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  1. tx12001
    • member
    • 299 kudos
    Neloth once cast candlelight on me I thought it was funny really
    1. SiennaGrace
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      hahaha that would be funny
      [email protected]
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Magelight you mean
  2. Squashnoggin
    • supporter
    • 72 kudos
    Don't know about you, but, Squashy found the interior of the Telvanni tower to be incredibly dark, more so than the average dungeon!
    Squashy felt obliged to learn the spell 'Candlelight' himself, just to maneuver through the place and find everything..(Squashy H8Z Torches).
    But, to each his/her own.
    1. SiennaGrace
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      Oh my game is quite high brightness setting, if you want i can quickly lightening the place up a bit in Creation kit and upload it here as an optional plugin? though when you add more lighting to this place in the wrong spot it gets a weird flickering bug!
  3. JobVanDam
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Really? NPC's that cast Candlelight?

    I don't have Dragonborn but how did they do it? Did it involve a script?
    Better yet till me exactly how you disabled it.

    Might wanna state this is for Dragonborn, I had to Google Telvas.
    1. mannygt
      • premium
      • 1,504 kudos
      just remove the candlelight spell from the spell list of the NPC.
    2. jefthereaper
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      Its part of his AI that tells him to do stuff (go do alchemy, go walk to that spot, cast candlelight, go sit down) its part of his daily routine. Normally that would not require a script, its just his AI telling him what he has to do (forcing him to cast it even tough it does not serve any real practicable uses, but more immerse uses, like NPC's going to there work, shopkeepers going to there shop in the morning and so on)

      candle light is his "practice" spell, I mean I think its only normal, mages cast spells and warriors swing blades, warriors go train with there swords on training dummy's, mages practice by casting spells.

      I don't really get the purpose of this mod as it really removes a large part of the Immersion of finally meeting a NCP that is training himself in magic instead of walking in a circle all day, but I guess some people don't like that for some reason :-/

      The only problem I have with this place is that his student (whatever his name is) ones I helped him he can become my follower, but has "follow me" 2 times in his dialogue menu instead of 1 time, it sometimes even leads to breaking the follower options (other followers refusing to follow me as "i still have a follower" even tough I send him away earlier)
    3. SiennaGrace
      • member
      • 20 kudos
      haha its not for immersion at all but some people find them casting magelight spell all the time annoying and the lighting can be a bit of a pain but don't worry I didn't remove the other practise spells they do
      Weird Talvas(student guy) bug sorry I wouldn't no how to fix that, maybe try a mod like better followers? It could help with some of the follower bugs
    4. jefthereaper
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      (small correction, yes they do cast for Immersion)
      the it would be pretty odd to enter a telvani tower (wizards who are masters of magic) but find them just standing around all day, thus they gave them the spells they constantly cast, as if "practicing spells" tough i'm very sure Bethesda was first planing to give unique visuals to the testing spells but my guess is they ether ran out of buget or time as they just cast candle light (and when casting the "tracing" spell, the effects were just a mix of existing spells with conflicting colors and such)
      so they just never had the time or money to work it out better.

      as for the follower bug, I'm already onto it myself, I am working on a few very large projects (already spend a half year on one)
      to add tons of new things, problem is I get stuck ones in a while, so progress is quite slow (learning new things, advancing in scripting, kicking my pc course it won't let blender work in the way it should, mess around with textures)
      Ones I start overhauling the follower system (mainly just making them more intelligent qua AI and allow there armor to be fully removed (and weapons) so you can at least give them whatever you want them to wear so we don't have to deal with there stubborn "no I don't want your fully upgraded armor with enchantments, I just want my cloth that can't even block a dull butter knife!" attitude.)
      I just mentioned that one as it suprizes me that I seem to be the only one that has this bug (or if others have this bug) that nobody noticed yet nor the unofficial dragonborn patch team has not found/dealt with it yet :-/

      ... O god I'm getting side tracked again, sorry about that XD got to stop replying after this one, just like a dragon I'm way to easy to get dragged into a long conversation.
    5. Farlington
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "I don't really get the purpose of this mod as it really removes a large part of the Immersion of finally meeting a NCP that is training himself in magic instead of walking in a circle all day, but I guess some people don't like that for some reason :-/"

