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  1. fadingsignal
    • premium
    • 3,995 kudos


    Q: Do I need to use CoT and CoT Weather Patch? How can I pick both?
    A: No, no need to pick both, CoT Weather Patch option will cover everything if you are using CoT + Weather Patch.

    Q: I'm using RLO with CoT/PureWeather/etc., which patch do I use?
    A: My RLO option is for the RLO Weather add-on only, so just use the appropriate patch for the weathers you're using, i.e. CoT.


    NOTE ON REAL SHELTER: I cannot offer direct support for Real Shelter patching because it isn't my mod. If I were to make a patch, I would just be using their patcher anyway, or doing the exact equivalent by hand. True Storms is extremely simple in its implementation (no scripts, only a couple of minor edits to vanilla particle records, and new textures) so there isn't even really anything I can troubleshoot on my end. Real Shelter is a lot more complex, using trigger boxes, scripts, etc. and its performance will be very dependent on your personal set up, load order, script strain, etc. I personally don't use Real Shelter because the behavior was inconsistent for me, even with vanilla wathers (not saying RS is bad, it's amazing, just saying that in my heavily modded game, it just didn't work right for me for some reason).

    The best way to try and make RS work better with TS is to talk to the author. If there ends up being something that I can do to make it work better with RS, I would gladly do so. Sorry!

    You definitely don't need to use the "no AOS interior rain sound" patch if you are using True Storms. This is because True Storms changes to a different interior rain sound file to be used, and the AOS patch is just a blank replacement for the original sound file, and so it won't affect True Storms either way.

    However, you do need to use the AOS + True Storms patch, and True Storms must load after (below) AOS for everything to work correctly. The AOS + True Storms patch would go anywhere after (below) AOS.esp, of course.

    Also, if you happen to use isoku's Wonders of Weather mod, I would make sure that it is disabled by moving the "Interior volume" sound slider all the way to zero (on the far left), which turns disables the Wonders of Weather interior rain sound completely. The latest version of Wonders of Weather should also automatically turn off its interior rain sound if True Storms is detected, but just to be sure, check that slider in the MCM settings menu. Otherwise you'll get doubled interior rain sounds (from Wonders of Weather and True Storms) in a lot locations.

    I have added clearer notes about this in the description of the updated AOS v2.5.1 installer.

    I hope that helps - Sorry about the confusion!


    The ITM in the recent version is safe to be cleaned. This was accidentally introduced when interior sounds were added and is not problematic. Next update will have this cleaned out.

    v1.5 now contains interior thunder and rain sounds during storms!! KeithInHanoi, who works on Audio Overhaul Skyrim (which you should absolutely check out), came up with a brilliant method to do this without scripts, generously shared this method with me, and patched up the TrueStorms files. HUGE thanks to him for this!

    This was built in tandem with the AOS folks, and as such the next AOS update will contain a patch, so they are 100% compatible and using the same interior sound system.

    You will now hear special interior rain sounds (muffled, droplets hitting the roof) and distant thunder sounds inside while it's raining. You will NOT hear rain and thunder in areas where it doesn't make sense (dungeons, huge stone buildings like in Markarth or Solitude.)

    PLEASE NOTE: Splash of Rain has its own method for interior rain sounds, and the simplest way to avoid having them both play is to just turn the rain volume all the rain down in the Splash of Rain MCM Menu. Splash of Rain also has an issue where the sound becomes mono when you are in 3rd person, because it's emanating from the player, but the KeithInHanoi / True Storms method remains stereo like all other ambient sounds.

    PLEASE REPORT ANY BUGS WITH INTERIOR SOUNDS! I am super happy to have this feature in my game, and want it to work great for you all as well.

    ALSO: Purity patch is coming in a couple days, but in the meantime, MCTag created one you can grab here!:

    I love ya'll but 90% of the questions you're asking are covered in the description Read that first before posting if you could, please! <3

    v1.3 Added -- RCRN, RLO, ELFX weather, Supreme Storms patches!

    v1.2 Added -- Fixed the missing masters problem in the CoT and TAZ patches! Sorry about that!

    v1.1 Added -- CoT AND TAZ PATCHES ADDED! RCRN and Vividian plugins are not straightforward, working on those. I removed the optional regions plugin because it was causing too much confusion, and is not the main purpose of this mod. I'll release that as a separate mod with various options later.

