur
Steel Halberd, Legionnaire Steel Halberd

So far no incompatibilities have been found between this mod and other mods.
(OBS- If by chance when installing several of Mihail's mods at the same time you are asked about files overwriting those of other Mihail mods or other authors mods, don't worry because they are just the same files shared between mods. I recommend that on these occasions always give preference to the files contained in my mods, and among mine always give preference to the mod you are installing last.)

The Mihail Monsters and Animals series aims to create and make available to the community the most complete set of creatures for TES 5: Skyrim, implemented in an immersive and unique way, with respect to the pillars of lore. Instead of pathetically just throwing models and textures in the game reusing 100% vanilla mechanics, the creatures made by Mihail have uniqueness and extreme zeal in their idealization and implementation, which will provide you with an experience that you have never had before in this area.

- The last Skyrim Update
- DLC Dragonborn
- DLC Dawnguard
- DLC Hearthfire


Mihail- centaur models, textures, animations, sounds, spells, effects, forsworn
spear weapon, 4k re-texture of the halberds and guisarmes, game implementation;

Some assets used on this mod belong to:

CD PROJEKT RED-  model and original textures of the following polearm weapons used by
the centaurs: Iron Guisarme, Centaur Steel Halberd and Legionnaire Steel Halberd