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  1. PCDug
    • supporter
    • 116 kudos
    Downloaded from nexus and installed through MO.Everything works fine in may game.Really,i can't fix something I can't see!.Try re-downloading and checking the houses on a new game.EDIT!!!!!!!!!!!
    Installed a couple of mods,came back and booom!Houses are invisible!
    But now that i saw it,i can fix it.I already did.The problem now is that the houses have no lod so they will be fine untill you get too far away,then they'll disappear.Well I'll make tho lods.But for now use V1.1 fix.It will work fine.
  2. StormDrummer
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    This mod deserves a lot more attention than it's gotten. It does some very rare things. All of these houses are excellent and immersive, some are very imaginative, and the mod gives you not just one house but FIVE, and not just five houses but four *farms* and a house (I didn't see any crops at Juniper Hill, the Reach house.) My one beef is that they have only single beds; with doubles they'd be more immersive yet and better yet for roleplaying. This really is a superb mod in its quiet way.

    Is the invisible bug really fixed? I had some trouble with that in the past, but I think my version was outdated. If anyone still has trouble with it, and the new version doesn't fix it, I've found that the houses will reappear if you go inside (and possibly wait an hour,) then back out again.
  3. daaviss
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just tried this mod and must say I'm very positively surprised! The Juniper Hill Farm is definitely my favourite Reach player home. I liked it instantly! Can endorse this without reservation!
    I hope you keep making other mods.
  4. steve25469
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    any news on future updates?
  5. steve25469
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    I Just wanted to give a really big thanks for this!!! I love immersive mods and it's really great to see such a good collection of realistic player homes, especially ones that are purchasable. Most player homes you see our way too overdone and or have no realistic way of acquiring them. I for one very much look forward to the next update, and I really hope this gets the attention that I think it deserves. Especially so you'll be in courage to make more mods like this! Also very happy to see that it seems to be fully compatible with expanded towns and cities as well as most other top mods that expand on the Skyrim world space. There is one small area of incompatibility when combined with ETaC's Immersive Whiterun. But that could be easily fixed, even just by disabling a few items from immersive Whiterun using the console. Anyway again a really big thanks for your efforts!!
  6. MsRavenn
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    Ikeep trying to download thiswith nmm but ..Loot ,wybash, boss all says that the mod is missing masters or needs cleaning O>O "sighs"
    1. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Hve you got all DLCs?
  7. OrinLinwe
    • member
    • 321 kudos
    The houses have great locations, and are well-thought out from the outside. But I think you should focus a little bit more on the interiors. Some interiors seem bland, or has oddly placed clutter. It doesn't quite give off that feeling of being a lived in place. Try to think about how a person who lives there actually would live and move around. What does the kitchen-area look like? Do they have a writing desk? Are there spaces for scrolls or parchments?