    -- Sometimes a particle goes a little cray cray and becomes a white line that will stick on the screen for a few seconds. This hasn't been a plague but it's happened to enough users that I'm looking into it. The fix is likely simple adjustments of the bounding boxes/particle density.

    ABOUT THUNDER: Because it is random and unpredictable, it is entirely possible you won't hear any thunder at all for brief periods of time. It's also possible that you will hear insane thunder crashing every 10 seconds! It's very random. If you add the mod and enter into a rainstorm and don't hear anything, just wait it out. Sometimes it takes a minute or to to get going.

    PROTIP: console ~ fw c8220 for storm rain, fw c821f for overcast rain.

    Please let me know if you experience anything strange. The way I am doing this has a lot of sounds playing at the same time at different volumes and is semi-experimental.

    XP32 Maximum Skeleton (1H sword on back option)
    Straylight ENB ( v2 with wet effects coming shortly! )
    Frankdema Travel Backpack
    Common Clothes (Boiled Leather Cuirass)
    Verdant Grass

    HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN PATCHES!! Take 15 minutes to learn!
  2. WTFxJaCoB
    • supporter
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    Hello, I've found some problems with this mod (True Storms) and RLO (Realistic Light Overhaul). RLO was last updated in 2017 and True Storms 2015.

    Current version of RLO does not use weather effects.

    When you install True Storms with mod manager there's an optional component for RLO, this is no longer needed, it will cause a bug that make this Weather effect (Type on console "fw 0010a241") too dark. It was meant to work with RLO Weathers which is an old file by now.

    So before installing mods for Skyrim LE (oldrim) check the "last updated" dates to see if they are compatible and read very carefully to check for compatibility issues and patches. Also check the comments, they might help you (like this one maybe) to not launch skyrim 100 times in one day.
  3. Meller89
    • supporter
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    Hello, any updates? thanks 
    1. fadingsignal
      • premium
      • 3,995 kudos
      The mod is finished, there are no updates planned, and maintenance is not required.
    2. calawins
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Well the description page promises "Re-made with some new features and refinements that will circle back to this version soon."
      And it promises cleaning of the ITM. :)

      You should maybe delete the description to avoid confusion.

      By the way: I think the recent troubles with Skyrim SE (all SKSE mods will be broken on SE) show the benefits of Skyrim LE.

      Skyrime LE is eternal, with mods made for eternity, just a beauty of its own.
    3. fadingsignal
      • premium
      • 3,995 kudos
      @calawins Yeah my bad, I should give the description a refresh and/or update this with some of the changes to SE. 
    4. skjDOTgrynn
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes please
  4. jbsolis
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey!, nice sheath positions, what mod are you using or is it a custom skeleton?
  5. lonewolfm2501
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    can anyone help me please if i drop timescale to 10 will it brake true storms?
    1. fadingsignal
      • premium
      • 3,995 kudos
      No problems, I played for 500 hours on timescale of 7.
  6. lafourminoir
    • member
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    hi guys need a little help 

    I tested some weather mods and now I have a weather effect or to say rather a very greedy texture which is persistent in certain cases of weather , I would like to find a solution where the texture can be replaced or reinstall a mod to fix this very greedy lag

    I don't really know if it's a rain effect or rather a fog effect, it's a mixture of the 2 , I made a screen, but since it's a sharp image we don't really see the effect I'm saying, because like I said before it looks like a mixture of rain and fog 

    of course screen on an image without moving we see only 30% of the effects that I say it is rather complicated to see this effect, in game the effect is more than 80% of what the image displays, but we notice how the image is not very clear because of this effect, if we look closely, we notice this effect in front of the character, of course also behind but it makes us believe in fog

    a little idea?

    so i have take beter screens for see the fx i say

    clear -
    same with the fx -
    same nigth fx -

    and so last , tis fog dont eat ressources is fine -

    an idea ? delete the mesh? reinstall a mod? or just use vanilla
  7. VanoxPlay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    we need a patch for vivid weathers!!!!
    1. 7Soulz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Found one for SSE.. saddly nothing for LE :/
  8. cowgirl1776
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Alright, because I'm an idiot, I figure there might be fellow idiots searching for solutions. 

