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  1. AuroraofEos
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Any plans to port to SSE? Maybe you can make a list of alcoholic beverages added...
    1. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Is special edition actually worth buying?
      I haven't played skyrim in several months, but I don't recall the feature list mentioning anything that regular mods couldn't already add easily.
    2. WinsomeMinotaur
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      SSE is 64 bit, instead of the old 32 bit, which means it plays nicer with newer computers. So, not really an issue about what mods can do, but just that it is more likely to work on newer and newer machines without too much jury rigging.
    3. U1849KA
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      It's also generally more stable, since the memory concerns are much less of a thing, and much smoother to play, in general.
  2. SunshineTentacles
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I love this mod so much, you've done such a great job so far!

    I have a suggestion, just in case it might be of interest - it would be amazing if there was a patch that made the items from this mod available to be sold in the Skooming Skyrim mod ( Especially with the smuggler boxes update - the Dainty Sload is so much more fun to raid with all the boxes of random weird drugs and skins and things!

    Totally understand if it's not your schtick, just thought I'd throw it out there in case
  3. gem71
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    bat milk, dog milk dark meat, horse milk and other stupid names of thing, get in line with the lore of skyrim, other player may like it but this mod is so unlore, would it not be best to make cheese with milk or make wine with fruit.
    1. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      >Bat milk, dog milk, horse milk
      All mammals, who by definition produce milk. There are places that do commercially milk mares, and there was once an area in Valenwood that kept giant dairy bats.

      > Dark meat.
      A name for the flesh of a being with a degree of higher reasoning, keeping in line with the black soul scheme.

      >would it not be best to make cheese with milk or make wine with fruit.
      You can do both of those things.
  4. Snawbunny70
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm happy with the way the mod works at the moment, to be honest. It does the job well enough for me to like it, and I'm going to endorse it as well.
  5. NinjaWarriorPoet
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I wasn't asking a question, just making a counter point to people who want less food in the world.
  6. redprincess79
    • premium
    • 106 kudos
    So I tried this mod out and I really love it, but I thought I would make a few suggestions on how to improve, hopefully you care to hear them.

    1. There needs to be more models for the foods and drinks as everything looks the same and especially with the drinks, it gets confusing. It would be nice if you used custom textures and resources that people have provided. Perhaps not for everything, but having a ton of ale/mead with the same label is a bit confusing.

    2. I would love to have an option to NOT have a ton of food in the bins because I play with Ineed, and I quite honestly don't think that food should be that easy to come by in a world where dragons, civil wars, and bandits roam about. Yes, Skyrim has farmers but there should be less abundance, not to mention the climate isn't that great. There is just too much food, so for that reason I'll be taking this mod out until you can bring an option to not add large quantities. feels too "cheaty".

    Aside from that though I love what this mod does- the raised prices, the variety of the drinks and all the new ingredients. Very creative! Thank you.
    1. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      I might consider that at some point. I'd like to finish everything else up first before I add a dependence on third party resources, but it's been considered.

      To clarify, are you simply referring to the food barrels, or to the new liquor containers as well?
      If it's just the old ones, it'd be as simple as me deleting the changes to the vanilla base objects in tesedit, so I wouldn't mind knocking that out for you really quick.
      For the record, however, I'd like to say my goal was the more realistic scaling (As in, the world is downsized significantly, and the masses of food are less filling when it's split between a village of a couple hundred.), and where the demi-god chosen one would have no problem keeping fed by prying his food from the hands of bandits.

      And thank you at any rate. I'm glad you enjoy it.
    2. redprincess79
      • premium
      • 106 kudos
      In terms of quantity, it's changes to the vanilla barrels you've made. It's too much.

      I am glad you are considering changing the models at some point, I will be tracking.
    3. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Alright, a version that simply leaves those specific containers be is up.
      Liquor barrels will, of course, still be pretty generous.
    4. redprincess79
      • premium
      • 106 kudos
      Thank you!
  7. NinjaWarriorPoet
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I understand the need for reduced quantity, but I also have an issue finding apple barrels you could climb into, that only ever hold 5 apples.  Somewhere in Skyrim there has to be a full apple barrel.
    1. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      I'm not sure what you're trying to ask me.
      The normal version has full barrels. The version under optional has vanilla values.
  8. EricwithaP
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great job with this mod; I always felt disappointed with the selection of available food & drink (especially cheese). This mod adds layers of depth to a underutilized aspect of the game, and combined with Hunterborn and Babette's Feast, nicely scratches my foodie itch and multiplies role-playing opportunities. Great attention to detail with the food and drink nomenclature. Endorsed!

    A few things that I've noticed in the few hours that I've played around:
    - iNeed's recognition/classification system seems to be working well for the new items
    - the Animal Fat does not seem to be recognized as tinder for the Campfire: CCS mod
    - the small animal bones (I've only tried rabbits and pheasants so far) aren't recognized by the Hunterborn/C:CCS crafting system either. Hunterborn uses small/large animal bone categorization. Perhaps a patch or as part of the next update? It's a very minor issue for me but just giving you the heads-up.

