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  1. tumbajamba
    • supporter
    • 1,162 kudos
    Well first of all the mounts are already essential and should follow you just as companion. Moreover i indeed working on an proprer lore friendly implementation of the flute. Since i wonna make it huge and epic i decided to introduce a new creature type goblins in to the skyrim with their own unique camp and architexture and the quest line.

    Here is a little progress status

    - I already created about 20 diffrent goblin models
    - about 15 new buildings and tents
    - few clutter objects and weapons
    - have a quest idea
    - chosen goblin camp location and started with leveldesign
    - some unique rewards to be chosen after quest completing including magic flute

    To be done

    -> quest implementation
    -> completing camp design
    -> dialogues and voice acting
    -> probably an unique goblin follower(but not sure about this one)

    By the way if you are skilled in any of to-be-done items, please feel free to contact me via pm.
    1. HizFather
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      I hope this update will also included the bug fixes mentioned by Xelan255 especially fixes for the deer mount as it is basically unusable; but otherwise great, high quality mod.
    2. Nichoice
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I have always loved your mods, been following you since FNV and its great to see you here again modding for Skyrim!

      I love the idea of immersion and having the flute lore friendly.

      And i have seen your goblin model with the Reikling (Is that how you spell it?) follower mod. Looks awesome.

      I can't wait to see how the Goblin voice acting turns out.
    3. testiger2
      • member
      • 185 kudos
      I really like the idea for the goblin quest and im really looking forward to see this mod complete.
      Also i would like to make some suggestions:

      1. instead of one flute for all mounts have one for each. that way you could spread them as quest rewards stage by stage, depending of how big you want to make the quest of course. also this would get rid of the selection menu wich is no biggie but a little immersion braking.

      2. I don't know how the CK handles this but instead of the summond effect have the mount to come run to you from afar similar to the courier guy. Again no biggie but a little more immersive

      3. Allow the mount to swith from being a mount to being an actual follwer and in reverse. That way you have more control over your pets including inventory (the bear looks like he can carry some burdons ^^) and maybe combat behavior by dialogue menu like tell them to wait etc.
      I'm not sure about how doable that one is tough, maybe to have the flute to attach and detach the horsekeyword to the mount via script or something

      Again really looking forward to see the finished product

    4. DiabolicalMetaSlave
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      JW is this compatible with convenient horses? and UFO ?
    5. GNASTY1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can tell youre a Warhammer player from the looks of that wolf chariot
    6. grawiorum
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, can we use your nif file lizard dragon in other modes of course referring to you
    7. FusRuDahGuy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Although it's an awesome idea to add goblins on a mount mod, they are not lore friendly. I hope you make a seperate download where the goblins don't excist. TY
    8. Superpowerarsenal
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So are orange Sabre Cat mounts available or do I need to use the creation kit or something?
    9. DystopunkRanger
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How are goblins not lore friendly? They were in the older TES games.
    10. Ionutro
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I'm sorry, what's that about goblins?
    11. tortuga76
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      i would say for the -> probably an unique goblin follower(but not sure about this one), you could use the riekling porter follower mod and just try to re skin itto look like a goblin? (just an Idea)
    12. Ianov
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Hi sorry, I know its been a while but I found my fix for the swimming character above the mount bug.
    13. Voldearag
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That's good, now tell us what your fix is.
    14. RedSarge
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Yeah! Why do people always post "fixed" and not how? lol!
    15. patrickmurphy
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      You would think it would be as easy as telling convenient horses to register the mounts as your owned horse. But I don't know anything
    16. anhuy9a2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I want to know that too!!!
    17. Hollothefox
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was hoping that perhaps you could make an actual separate spell/flute or whatever for un-summoning the mounts, i have a mod that allows me to have multiple followers at one time and so my mounts won't un-summon and i don't get an option when using the flute that says un-summon it just makes them re-summon so unfortunately i can't use your mod until then unless i want the saber cat, lizard and deer following me everywhere :( (spoiler alert) i don't want 3 mounts following me everywhere XD
    18. Anthonydafox
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I really love the Saber cat and Elk Mounts that go will with my Redguard and Breton Dragonborns.
  2. monkeyangie
    • premium
    • 514 kudos
    hello, i ported this mod to SSE with working animations and working with nemesis instead of fnis, could i have your permission to publish it? thanks
    1. LeastDegenAzuraEnjoyer
      • supporter
      • 32 kudos
      Yes please! These would be great for my druid playthrough! 
    2. 9UNNA
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Do you still plan to release it?
    3. Illumination7Theory
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm guessing permission has not been granted yet. 
    4. ACatNamedSpooky
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      did you ever get permission? I really wanna use this on sse
    5. monkeyangie
      • premium
      • 514 kudos
      nop, and i lost the file a few months ago. sorry
    6. ACatNamedSpooky
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Damn...was it hard to port? 
  3. Greenblyat
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I just wanted to change the texture to a different wolf. Doing so causes "sanitizing names" which breaks the model. Any reason for this? I can't seem to fix it.
  4. SeraphinaDeRomanus
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I love that this came out about 8 years ago, and now with the addition of the Ornaug to ESO, basically all of these mounts are now canon.
  5. Nowacky
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    beatiful mounts
  6. Lycantis
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    A few pros before I go into why I couldn't keep using this:
    - The models are a relief from just horses everywhere, the elk and wolf being my personal favorites.
    - They are easy to acquire right from the start, though a quest or something would be nice (but not picking, it's so nice just having access).
    - This works with Convenient Horses, making them somewhat trainable and increasing usefulness.

