
Mod articles

  • Canal Home goes 1.5 with epic new display and other features !

    My character went Vampire in my game this week, and I noticed I get a boost from sleeping in a coffin. (1900 hours in this game and I didn't know that yet). So, it kinda snowballed from there...

    At first I was supposed to just add a coffin somewhere, but couldn't fit it. Needed to make a small nook for it.. Then I wanted to have a chest and a barrel for unique weapons and armours that keep piling up..

    Then I wanted to display some more Dawnguard uniques, so I build the Elder Scroll display and the displays for Harkon's Sword and Auriel's Bow..

    Then the house started to lag a bit... So I had to optimise it a bit. Removed some light sources and added occlusion planes..

    And then of course I felt like I was being unreasonable ...