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  1. Squashnoggin
    • supporter
    • 72 kudos
    Squashy is guessing; on the lake near Riften?
    Three of the most important things about selling a House Mod are: Location, Location, Location!
    A mention in the description and/or a map picture are very important. (you might say; Imperative!)
    ((Also, helps to tell us if it is in a place where another house is. ))

    That said, Squashy likes the look of the house, and the layout seems adequate for Squashy's purposes.

    Downloading to find out where it is..Squashy hopes it has a 'Map-Marker' in-game...

    EDIT: Riften - check!, Map Marker - check!, nice place - check!

    1. Kaazkulaas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, it is on the lake near Riften. So sorry I forgot to put the location in the description when I uploaded it last night! I've added it now. Thank you!
    2. Squashnoggin
      • supporter
      • 72 kudos
      In response to post #20761019. #20770734 is also a reply to the same post.

      Two little things: lighting / navmeshing for companions.
      Squashy hates having to carry a torch/use candlelight spell in his homes, so, reasonable lighting is necessary, (particularly in the basement).   << (picture with a cane)

      *As a new member of the Thieves guild, (Yes, Squashy started a new Character with 'Alternate Start: Live Another life', just for this house. )
      Heather (the Feather) went and rescued Inigo from his 'self-imposed jail sentence' and we ran away to this house, only to find that he won't enter!!
      Heather immediately threw a fit!*
      (So, you will have to replace the dining table in the next update!!) LoL

      But, seriously, it's OK to not have 10 friggin' beds for the 'Follower-Armies' that some folk tow around with them, but, a single companion should be welcome! Otherwise, Squashy,(and Heather), like the overall layout and placement of the house and will keep it in our, (OUR??? o~O Squashy is really losin' it, now..   ), Mod-list for good!
    3. Kaazkulaas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Fear not Heather (and Inigo)! The house will get navmeshing soon (hopefully in the next update). I was having issues with it during testing so I got rid of it and didn't put it back yet. As for the lighting... Do you mean that I should increase the overall ambient lighting of the house or just add more light sources?

      I'm glad you (and Heather) like the house!
    4. Kaazkulaas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Version 1.1 is up! Heather and Inigo can now both party in the house Let me know if the lighting in the basement is still too dark for you.
    5. Squashnoggin
      • supporter
      • 72 kudos
      Just saw the Update, will go and check it out now!
      ( was just overall ambient light, but, the basement had some weird balance, one side lit the manni's brightly, other side they were in pitch darkness.. :$ )

  2. RexJayden
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Nice house...not sure it is a manor though, unless you are planning on adding a whole lot more to this. If so, then I am sorry for jumping the gun.
    1. Kaazkulaas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I named it when I had just started it and wasn't sure how big I was gonna make it. By the time I finished I didn't feel like changing the name but you're probably right about it not actually being a manor. I may end up adding more to it though, depending on people's feedback and what I feel like so the name might eventually fit...
    2. Squashnoggin
      • supporter
      • 72 kudos
      It's a 'Manor', in a 'Manner of speaking'..
      To a lowly Rogue Thief, this is a 'Palace'!!

      Just a great place for those Rogues that don't want to 'Kow-Tow' to the Jarl...
  3. hvyhrss
    • account closed
    • 8 kudos
    Nice! I love a simple house with decent furniture,crafting, and bookshelves! Who says a hunter/rogue without much coin has to sleep on a hay bed and not have a library? Plus, this is a great location. Thanks for the mod.
    1. Kaazkulaas
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you! I made it for my rogue who has a bad habit of picking up every book in sight so I wanted to make sure there was plenty of bookshelves