    Given the lack of communication and updates (2014??), I doubt this will see improvement, but here goes...

    I wanted to like this, but multiple factors makes the vanilla horse more preferable. Below I used calculations of comparable animals based on physiology, but also in stark comparison to the vanilla horse. Yes, I know it's a fantasy, but if you make a mod for mounts, the mounts should be at least on par with the vanilla horse, not worse. The models, themselves, need some tweaking because of oddly-bending elbows/knees/wrists (wolf and lizard especially). The sounds made by the wolf, lizard, and bear are constant and quickly become annoying because they are loud and never stop. With the bear, it's when dismounted, it will stand there and roar every few milliseconds. With the wolf and lizard, it's the asthmatic wheeze-growling of the wolves while being chased by them (didn't even make sense in vanilla to have them making that noise except to alert people they were there). Mounting them is glitchy, but given how difficult that is in the first place, it can be overlooked. The sit animation for the character is glitched and distorted, especially for those who have tails, where the player is about 4-6 knuckles above the saddle in the air; with tails, it macaroni-noodles off to the side like it's being held up and to their back with a wire.

    The main problem is as listed: speed and maneuverability.

    - Armored Bear ~ Relatively faster than wolf and lizard, which blows immersion up.
    - Armored Saber Cat ~ Quite fast, being second in speed. The only real usable mount of the five.
    - Armored Wolf ~ The wolf is just as slow as using your feet. A sprinting guard kept up with me...when I was in sprint mode.
    - Armored Deer ~ Obnoxiously swift. Would be fine yet immersion-breaking if you could control the mount better.
    - Armored Lizard-hound ~ Same as wolf.

    .....does sprint even function? It distorts the camera, but I didn't notice any change in speed when running next to things, namely the slow-as-snails guards and the local wildlife I was chasing after. The wolf and lizard are especially apparent.

    Turn radius:
    - Armored Bear ~ Decent, which is kind of odd for a bear.
    - Armored Saber Cat ~ Decent.
    - Armored Wolf ~ Really sharp, which is fine because it's slow so turning sharp makes sense - if it was actually moving, it would have less of a curve.
    - Armored Deer ~ Nonexistant. You end up running into things that kill you. It also doesn't move at a slower speed to allow turning around. Gets stuck a lot.
    - Armored Lizard-hound ~ Same as wolf.

