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  1. ItsDolomiteBaby
    • BANNED
    • 4 kudos
    My updated release (v02) for this ENB has been pushed back.
    I got fed-up with the Shadows mod, since interiors such as Dragon's reach and the Whiterun shops didn't obey the ENB's settings.
    If the lighting in the shops looked real, Dragonsreach would be too bright. If Dragonsreach's lighting looked realistic, the shops were too dark!
    Though I love Shadows, RLO, and ELFX, they cause lighting havoc with ENBs aimed at realistic lighting curves, since they are meant to be in lieu of ENB to provide great lighting without the ENB performance hit.

    In short, this ENB is NOT COMPATIBLE with Shadows, RLO, and ELFX.

    Also be sure your in-game brightness is set to 50% in the menu. I adjust at 50% to allow room in either direction for you to adjust brightness as you see fit, but 50% is where you will get results closest to my screenshots.
  2. ItsDolomiteBaby
    • BANNED
    • 4 kudos
    Keep it civilized.
    Some of you are already getting your pants in a twist, and need to calm down.
    Don't make me have to report posts that are set on starting fights, just because you disagree with another member.
    It's your game, and no one is forcing you to play a certain way.
  3. Amondra
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I'm a bit confused to be honest just going by your screenshots I can't see the difference between the game without an ENB and using yours. Also by looking at your screenshots this ENB doesn't look like it is so intensive you need a god-like computer to run it even using the Sweet FX. I am running a personally edited Realvision on my 660, now I won't say it looks better as that is subjective, but from a glance it looks more intensive and I have no issues running my game above 30 fps.
    1. tsukinomi
      • member
      • 75 kudos
      i was thinking the same thing, no hate but there are many enbs that look better and are not so intensive
  4. bur11
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    New version soon?
  5. GoForW
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is way to graphic intense my new 780 ti overclocked and i7 4930k oced to 5.0 ghz can't hardly run it tone it down bro. i also have 16gb of ram
    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      You could change the quality settings in the ENB GUI to low quality. I'm running 35fps on my 4GB GTX 770. I think the frame rate hit is an acceptable trade-off for the stunning visuals, though.
    2. zzjay
      • premium
      • 2,816 kudos

      i run enbs at 3540 fps on my gtx660 2GB

      are you sure it's not because you're using parallax textures? those usually eat up more Vram than standard 2k textures...

      i can run enbs like somber,K extensive,kountervibe...with a 2gb vram card...really i don't think this only applies to 4gb cards...

      Have u tried setting enblocal to your own PC specs? that'll surely help..if u have wrong values...u can have rly weird 8fps,on a very light preset...if u set Vram value to 0...u wn't run any enb...
    3. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Agreed; parallax does look great, but it's essentially like installing twice as many textures, at least from my experience. I also think you forgot a hyphen, because no way are you getting 3540 fps... on any current card or combination of cards. Don't sweat it, though; I've been making bazillions of typos lately.

      Try that suggestion. I avoid going above 1K textures on everything except my characters, which I will use 2K for diffuse maps, and 4K for normals. It requires a bit of work beyond a simple auto NMM install, but the performance gain is worth it, and most of the time you won't be needing such high-res textures, especially with DoF enabled.
  6. prod80
    • premium
    • 241 kudos
    I would suggest spending some time with the fx files, and including them with your preset (if permissions allow, but the default files coming with ENB are a good starting point). That gives you better control over the contrasts, highlights, and so on. Just having an ini file in your preset will look very different since color corrections are done in the enb .fx files and not the enbseries.ini, so it will look different for everyone using your preset ini file, and not how it looks on your system.

    Also comparing your ENB to others isn't very nice, even if you don't like the other ENB for your own reasons, there are also people that like said ENB a lot (like RealVision). It's all personal taste. Nice thing is that everyone's taste is different and we aren't all the same.

    Wanako gave you some good suggestions, he's a good ENB tweaker as well (google his flickr page, if you want to see his work). If you follow up and give those ENB resources a shot you can get way better results than what you have now. Also forums are a great source of information and examples.

    And, not all ENB's are full with contrast and flashy stuff and what not. There's quite a few really good ones around. And since you seem to like screenshots a lot, here's one for you, click for fullscreen

    In any case, you seem passionate about your goals, and this is your first upload of ENB... so ignore whatever people rage, and get the entire preset together in an upload (really, that's important) and see file permissions if you don't use the default ENB files (just as important). If you have questions about the fx files and what on earth they do or how they work, feel free to drop me a message. I can point you to some good resources or tips if you need.
    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks. I have no idea what most of the stuff means, and an in-game GUI really helps see the changes. If the .fx files have a GUI I'm not aware of, please let me know. My hard drive is mechanical and slow, so I prefer not having to constantly load and close the game to see the changes.

