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you downloaded my mod? what's wrong with you? are you daft? huh...
alright so this mod is for changing all the loading screens to be all sass-like and whatnot.
use it wisely...
anywho, you might be wondering how to install the bleedin' thing manually. here goes.


Step 1: There's a zip file you hopefully downloaded (It doesn't matter if it's the vanilla version or
the DLC version; they're both the same installation-wise). Find that and drag it out into
the open so you can find it easily.
Step Duo: Unzip the file and take out the file-ception inside the newly unzipped file mess. It's the
only one in there so it shouldn't be that hard for you.
Step Free: Drag out the .esp file (again, it doesn't matter what version 'cuz it's all the same) onto
yer desktop and delete all the other unnecessary empty files. K?
Step... *cough cough*: Find your Skyrim Data directory. Kinda depends on what system and platform
you have skyrim installed on. Just google "Skyrim Data directory for [blah blah blah]."
You also have to specify if you have it installed through Steam or not, so that's a thing.
Step *nose starts to bleed*: Plop the .esp file into the data folder. Skrub.

In all seriousness, thanks for downloading! Hit me up on twitter or PM me or something
if you have any enquiries or mod reviews or anything. Have fun!