    This is just an example of how immersion-breaking these are. I'm not saying it has to work precisely like this, and actually it shouldn't work like this or we'd see everyone using vanilla horses 24/7, but this is how animals of similar builds actually work; horse is based on draft horse like in the game; other animals are based on ones with a similar physiology and anatomy; wolf used was a maned wolf due to the lanky legs of the mount:
    Mount speeds:
                   Sprint                        Stamina      Turn radius
    Horse --- 50mph (80.4kph) --- very high --- medium  (vanilla starts with horrible health/stamina but Convenient Horses fixes this)
    Wolf ----- 47mph (75.6kph) --- med-high --- med-sharp
    Bear ----- 35mph (56kph) ------ medium ---- medium
    Saber cat (this one is very difficult to determine; smilodon would be closer to hyena based on gait)
    ~Lion --- 50mph (80.4kph) ---- low ----------- sharp
    ~Tiger -- 40mph (64.3kph) ---- low ----------- sharp
    Elk -------- 45mph (72.4kph) --- very high -- med-sharp (if they are based on moose, those are slower at 35mph (56kph))
    Lizard --- (similar to wolf)

    That probably wasn't necessary, but the mounts seemed to have been designed according to what was perceived as real-life speeds and agility. The issue is, the stats don't reflect the mounts, making only one of them useful to replace ol' vanilla horses for viable gameplay. The Saber Cat.

    While they are fancy, and they would otherwise provide a great substitute in appearance, moving at a hideously slow speed on one of the fastest sustained-running land predators (maned wolves) is off-putting. Even with the grey wolf at 35mph (56.32kph), it wouldn't be as slow as this put it. Cats are the fastest moving, but not over a sustained time; they are ambush/stalking predators and can only move swiftly for a very short burst. Moving inexplicably faster than a wolf or big cat on an elk-like creature, while nice, loses its value if going for immersion--not to mention the complete loss of being able to control the mount anywhere other than a completely flat surface with no obstacles.

    I wouldn't have minded if they all had the same speed and maneuvering capacity. Realism can be put aside as long as they actually enhance travel.
    If this is not how they should be functioning, based on programming or such, it is how they are currently functioning. It's a very lovely mod, but it loses that playability when these factors are right there in your face.

    If you enjoy using this, don't go ranting on me.
    Enjoy it to your heart's content.
    I couldn't get past the speed differences that were so far off the mark to the point of not making any sense.
  7. NoxRL
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is my favorite mod ever. Thank you.
  8. niiiiiiiiix
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Bro, port it to SE pleeeease (or let us port sure thing that someone would).
  9. Pahkris
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any plans on uploading it to Skyrim SE?
    1. Hannes821
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      pls ;-)
    2. Multigunz
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Triple please
    3. sensiman
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      It works on SE ....
      Had Big mounts and followers for SE already installed .
      downloaded this file and extract...i did delete the character folder from meshes . ( FNIS,animation,behavior)
      transfert all and activate esp
      and now it works perfect

    4. Ezrenlight
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks so much for that bit about deleting the character folder in the meshes! Worked like a charm for sse.
    5. jovonlaw
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wait so how do i do this?

      i download big mounts and followers, and install it.
      i delete the data\meshes\actors\character folder
      i dump the .bsa file from the big cat mounts over into the Tumbamounts folder.
      i zip it up

      Correct? this was what i did, and my character stands on the new mounts instead of sitting on them.

      please tell me what went wrong, im no good at this
    6. niiiiiiiiix
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Could you, pretty please, explain step by step what i should do? First time modder right here :')
  10. EricDemon711
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, so far im enjoying the mod. Though im having an issue with the bear only running FORWARD. He just wants to keep going, no rock or river will stop his deep seated desire to only move FORWARD... he would make a great life couch though.
  11. vintagelf
    • premium
    • 25 kudos
    I have an issue where if I go into a building's door I exit in the center of the next room. Has anyone else come across this issue before?