    I am curious though: do you have a .txt file of the additions and changes? (though I realize that stumbling across the new items in-game is half the fun).

    P.S. Here's an idea that might be neat:

    After the Rise in the East quest is completed, the guards make the comments:
    - "Thank you for helping re-open the East Empire Company. I'm going to get them to import me some of that aged Breton cheese!"
    - "I hear the East Empire Company has reopened, thanks in no small part to you. Well done. All of Skyrim benefits from their trade."

    Perhaps some new items that are triggered by the quest completion to reflect that change? Some thoughts:
    1) Adding some of those new items to existing merchant/inn keeper inventories
    2) Adding a new NPC similar to Knows-Many-Brews (such as an East Empire Company vendor) who sells new and existing items (possibly located in the EEC Office in Windhelm or near the EEC warehouse in Solitude (or at the EEC kiosk added near the main gate by the Dawn of Solitude mod)
    3) Repurposing an NPC or NPCs such as Fethis Alor in Raven Rock, Vittoria Vici and/or Orthus Endario to be these vendors (this would add a new layer to the Dark Brotherhood quest line)
    4) Modifying some imported items' prices to reflect greater availability due to an increased supply

    Some tangentially related thoughts:
    - I'd actually like to see a mod that makes new weapons/armor/clothing/etc. available and alters the game economy upon completion of this quest to reflect the trade benefits but that is a mod for another day!
    - On the Fethis Alor subject, a mod that adds a quest or quest line that seeks to reestablish an EEC presence in Raven Rock would be a neat idea.
    1. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      I'm afraid I don't have such a text file, no. But I tried to include every drink from TeS lore, mentioned or shown, as well as many real world drinks of some antiquity to pad it out a little.
      Some can be pretty rare, though. The only way you'll reliably find Shadowbanish, for instance, is stealing the bottle mentioned in that thieves guild letter. I haven't even seen ALL the items outside my testing room.

      The tinder and bones are likely recognized by those mods by way of a keyword or a formlist.
      They're likely new to those mods themselves. But, if by chance they use a vanilla, let me know what it is, and I'll add them to those lists.

      I intended to add that cheese actually, as an uncommon or low level rare. Time to brush up on French cheeses, I suppose.
      I also forgot a mead called "Old Gold 200" mentioned in the Winking Skeever, a new drink called frothgar was added to the ESO orsinium expansion, and I have a few bugs to fix.

      I would do those sorts of things, but honestly, I'm not overly fond of the idea of learning the damn papyrus system. Maybe if I get a computer that can handle fallout, and it still uses the crap, I might bite the bullet, learn it, and come back to this for that.
    2. redprincess79
      • premium
      • 106 kudos
      Can't wait until you update this mod to iron out the bugs! Tracking!
    3. redprincess79
      • premium
      • 106 kudos
      Any plans to update this mod?
    4. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      Absolutely. I've got a few more small things to finish up, which hopefully shouldn't take more than a few days, and I'll have a big update ready.
  9. LolTakket
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    this doesn't do this for people right?
    1. LolTakket
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      nuu, this mod crashed for me lol
      idk why (crashed on start-up) help?
    2. Zaroth_0
      • member
      • 32 kudos
      It doesn't crash on start up for me.
      So unless you have more info, there's not much more I can do to help besides ask the general questions.

      First, make sure you have all the required files (Dawnguard, Hearthsfire, Dragonborn).
      If you do, disable this mod, and only this mod and see if it still crashes.
      If that works, disable every other mod besides this, just to ensure this mod isn't broken for you for some odd reason. (Error during download causing a bugged file?)
      Once you've pinpointed it down to this mod, try loading this either higher or lower in your load order.
      Failing that, look at what other mods might be conflicting.
      If all else fails, you could go down the list, disabling mods one by one, trying the game between each till it doesn't crash.
    3. LolTakket
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I can try this, thanks :3
  10. SunshineTentacles
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos

    In response to post #28755364.


    SunshineTentacles wrote: I love this mod, thank you for making it!

    I have noticed a few odd little incompatibilities - 1. Harvest Overhaul appears to not want to share some animal loots (possibly because I also use Hunterborn. I think someone else said HO worked fine for them). Whichever mod loads last will override what is gotten from hanging rabbits and pheasants, as well as some animals (I remember wolves in particular). 2. Realistic Needs and Diseases won't give me empty bottles when my character drinks wine if Meat and Wine loads after it.

    I don't know if you'd be interested in patching for those, but I figured I'd mention them anyway. Thanks again!

    Glad you enjoy it.

    I'm afraid I don't use either.
    A user patch like merged or batch might partially resolve the hunterborn problem. The wolves most likely, the hanging creatures might need a manual patch.

    The main thing changed with the vanilla alcohols was making them have consistent stats, ordered by strength of the alcohol.
    As long as you don't mind some vanilla wines being weak as beer, and others strong as whiskey, and some not actually counting as booze by the standards of RND Universal, you can probably place RNaD below it without breaking anything. The new stuff likely won't give you bottles, though.

    Ahh ok, thanks for the tip! I'll try loading it after and see if it gives me the bottles I'm after. Thanks for getting back to me!