    That kind of thing. I think you should also try to make all beds give a well-rested bonus. It's a little thing that makes the player feel like he has bought a house, and isn't just squatting in one. Other than that, great job!
  8. maies2330
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I like the look of your house, IS LOOKS CUTE!
  9. kbc21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i am having the same problem as most people with invisible walls but i also would like to bring to your attention another thing... try cleaning up the cell because i have a lot of grass floating around due to flattened terrain, this is not the first house mod where people are not paying attention to it, its all nice and neat but i have bushes growing out of my walls (in this case i have no walls) so it's a major buzzkill
    1. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      The problem is that all the issues you are reporting are not happening on my game (vanilla +PHOS).No matter how many time i test the mod,i don't get invisible walls nor floating grass,so i cannot fix something I can't see,
    2. kbc21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      reinstalled it manually, reinstalled it with manager and the issue still remains... i'm not the only one reporting this so you should probably ask some of the other modders for advice on this matter, i got all dlcs and latest patch (needless to say but just in case), try bringing this to your friends pc with skyrirm installing it and checking it out there, maybe you created this mod while some of your mods were active like improved static meshes or something that affects the walls and stuff like that... and maybe if this helps, when i fast travel to your buildings they are fine (no invisible walls but floating grass is still there and very annoying) but when i iapproach the buildings on foot from any distance walls are not there just doors and some poles nothing else, and again floating grass
    3. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Nope,just had "I'ts full lod" checked on the biggest parts of the houses to make them visible from afar.Something went wrong and they disappeard,no matter how far or close you were.
    4. kbc21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i downloaded 1.1 fix and ill try it tonight so i'll let you know, i'm relly hoping this mod will work it has a lot of potential
    5. kbc21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      walls are there everything is fine, but floating grass is still covering the entire cell... if i'm the only one with this probblem is there anyway to fix it???
    6. kbc21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      problem was vanilla grass (i had NO flora mods installed so that i could apply ini teaks) so when i used ini tweaks my grass was completely gone
      but i installed this mod
      applyed ini tweaks prompted in install instructions there and now i cans see your entire buildings (no jumanjee grass arround )
      so if anyone else is having the same issue i hope this helps... now i hope that you continue developing this mod i sense it'll be great, houses are just about right, nothing to stingy and nothing over the top... keep it up and btw endorsed
    7. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Mmmm if by floating grass you mean the grass that comes with the ground textures (not the static objects,if you know what i mean) than I have no idea.Honestly I had a similar problem with the mod "The sea of ghosts" by Thirteenoranges.(Steam Workshop exclusive).When i went to a certain Island there was flying grass in the sky,but the problem fixed itself upon exiting and reloading.Maybe you have another mod that alters the same area?
      EDIT:didn't read your last answer.Well that's great news!At this moment I'm working on three different mods.(A mod that lets you build a fort as a player house,an animal loot overhaul one and PHOS).Anyway this is my main Mod ATM and i will do my best to improve it.If you see bugs please report them so i can fix'em!
    8. kbc21
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I vote fort, fort, fort, FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORT
      like i said previously all others are overdoing it, but judging by your work so far you should make a nice medieval fort... i'll be sure to report any other strange stuff if i find in PHOS, but so fa so good.
    9. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      If you want to the see the approach I had with forts in the past,check my other mod "Riverstone Fort"
  10. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,114 kudos
    Hi, the houses at Riften & Solitude are >invisible< no roof, walls, or floor etc... only the door is visible, I've install/uninstall 4 times and no joy :/ and yes I have all the DLC's. thanks for your time in making this. oh and I also took screenshots of the above houses incase you want to see them.
    1. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      In my game the look fine.I have no idea how to fix it?Maybe something went wrong uploading the file?
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,114 kudos
      I just installed again 'with a clean save' and it's still the same >invisible walls, floor, roof etc... I'm just going to give up on it, again thanks for your time and effort with this. also it would help if you could post some screenshots from your 'in game' thanks..
    3. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Image section:all ingame screenshots.
  11. Sanityfades79
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Since nobody has given you a vote yet for what the next version may hold, I'd like to cast one for a player home in Solstheim.
    1. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      Telvanni style?Redoran style?Old colonial imperial style?ALL OF THEM?
    2. Nippur1967
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      It would be nice to see something different perhaps? I will vote for the Old Imperial Colonial style then. Thanks. Regarding other suggestions you might find useful (or not) It would be better (for my taste that is) to avoid fancy scripted features like auto sorting, unified storages, lore unfriendly decor, etc. But that´s just my opinion.
    3. Radwulf
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      It would be better (for my taste that is) to avoid fancy scripted features like auto sorting, unified storages

      I completely agree with you.
      Except maybe concerning 'unified storage' : it seems to me (but this is far above my modding skill) that such a feature doesn't need any script (the chest is just an activator that opens a distant 'shared' container).

      IMHO, better keep it simple than making a 'scripted monster' (excuse me for my English, this is not my mother tongue).
    4. PCDug
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      My idea when modding is:Use vanilla asset:ALWAYS. Why should my house have auto sorting when every other house in the game has not?
      Avoid scripted stuff:Many things that script do can be achieved in other ways.
      As for cloud storage:Not happening.Reasonhysics.
    5. Radwulf
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Yeah, Skyrim is a ruthless world for packtrats (like me).
    6. Nippur1967
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos

      I'm a packrat too, but as PCDug says, I like to respect some level of "realism" and bear with the burden of weight limitations to organise storage.

      However, there´s a mod out there called AFT Amazing Followers Tweaks that is a little scripted yes due to a lot of other functions it has, but allows you to bypass this limitation if you ever have the need to move storage from one home to another. I usually have one "home" house and another "work" house and when moving I take advantage of the (optional) follower's mule capacity. I like to think it as a one time event like a normal moving.


      PD: I'm waiting for a couple of mods to update and then I'll start a new modded load from scratch including this mod, hence the lack of my endorsement yet, but I thought it would be nice to send some feedback to the hardworking modder.