      As far as comparing ENBs; I don't think comparing my ENB to the most endorsed ENB on Nexus is mean. Many people use it, and competition is a good thing. I even provided a link for those who prefer RV over mine as a show of good faith. Why do people get upset over such petty things? I guess some people just WANT to get offended.
    2. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Here's my take on the above image. Granted the time of day is different, but you get the idea.

      Click to see 1080p:
    3. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Of course it gets cut off. Why Nexus, why?
  7. Aiyeen
    • supporter
    • 72 kudos
    Nice to see another CoT preset in this day n age!

    I like what you have done with the CoT weather patch! You got a nice foundation to move on with here for that particular style.
    It is a bit funny whenever someone say that ENB can burn down the card... if it does then you just have a proper RMA cause since then the card is not properly made!
    But anyways moar visual stuff!

    I do agree that a bit more contrast would help a bit, since you do have a bit of washed out focus on your shots, and it would not upset the color balance you have achieved. Also if you are not comfortable editing the .fx files then you can get .fx files that have GUI controls enabled and then edit it all ingame, makes your life much easier if you expect to continue to work and tweak this in the future!

    Finally... good times that you compare against realvision... that actually made me laugh a bit hehe!

    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks. I love CoT, but there are hardly any ENB presets that looked even remotely close to real that were compatible. If Boris ever makes a global contrast and brightness slider for ENB, I'll be sure to adjust the contrast. However, adjusting global contrast as it is right now is extremely tedious and involves adjusting nearly 100 different attributes, and I would actually like to PLAY Skyrim for once instead of adjusting the visuals. More GUI controls would be fantastic!
  8. myztikrice
    • premium
    • 205 kudos
    Not sure why you'd post images that show your ENB inferior to another...
    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      In realistic lighting terms, mine is superior. If you want Gears of War like stylized lighting, go with RV. Last time I checked, shadows don't appear pitch black in broad daylight, and my eyes certainly don't see lens flare. The look of this ENB is to simulate light the way you EYES see light, not some camera. If you play in 3rd person, then the lens flare and poorly set ISO would look more cinematic, but still not realistic.
    2. Amondra
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      The comparison to realvision you show the shadows are not pitch black, where yours appear to have no shadows at all. Also it looks like you took your screens under different weather which give a poor comparison. In fact most your screens don't seem to have shadows which isn't realistic at all, the sun doesn't reach into every crevice. Also during certain times of the day shadows do become rather dark. Also shadows in certain areas without the sun are rather dark.

      When you install it via NMM it asks if you want the sunsprite and letterbox, Also the sun lens she uses never bothered me and I play only in third person.

      The over saturation I just edit the file, which is easy, the creator even tells you how in the description if you don't like it. Really with how easy it is to edit Realvision because the author basically tells you how so you get the best experience for you I think you should compare to a different ENB.
  9. wanako
    • member
    • 31 kudos
    As I mentioned in one of your comparison posts, the contrast is simply too low in this profile. Certainly more work needs to be done to achieve the realistic look you're striving for. I've looked over your files and you only provide two inis, so I'm assuming that you're expecting users to use Boris' default shaders. This is not ideal for just about any ENB profile. Those files are meant to be tweaked or replaced by other shaders. If you don't want to go looking around for other shaders, I'd suggest going into Boris' shader files using Notepad++ and start tweaking around to improve the look of your profile OR you can check out Matso's incredible ENB resource pack: You'll find many great shaders there ready to be tweaked and molded to your vision. I specially recommend his bloom file.

    Climates of Tamriel is not a beast that can simply be tamed with one enbseries.ini. It can probably be done with vanilla weather, but CoT is an animal. The lighting varies way too much between different weathers patterns. You will need to activate "WEATHERS" in you enbseries.ini and get a weatherfile going with all the CoT weather codes. This will be the best way to start working on CoT. I have my own expeirence with it and it has led to many months worth of work.

    Another thing is performance. A 4GB 770 is simply not necessary. There is not enough going on in your ENB to demand such hardware. Just tested this on one of my machines with a 660Ti and ran flawlessly. 50-60FPS outside. It would be safe to assume the even a 650 can run your inis with not much of an issue.
    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Did you install the SweetFX presets I mentioned?
      Also, real life is not high contrast. I'm not sure how often you get outside, but I am out side every day for many hours.
      A Chicago (where I live) winter is pretty good reference for Skyrim's cold and dreary atmosphere.
      People tend to forget Skyrim is a frigid environment.

