

  1. teresatiger
    • premium
    • 131 kudos
    This is absolutely beautiful but I wish there was a way to detach it from General Stores and just have the space.
    1. changestorm
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I was okay with the original, but I really wanted the auto-sort and for some unknown reason, the auto-sort wasn't showing upo. so I switched to this.
      first, it looks amazing. very well lined out, simply looks incredible.'s purely a cheatroom, now. teleports to everywhere, so many variant general displays areas that I decided to just ignore them, There wouild be literally no way I could use this as a rolep[laying aid in my skyrijm game.
      but it's so good looking...Maybe someday I'll conceive of a scenario where this would fit into my game...maybe I'm Vivec returned?
  2. jiraiyah
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm not sure what is the problem on my side, but as soon as i enter the jar i get out of it automatically back to where i was standing before entering it?
  3. Pretender6
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Couple of Suggestions?

    Make the Alchemy potion a lesser power, keep the no-activate-in-combat aspect

    Seperate the Custom Sorter activators, perhaps within another part inside the same cell if nessecary.

    Place General Stores direct access activators, 1 click -> onehanded weapons etc to the left/right from there you come in?
  4. mohawkman39
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    This is a great mod. It gives me a place to put all my stuff when I am overweight.
  5. dunatypon
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    first class work, but summon a portal to get in and out maybe an idea

    PS:now I just have to add some more rooms
    1. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you, but is that idea for player? or for NPCs?
      This jar is portable, and made to able to use it for safe saving. I think it to be also important.
      I made mannequins selectable by switch because of this.

      So I don't make portal to increase the entry and exit of NPCs.
      There is Navmesh and added beds, but this is for followers. They may enter this place and walk around.

      By the same reason, I don't make this for adopted children and spouse.
      For children, it needs outdoors as same location...

      If you want more commodious home, use other mods with this.
    2. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I wrote that reason, but even if I try to make this portal for NPCs, it seems to be impossible.
      Of course a door can move to anywhere by using scripts, but...
      By specification of Skyrim, Navmesh finalizing on CK is necessary for NPCs recognizing it to be a door.
      Without this, door is only for player.
      NPCs cannot enter the jar by their own free will.

      To match this specification, it needs disabled doors anywhere in Skyrim, and to enable one of them if you need. This is unrealistic.
      If I make a door not capable of being moved, it is no more portable home. It is like a common home which has a teleport spell.
      I don't want to do that.

      So, NPCs cannot enter this jar without player's will.
  6. BGSenTineL
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    Hi celinmods. Congratulations on your first mod ! I have a bug to report, or question to ask. When I turn the lights on/off lever the orb shines but the interior is not lighten by it ? I need to use torch inside and that brakes the immersion. I'm too lazy to go and mess with the mod in CK.

    1. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I have checked it, but it works...
      Perhaps... Are you using darker ENB?
      I'm planning to make brighter version, so wait for it.
    2. BGSenTineL
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      I use modified Skyrim Revisited: Legendary Edition ---> so in short I have Vivid Weathers, Vividian ENB and ELE + ELFX for exteriors only.
    3. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you for telling me. I thought dark ENB makes problem, but that's wrong.
      I tried it, but Vivid Weather, ENB, ELE or ELFX don't cause this problem "alone".
      Installed all of them, light turns on instantly but turns off soon.

      I guess there are too much lights. I have heard it, only 4 lights are enabled in screen. (specification of Skyrim)
      Check it in other house, whether light comes from windows. (ELFX makes windows as a light source)
      If not, your environment exceeds processing limit.

      Perhaps, fireplace or forge's mesh be changed to light source as counted. (I don't know which do that)
      Jar's light is unique, but maybe judged lower priority than it.
      And I don't know what is higher priority, so...

      I recommend to uninstall one, or some of your lighting mods.
    4. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      By reading your word, I came to suspected that it may be different situation...
      So I checked more, and recreated exactly the same case.
      With two mod, Vividian ENB with Vivid weather causes this.
      ENB turned off, light is turn on.

      It is what I wrote before, add other light is not good idea.
      So, I intend to check it a little more.
    5. BGSenTineL
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Thank you for your extensive investigation of this minor problem. I dont mind useing the torch inside. The mod is great, and I was suspecting that something of my 300+ (a lot of merges of course) modlist has something to do. Will try to disable ENB and see what happens.

      Cheers mate and keep up with the good work.
    6. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      To disable ENB is not necessary.
      I found it, if change the light to types have no shadow, it may turns on in your environment.
      So, I'm making other light switchs for ENB causes this proplem, and release next version soon.
      (But it has no shadow and glass floor becomes muddy, I don't know which harms your immersion.)
  7. ps46183
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    Looks awesome,endorse & kudo given,also thanks for found it useful my Fully Functional Upper Class Furniture Resources
    1. celinmods
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I'm the one who is grateful.