      Neloth is a master wizard that is thousands of years old. Do you really think he needs to train with a Novice Alteration spell?
    6. jefthereaper
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      Like I said before in my latest post, most likely Bethesda planed to add more unique spells and visuals exclusive for Nethoth, but most likely due to lack of time they did not add those extra's (hense the odd visuals when he used his tracing spell to find the female wizard with the heartstone in her chest, and your screen fully going black when he used a spell to grow tentacles out of your eyes and mouth)

      most likely it was ment for Nethoth to use strange spells that made odd effects all the time, as if experimenting with his spells, even so honestly I"m quite glad he still uses his candlelight, it would have been pretty boring to enter a tower and just see him standing there doing absolutely nothing at all :-/

      aside of that he's also not a 1000 years, most likely only close to 200, or slightly older, he is also not a master in Alteration magic, he makes It quite clear that he is not a master in any of the arts, except for enchanting staffs.

      something people forget is that the player's mastery of spells and the lore's mastery of spells are 2 entirelly different things, when you reach 100 of a skill, thats what the player calls masterey, the NPC's supposedly (at least the best of the best) have reached this 100 years ago, but are still going on deeper and deeper, there understanding of "mastery" is going deeper into the lore of magic, up to the point where they have spells the player can NEVER learn (hence the tracing spell of Nethoth, allowing him to trace anybody he wants to find.) Master mages re cast easy spells to examine them, just as particle physicists keep on exterminating particles that are already discovered to find out if there is anything more to them then we already know now.

      Beside of that its still Immerse ether way, if you want to have a body with muscles and want to keep it you have to work out every day (or at least a very long time every one time in the week) too, if you quit training you will lose it all.
    7. Farlington
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      • 0 kudos
      ""Conjuration expert? OF COURSE I'm an expert, idiot. I'm a mage-lord. But you think I'm sending ghosts to haunt the Gateway Inn? Get OUT of here, you fool!""

      That's what Neloth tells you in Morrowind when you visit him in Sadrith Mora. He along with the other House Telvanni Masters are (at least) several hundreds of years old at the time of the Nerevarine. (Divayth Fyr is over 4000 years old)

      Not that I'm disagreeing with you that it would be nice to see a bit more evidence of his power (beyond his ability to grow his own tower/replace somebodies heart and be able to tap into others memories), but using a novice spell would be beneath him. It would be as demeaning as having to make his own tea.

      Arnold Schwarzenegger still works out to maintain his level of fitness, he's not using a beginners training regime to do it though, it wouldn't be fit for purpose.

      Removing this glaring error seems more immersive to me than not, but that's besides the point. Regardless of lore, some of us find this annoying. So the mod is hardly without point which is what you first claimed. I'm not quite sure why you've devoted so much time on a mod you won't use? Slow day?
    8. jefthereaper
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      Unfortunately I have not met him in Morrowind yet, even so, if he claimed to be a expert then (and already was alive for hundreds of years) its fair to say his progress is quite slow (tough NPC's all seem to progress 50 times slower in life then the player, but I guess thats quite normal, else the game would get boring of the player's progress would be so annoyingly slow)

      Yeah his spell arsenal is quite disapointing, I do have it on my mod plan list to give him unique spells (replacing the candle light with a ash skin spell) obviously focusing his skills on ash spells as he seems to have gotten a fondness and interest in those types of spells (can't blame him, its not as if he would ever run low on ash considering the current events and location)

      Well its Bethesda's lesser toutch really, I mean the college students also keep on using weak basic spells and the moment you try to breach the shield made by Ancano, the arch mage and Myrabell also try to break the ward with basic spark spells, its not as if Bethesda used the most logic attacks/immerse spells at the right moments, Especially if you consider the Arch mage and his right hand cast basic destruction skills (even tough they should at the very least be experts in all arts of magic) while Toftir the master alteration mage shoots out a Fire ball to Ancano (before the final face off) Makes no sense if you ask me, Toftir should have used a novice destruction spell (or a unique form of Telekinesis or such to rip a piece of rock form the ceiling or pillars and smash it into Ancano only to see it does not effect him) Unfortunately on that part Bethesda only added such cool visuals pre the battle with the vampire/snow elf guy in Dawnguard DLC (still think its one of the best animated moments where the building gets blown up)

      (even so I still applaud them for adding a basic set for Immersion in the first place) Most programmers would leave there npc's running in circles or bouncing into walls or even standing at the same spot all day doing nothing but idle animations, so its a nice thing to have NPC's actually doing something related to there function in the world.