      Finally, this is simply the initial release of my ENB. It still needs tweaks, but I am satisfied enough with it as it is to make the first release. Sort of like a beta run.

      I was unaware I could make separate weather profiles, since the in-game editor does not give me that option.
      I'm no programmer, so I haven't a clue as how to make my own effect files.

      Finally, I do thank you for showing proper critiquing protocols, rather than just blatantly stating my ENB "sucks."
    2. wanako
      • member
      • 31 kudos
      Yes, I've installed the SweetFX profile you linked to. SweetFX is nowhere near graphics intensive. It's a very lightweight post processing solution. Nearly all modern ENBs have SweetFX bundled together, including the very performance friendly ones, and even mid-range cards such as the 650 and 660 can run them. It really is only a 5 FPS difference between ENB/SFW and ENB w/o SFX. So no, this profile will not be burning down any GPUs. If you've got a 4GB 770 that is having problems keeping up with this, then either A) you have a problem with your card or B) you have problems with your Skyrim setup such as the skyrim.ini. I would look into both if I were you. It could be a problem. If you were talking about a feature and code heavy ENB profile like "K ENB" or "Grim Winter ENB", then yes, I'd believe you.

      As for myself, yes, I do get out plenty, thank you very much. I think Chicago is a very bad example of Skyrim-like weather. The lighting of such a city is being affected by pollution and other man-made impurities, hence perhaps the low contrast, you're seeing. I would better look at photographs of places like Greenland, Iceland, or Canada in different times of day and different weathers. That may be a better place to look and get inspiration from.
  10. renthal311
    • premium
    • 1,234 kudos
    beautiful, very realistic settings, but why link to the DOF does not work? dof at all does not work for me and I have to TRUE which may be the reason? any of the files SweetFX GT to MannyGT? blocks?
  11. swish2000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Beautiful preset, looks very nice and realistic. I can run it at slightly reduced settings with a 7950, but only at around 45FPS. Definitely intensive - however;

    Just for the record, I don't believe an ENB can "damage your PC," per se. It may heat components up as they struggle but all components have an auto-shut down feature if the temperature gets too high. It's not that big of a deal, but I don't think you should mislead people by saying it could literally damage their PCs, which will probably discourage many people from installing this mod even just to try it out.
    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Perhaps, but if they do damage their PC, they can't blame me for not warning them. It's mostly a liability thing.
      Feel free to upload your screenshots; I'd love to see how it looks on other people's rigs!
  12. arahat
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    Amazing, there is one other person in the world who despises idiotic effects like letterboxing, lens flare, excessive contrast, film grain, and Depth of Field effects that make everything more than 2 metres away a blur. "But it's cool, it like in the films..." all these teeenieboppers say. There are so many losers in the world. Whenever I take my glasses off, I get Depth of Effect. It isn't cool, it's a disability called shortsightedness.
    Don't like it? Don't comment, move along. There's no need to get bent out of shape for other people's opinion about mods.
    1. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Haha! I hadn't thought of it like that! One thing that I don't get is when people play with a FOV >70. Seriously, wide angle lense looks sooo baaad! I understand the benefits of peripheral vision, but if you want peripheral vision, set up a multi-monitor display! It breaks the immersion, but then again, who am I to tell people how to play?
    2. Elianora
      • premium
      • 12,162 kudos
      Just because someone has a different opinion about screen effects doesn't mean you should parade around insulting them..
    3. chasidrill
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Ok let's set up a multiscreen display for immersive peripheral vision with more than 20fps

      2 side screens 21' approx 180$ (I keep the one I already have)
      2 sli vcard lets be serious and not burning money of too much : gtx 770@280$
      ohhh sh...... I can't run SLI......
      1 motherboard able to handle sli , 180$
      1 powerunit to handle 2 gtx , 150$

      Assuming the parts already in place in my current computer can be reused (cpu, memory.....)

      970 bucks to update a "proper" peripheral vision.

      there things you can't buy, for all other there is ini files
    4. tetrodoxin
      • premium
      • 473 kudos
      What Elianora said.
    5. ItsDolomiteBaby
      • BANNED
      • 4 kudos
      Who was parading around with insults?
      Do not start fights where none exist.
      arahat had a valid point, and I simply agree.

      As for anyone who got bent out of shape by my opinion of wide angle lenses, you forgot to read the last part of my post:
      "It breaks the immersion, but then again, who am I to tell people how to play?"

      Please keep a civil tone, and actually read full comments before jumping the gun.
      Thank you.
    6. Gioris0
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Elianora was referring to arahat,not you