

  1. destructor36
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    • 46 kudos
    v1.3 is up. It's safe to upgrade from 1.2 to 1.3 on an existing save (just follow the instructions under 'Updating' in the Description tab), but not from earlier versions. In addition to some new spells and improvements to existing ones, the big new feature here is the Dwarven Automata, which have been redone to use the Control Rod system seen with Aicantar's spider in the Thieves Guild questline, rather than the old 'pokemon-style' system of carrying them in your inventory. This makes them a little more balanced and has been a lot of fun to play with in testing.
    At this point, I'll be prioritizing development of the Special Edition version, preparing for an upcoming fully modular release for Special Edition, VR support, and support for some Special Edition-exclusive mods. If any major bugs are discovered, these may get ironed out with a patch - otherwise this should be considered the stable release for Legendary Edition.
  2. Gremory139
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    • 0 kudos
    Man, this mod don't work in my game, the childrens lost their hair, my Carry Weight went from 514 to 360, and none of the speechcraft options, which was what I most wanted to use in this mod, appeared to me. :(
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      This mod doesn’t edit child actors or races so I don’t think it would be related to this. Base carry weight is set from 300>150 by the Recalibration module. In LE you have to save and load with the mod active for the game to update dialogue options - have you done that? If not, make sure you’re meeting the conditions for the new options to appear - wearing something with ClothingPoor keyword to beg, fists raised to brawl, fists or weapons raised to rob. Not all options appear when talking to people like beggars, guards, or for actors in scenes, so try on multiple people as well. If that doesn’t work, try moving SU’MMER lower in your load order and let me know if that helps
  3. CuriousGent
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    Great mod lot's of interesting features that improve gameplay and immersion. One tiny gripe, I noticed the new prices for Travel, lodging, and companion animals (which is a great little feature) isn't reflected in the dialogue text.
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      Those dialogues pull directly from the global settings for the prices. I can confirm when testing with just this mod and the unofficial patch that the values show up correctly. Do you have any mod below this one that would overwrite those values? Or anything that might change or translate the dialogue text that might have it not pulling dynamically from game values? Those would be the most likely culprits
  4. klydeking
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Excellent! Thanks for the update, I downloaded it before the updates sticky post, so I've anticipated the info.
    I'm committed to LE, due to so many mod packages that I've built for my use.
    There are enough SE developments that I'll be working on a parallel build there.
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      You shouldn't lose much by sticking with LE, the split was mostly motivated by how feature-complete and balanced the mod feels to me at this point, and my plans to build a modular version which is only possible with the SE file structure. Hope it plays well with your mod packages, and glad you're enjoying it.
    2. klydeking
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      Thanks for the reply and the great mod. There are some large mods that aren't going to be made for LE, Odyssey of the Dragonborn, the Beyond Skyrim project, just to name a couple, make it worth it to do a SE build.
  5. kennn97
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    • 3 kudos
    Is there a list of spells or perhaps a cheat container in the game that has all the spells added from this mod? I wanted to check for spell overlap from other mods I use.

    Also, I didn't realize I needed a new save to use 1.2 update. I updated and kept using my current save, which doesn;t have much playtime though. What consequences or problems could arise from continuing to use this save?
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      Look in the MCM and you’ll see a testing option that will add all the new spells to your character.
      The main consequences to continuing an older save would be that your MCM won’t update properly in this and future updates, so some toggles may not function correctly and some new ones may not load in. You may experience some issues with followers and traps as those scripts are continuously running on objects in the world, and both those systems received updates in 1.2. Other than that you’re just missing out on some performance improvements and bug fixes - if you come across anything game breaking though post a report here and I can see if there’s any way to troubleshoot it.
    2. kennn97
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Hey thanks again for the info! I'm going to end up just starting my saves over as I have some other mods that I want to add that require a new save.

