

  1. deleted121468298
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    How far is the progress? In percents?
  2. nemesisdarth
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    man you should go on you'rre doing great I wanna play it after you transformed it just keep going.
  3. User_59537951
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    is this still active? just joined this site and was hoping to see if this is still active, i guess not:(. huge fan myself for both franchises:).
    1. futon95
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      its abadoned ^^
    2. User_59537951
      • account closed
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you, unforunate that this was abanonded:( But thank you:).
  4. ricoalcall1
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I just hope that this would be a really good mod and plus i have hope in this guy that he will finish this mod soon and good.
  5. TylerSandy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is kind of lame, i mean if you are gong to make a LOTR mod you might as well change the actual map too. plus the placement of cities is all wrong.
  6. Jarray
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    and does not matter as long as warner bros gets 50% credit
  7. Jarray
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    if this really operated I would be extremely amazed
  8. HardRaine
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    • 3 kudos
    Just as well this ended with a fizzle. If this had gone somewhere, Warner Bros would have taken a bloody axe to it. Still too soon for me, after WB gutted Turbine over the years and spoiled what was once a wonderfully charming, and somewhat offbeat MMO. Thought I'd never leave there after the release of Moria, but sadly it was a long slope downhill from there into wanton greed. Now, just cannot bring myself to start into LOTR anything yet. Cannot even watch the movies, the taste it left is still that bad. (the annual LOTRO, player sponsored, musical festival was nearly woodstock in size, scale, and scope.Somebody asked for a Grateful Dead show at the Prancing Pony outdoor stage in Bree? Got ya covered!..."The second one is prison, babe, the sheriff's on my trail...")

    Clicking the link, was hopeful somebody had managed to bring it back cleanly, even if tiny in scale.
    Still have a lifetime LOTRO subscription, but haven't checked in for several years (deleted the test server installation last year, as I used to do all the betas). Also used to go back for the anniversary festival every year and solo-farm Carn Dum for the anniversary tokens (one of the most expansive and diverse instanced spaces ever done. I saw the False King kill players 25 levels over his, many times. I soloed him at 60 on a warden, but we were both down to our last hit. I got off a final spear bleed(3), and blocked his return fire with my shield. Bleed kicked in, and he fell. Whew! epic 2 hour fight).

    But sadly, even that festival pales to what it once was (they just couldn't resist and had to nerf the token drop rate into oblivion). Same with most of the holiday festivals, which used to be real crowd pleasing affairs (haunted hobbit hole under Bagend anybody? Or betting on your favorite hobbit in the Pie Eating races further up the hill...) But festivals without crowds? pfffft. Seriously miss my old loremaster, warden, et al, but not enough to encounter the disappointment again. Just had to let it go. The killing off of the Big E was the final straw. Sadly, the Jangled Bell no longer tolls for the Big E. And it will never Jingle-Jangle again...
    Wouldn't surprise me if the mod author received the WB-C&D letter and chose to walk away from this quietly. That map shown here, alone, was enough to draw hostile fire when combined with the intent to populate it, when WB believed they had monopoly control over the franchises.

    How to make something clean, dirty:
    Indie (and small independent) developers really need to stop saying "show me the money" to WB, whose main expertise seems to be "turning love into hate". (having them involved with The Hobbit or LOTR is almost criminal, given both the book/trilogy were kept alive on word of mouth from the late 1960s through the 1970s (both were out of print). Friends would come to you with an old, yellowed, dog-eared copy and ask if you had read this yet.Say no, and they would press it into your hand with a simple request; pass it on when finished. Frodo Lives! was commonly sprayed on the subway walls. Anonymous folks like that kept the dream alive, out of love; not the freaking bean counters from WB, out of love for money).
  9. Soron661
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    well crap. i just messaged the gut because i'm an idiot and didn't think to click on posts till now. now that i have read some of the previous messages it's clear this guy has abandoned making this mod all together. i'm very annoyed. i was sooo looking forward to this as well. now i'm less interested in playing SKYRIM because the mod that got me interested again is dead. now the only mod that will make me interested is the one i made a request of. will you people check it out pls? it involves Narnia which would fit the medieval theme because Narnia itself is nothing but medieval. this goes out to other Narnia fans and those that are fairly decent modders.
  10. BrutusWillisOnSteam
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