    To disable ENB Rain, go to your enbseries.ini (location in the same folder as your Skyrim.exe). Press CTRL+F and type in " [Rain]

    Change Enable=true to Enable=false

    So it will look something like this:


    Everything following Enable=false might look a bit different for you, since I am using Rudy ENB. It doesn't matter anymore since you just told the ENB to ignore it all. Once you change it 'false' save, exit, and it should be working now.

    It looks beautiful - but now everything clips through objects. Haha. Skyrim is a constant battle.
  9. rjnagy70
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with Rudy ENB for Vanilla Skyrim - NVLA-NLA-COT-URWL-ELFX

  10. beljdab
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. Thank you for the mod!

    A little question. This mod has different rain densities like vanilla has? Seems to me that its the same intensity everytime.
  11. douglasking29
    • member
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    Hey, fadingsignal awesome mod. I'm using for quite a while now and it works wonderfully.

    But I need help. I'm creating a custom player house mod. But the interior rain doesn't seem to work. Is there something I'm missing? I've tried to set the location to NONE and to a custom location I've made on the wilderness, but neither seems to work. Worse even, it completely stops the rain when I leave.

    Any ideas?

    Much love.
    1. fadingsignal
      • premium
      • 3,995 kudos
      Make sure your interior is using the appropriate vanilla acoustic space, e.g. IntRoomWoodMediumAcousticSpace [ASPC:000C5B6B], IntRoomStoneMediumAcousticSpace [ASPC:000C5B6D].  This is defined in the cell data.
    2. douglasking29
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks a lot for the quick reply

      I was using IntRoomWoodMediumAcousticSpace (roughly based the interior config on Alvor's House in Riverwood) and I even tested IntRoomStoneMediumAcousticSpace. Strangely, none did work. Although the outside rain did not reset this time.

      Am I missing something?
    3. fadingsignal
      • premium
      • 3,995 kudos
      I've never made a custom house mod so I'm not entirely sure.

      My guess is that when you're inside, since you have no location data, the game is not aware of what the weather is outside. That is to say, once you go into your house, you're "nowhere", so the IsRaining condition check on the sound effect renders 0 / false.

      The best way to test if the condition is failing is to simply force rain while you're inside your house.  Type fw c821f and in a few seconds you should start hearing rain.  If not, the conditions aren't being met.

      Either way I would fully set up your location data and finalize your navmesh so your house actually portals to the worldspace, that might help.  The game stores where in the worldspace you're returning to.  (And do this work in the CK, not xEdit.  Some data is tagged on references by the CK that doesn't happen in xEdit automatically.)

      • Make a new location record, e.g. MyCoolHouse
      • Set the parent in that location to wherever your house is, e.g. RiverwoodLocation, SolitudeLocation, etc.
      • Make sure keywords are set on your location: LocTypeDwelling and LocTypeHouse. LocTypeCastle and LocTypeDungeon will actually block rain sounds.
      • Make sure the cell is actually pointing to the location record, of course.
      • If your house shows the sky outside, make sure the region selected in the cell data is the region the house is actually in (e.g. WeatherPineForest or WeatherSolitude)

      Other than that, I'm not sure. If that doesn't work, maybe you can shoot me your plugin and I can have an eyeball at it.
    4. douglasking29
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks alot, man. My location was using Tamriel as a parent (since is a lot away from a town), but a closer location point (the icerunner) had HjaalmarchHold. Turns out, location hierarchy is a pain.

      Thanks again, I'll be sure to donate you for a beer or something.
    5. fadingsignal
      • premium
      • 3,995 kudos
      Happy to help!  Hope it worked out!