      This mod is fantastic by the way, I found it at the perfect time. I was finishing up my load order, running out of esp slots, and your mod allowed to get rid of like 5-6 other mods. It also had some features I was hoping to find mods for, so all in all great work!
  6. destructor36
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    • 46 kudos
    Version 1.2 is up. This update will not work for saves using v1.1 or earlier of the mod - it will require a new save. I made some under-the-hood tweaks to the form numbers that track objects across your save games so that I can fit the Special Edition version into modular ESL files that don't count toward the load order limit in an upcoming update - I know it's a pain for users who may have updated to 1.1 just a month ago on existing saves, but this will allow me to keep supporting the Legendary version in parallel to the Special Edition version, at least for the next few versions. All future updates LE receives should be compatible with this version though. Translation files will be up in the next few days.
  7. kennn97
    • premium
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    Can the Recalibration Patch be merged into a small merge patch or will it mess up the sneaking changes?
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      I don't think that would cause any problems - all the sneak changes are tweaks to game settings, so can be merged/overwritten without the potential to break much
    2. kennn97
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      what about merging it with the main SUMMER esp?
    3. destructor36
      • member
      • 46 kudos
      Also totally fine
    4. kennn97
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      awesome thanks for the info!
  8. valdezdarklight
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    • 0 kudos
    I'm having a bit of an issue with a feature if the mod, long story short I'm using it along SkyRe and have the aim shake disabled but when I aim with the bow and the combat starts it starts shaking similar to when I get hit(SkyRe feature), so I'd like know how can I fix it? I like the mod and everything it adds but this issue makes it very hard to play as an archer
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      I used to play with SkyRe ages ago but haven't tested it with this mod - I also don't recall it having an aim-shake feature though and don't see anything about it in its documentation, so are you sure that isn't coming from a different mod that might be conflicting with SkyRe? You can test this by deactivating just this mod (SU'MMER.esp), loading in with SkyRe and all your other mods still active, and seeing if if the issue persists. If it doesn't and it really is coming from this mod, you should be able to fail-safe turn off the aim shake feature by opening the console and typing "set aaaAimShakeMarksmanActive to 0" - if that works and the menu toggle didn't there may be some problem with the MCM - did this occur on a save where you updated from 1.0 to 1.1 of this mod? Try those and let me know if either method works.
    2. valdezdarklight
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      • 0 kudos
      SkyRe has a feature that makes it so if you get hit by anything while aiming a bow you stagger, it goes both ways so if you hit an enemy archer while they aim they stagger, so I think is an issue between the aim shake feature of your mod and SkyRe thinking I'm being hit and making me stagger constantly, I tested it a few minutes ago with the same modlist except SUMMER and it didn't happen so is 100% a conflict between your mod and SkyRe, it wasn't caused by the update but I tested it with the new version and it has the same problem, I don't know how hard it would be to make a compatibility patch or have a version of SUMMER without the aim shake feature to make it compatible with SkyRe, if not possible I will just avoid using it in archer playthroughs but I really like most of the features that you implemented, thanks for taking the time to respond
    3. valdezdarklight
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      Update: I tried the console command and the stagger still happens, so it's possible that the problem may come from another effect, if there's an effect that is being applied as a hit on your mod that is likely the problem, as I mentioned in my last comment the stagger doesn't happen if SUMMER is not active
    4. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      Thanks for reporting. Will be sure to double check all the magic effects to make sure nothing is improperly flagged in a future update. Despite the current note I have stickied saying 1.1 might be the last for LE, I've been finding things I want to implement while preparing the SE update for this version, so I'll likely be updating this version as well.
  9. Sugao
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    • 16 kudos
    Suggestion for followers: following distances. Followers as Companions has a really nice idea where your followers actually walk close to you, like a friend, but it bugs out for me (I'm walking calmly down the road with my follower when suddenly his AI trips out and he goes sprinting off in a random direction, not chasing anything, and then runs circles around me before settling back by my side for some time...before dashing off again to repeat the process). I think FaC has too tight a "leash", and if my follower gets anywhere but exactly where it wants him (say, he has to walk around a rock or uneven ground separates us momentarily), the AI has a conniption and decides the solution is to run away to settle down. If you could just set the vanilla following system distance as "close, medium, or far," so followers would follow calmly like in vanilla but with a shorter distance, that would be nice. FollowerLivePackage allows setting of follower distances, but it's another .esp in my already-overtaxed load order, and this mod purports to be an "all-in-one" for many things.
    1. destructor36
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      • 46 kudos
      I may look into this for a future version, was playing around with the full 7 followers supported in the latest round of testing/updating and while it's not too noticeable with a few the train definitely gets long beyond 3-4 followers. Thanks for the suggestion.
  10. destructor36
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    • 46 kudos
    Version 1.1 up for Legendary Edition - the SE version should be coming within a few days.
    This version includes numerous usual/performance improvements, balancing tweaks, and small bugfixes - see the changelog for these.
    At this point, the mod is feeling well-balanced and most of the bugfixes being implemented are to bring performance in Special Edition in line with performance in Legendary. Given that, and with more of the modding community moving on to SE, I'm considering freezing development on LE and making future updates only to SE. If you start to see updates there not reflected here, that's why. Permissions will remain open.
    • supporter
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    OMFG!!! Apologies for the swear, but I am blown away by the description which so far (haven't finished reading yet) appears to adress ANYTHING I want in my game. I am OVER THE MOON.

    There has to be some catch, right? This can't be the answer to all my prayers? Oooh, I need to download and test this asap! (Giddy like a child)

    If this really is what I think it is, my mod list is going to get smaller. Significantly so.

    Whoa, still very amazed by the description and videos. I would love a disguise spell though, maybe in combination with the faction armour to make it harder to be detected.