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Intro- duck- tion. ( my intro, and my dodge why i made this )
First of all, my main language is not English, so forgive me if it rather mess up.
Ussualy i use this for personal use.

are you heavily modded your game?? are you crash often so you must begin you adventure from scratch ?, if so i made this potion.
it came because my frustation to the game who crash often, so i must re play it from begining.
and get beat up with swarming and stronger bandit, and deadly powerful dragon..;p, at level 1 !!
mostly i like play it fair, i just carry it for urgent only, but at level 1>> Urgent is such Necessity. (so i use it often, some time i running out of potion!!)

Just extract it alphapotion.esp inside, in your The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\... And activate in your mod manager or data option at skyrim launcher.

Un - Instalation
Just delete it alphapotion.esp inside, in your The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim\Data\...

Get the item
Usually this potion can be found in many merchant or vendor, just only for 5 gold. if its not there, you can just open console ( ~ ) and type "help alpha ". without quotes.
and it will give the result 00019000678 alpha **** ( * = type potion), then just type 19000678, ignore the number if there is front zero
and start adding it in your inventory by with this command " player.additem xxxxxx n " ,without quotes. ( x= item id, and n= much of item )
example : " player.additem 1900076 20 ". without quotes, ( again..!!?? yessss.... again. )

What is it do ?
there is many type potion who cover main needed of your task: ( its not permanent effect lowest time is 10 mnt - 1 hours)
1. alpha craft : its cover crafting section, : alchemy, tempering, enchanting at once for 1 hour, ( so u dont need to rush create things)
2. alpha battle : its cover battle section, : one hand, two hand, marksman (archery), blocking, and armoring ( light & heavy )
3. alpha thief: its cover stealth section, : lockpick, pickpocket, sneak, carry weight and invisible ...shuusshh quiiieett!!
4. alpha health: its cover healing section, : restore and fortify in : magicka, stamina, and health, either it wil regenerate all of it very quick
and becarefull it with extra cure disease too, if someone intent disease with vampirism or lupinus ( werewolf disease) it will gone in no time.
5. alpha frenzy: make all friend or foe until level 1000 become frenzy (attack on sight), quiet funny if you wanna make a riot.
6. alpha Paralyze: make all friend or foe until level 1000 become Sleeping Beauty.
7. alpha resist : the dragon dude, so he/she will resist to everything, to any elementalist damage. resistant with pretty / naked women not included
Note : all potion weight has been resized to 0: never weighting your carry weight anymore

1. this mod is single record : mean is never dirty your savegame or tes V edit ( u can delete it anytime without crash your game after that )
2. Independent : mean is no messing around or changing, editing,modifying or copying with vanilla item, and no DLC needed
3. No script : most all this mod unscripted who will crash alot, or heavy load, even weighting game.
4. simple and small: it just few kilobyte so it will load and effect instant if you use it at intense battlefield.
5. No Whiterun : this mod never ( i mean "NEVEEERRRR...!!NEVEEERRRR...!!AGAAAINN...!!".) enter the whiterun ( too much mod flocking in there,
for god sake ,pleaseeee,,,,,pleaseeee,,, pleaseeee .... stay away from there!!! i am crasshh!! its main quest there, i cannot continue my journey!! if crash!! )

you free to download it and use it anytime, just endorse my work.and please dont post it or sell it at any site , it free mod , just link it here.
if any one had any ide to develop you may use it freely . just ask permit to me okay.just endorse

Gaming for fun, not add more stress. real life is stress more, More than enough!! that is why i play game!!