      Hold it right there, I won't tolerate you twisting or bending my words, I NEVER claimed this mod is witouth purpose, I simply sated I don't understand why, as the candle light adds to the game, I however never claimed the mod is pointless, nor do I intend to tell people not to use it, nor promote to use it, I keep a neutral side on this as mods are a personal choise, wherever others want to or don't want to use it is none of my business nor concern, my conversation simply started with the basic question "why does this annoy people"? personally I don't get it, there is no sound form the spell except during casting, and the light is not really that bothering at all, I don't get why it bothers people, thus I asked, well that and explaining how the spell cast works as JobVanDam asked how it worked, I know it works by AI and not by script so I explained it (if somebody asks you how to do something, you don't just ideally stand by if you know how its done, you tell them)

      "devoted so much time in a mod you won't use"
      clarify this statement, course I have no idea what you are talking about now.
    9. Farlington
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ruddy hell. I cocked up my post edit in an effort to answer your edit and ended up removing most of what you've replied to. Now my post comes across as a bit stuffy...

      Didn't meant to twist your words, my understanding was you were criticizing the existence of the mod because of

      "I don't really get the purpose of this mod as it really removes a large part of the Immersion of finally meeting a NCP that is training himself in magic instead of walking in a circle all day, but I guess some people don't like that for some reason :-/"

      Mainly the emoticon at the end. It left the impression of snobbery (That others didn't follow your personal preferences). That's the limitation of the written word so I accept this wasn't your motive. My apologies.

      >clarify this statement, course I have no idea what you are talking about now.

      (From earlier in the thread)
      >just like a dragon I'm way to easy to get dragged into a long conversation.

      Are you aware of how much you have written in this thread? Compare the length of your posts to the others here.

      It's a very minor mod on a database that hosts mods that change dragons into steam trains/wrestlers (do you also write lengthy comments for them?). The author has already explained the reasoning for making the mod. What more is there to say?

      I like the mod and have endorsed it as it functions exactly as described and eliminates something that was annoying to me (Amazingly not all people react to all things the same - who knew?).
    10. jefthereaper
      • supporter
      • 35 kudos
      Well no worries then, I have critic on pretty much everything, its just my way, (I should seriously start reviewing games or something, somehow people like it when its a review, but don't like the same critique if its not in a video )

      Na, I just use emoticons a lot course I'm a drama queen XD (and love a sense of humor, I don't really know, I've used emoticons for years now, its part of my habit) beside, snobbish people are "too good" to use emoticons anyways XD

      Well like stated before, I REALLY get dragged into conversation pretty easily, when you replied to me, I was unable to let it go and had to reply back (first out of modesty of not leaving your comment unanswered, and second course I simply like explaining and talking)
      the fact you say "putting effort" in it is not really applying well as my general comments have over 100 lines, meaning this is pretty much a casual reply (hence now you know why I don't comment a lot on the nexus, as its just too easy for me to let go and type a full thesis)
      beside my comment chain simply started out with the mod and explaining another user how it works, everything after that was "action and reaction" people reply to me, I reply back, as long as somebody sais something to me that I can reply (or have to reply) to, then obviously the chain won't end.

      I still don't really get why it is anoying, but good to hear you like the mod (like I said, I don't judge, nor do I need to, some people need this mod)

      (personally I am still young, so honestly thats what frightens me, I already type full thesis's as a reply, gods only know how many volumes of a book I will type as reply ones I reach the age of 40 O_o )

      Yes I know the forums are for that, but like I said, action and reaction, you asked questions, I awnsered them, (so here I will try to break the chain by saying) Lengthy discution is kinda my thing, everything in the world can be going in deeper depth (heck I got a few of my better mod ideas (still not released as they are part of a huge mod) from simply talking to people in comment sections, you would be suprized how ideas are born from odd, seemingly none sense making conversations.

      hope I answered all your questions, and have a nice day. (don't reply, or else I will have to switch to Pm's to not fill this page any further XD )
    11. Farlington
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Right then, I absolutely won't write anything further that will will require a response. Is that alright? (I'm kidding, I'm kidding)