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  1. Umbrecht
    • BANNED
    • 34 kudos
    Comment updated 22.11.2015
    HERE IS MY FIX FOR FALLOUT 4 , working great also:

    Well im back into Elder Scrolls again, what can i say? Witcher 3 Witcher 3 aand Witcher 3 it takes may whole 5 hours a week that i can spare for gaming now Polish version of this game really rocks so im into it.
    But as always will never abandon my beloved Elder Scrolls world .

    Once again sorry for my grammar and spelling errors im using English very rare for writing, but i understand it 100% so please have mercy .

    About fixes and tweaks in this guide/fix/solutions:

    They are working for 100% sure, only possiblity they are will not work is that you have mess at Your Skyrim directories. This fix is not only about copy/pasting ini's but also about learning to keep Skyrim folder and program in highest order.
    Even one small mod in wrong order, [especially if You are using Steam workshop] can break this game and will require reinstall or huge ammount of work, or can overload your cpu/gpu/ram ability to hold more effects.
    So please be sure to read description page here, where i wrote about excellent program like Wrye Bash and Boss [now LOOT] without them DO NOT EVER TOUCH MORE THAN 1 MOD!

    And other thing is many computer users have simply a mess in their PCs so simply changing some values in one game's ini will not give huge boost.

    Anyway all i wrote here is true and im using these inis for few years already [still looking to modify for hobby] while im playing ES series and you can see from number of endorsements im not the only one.

    And im using and posted this fix long before mempatch was released here.

    [REMEMBER TO READ THROUGH AND DOWNLOAD PDF TOO, and try to read my description - to have better look on the whole fix and it's origin - it will also help You to understand game engine better, thank You ]
    (i know it can be hard due to my poor english but You will be rewarded )

    As for the fix we have here, im trying to find new lines etc. still.

    --------------------------older text---------------------------------
    And for the current tip im using 3 new lines in my skyrim.ini
    (just an experiment):

    uGridDistantCount=210 - without setting this line little more than above TreeRange or GrassRange we will not notice any difference.
    So always have the line uGridDistantCount= , with at least 10 more or equal value as the uGridDistantTreeRange or Grass line.

    Having grass visible from longer distances helps with rather ugly terrain lods (even on ugrids=9,11 or 15, plus some terrain lod mods), becouse its covers that bland land.

    It is important also to chanege these 2 parameters in the SkyrimPrefs.ini ,(given example is with my personal settings , but minimal recommended value is 10 000 ) so, :

    fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000 (keep this at 0 )

    Will not work fully without ugridstoload= at least 7
    and these 2 lines in SKyrim.ini (under [General] tab) :

    uGridDistantGrassRange=200 (experiment with the values keeping it lowest at 20 )
    uGridDistantCount=210 (experiment with the values keeping it lowest at 20, but always at least equal or at higher value than line above so in case of 20 set it o 30 )

    Be warned these settings posted above could eat some fps.

    Right now im using this Skyrim.ini [General Tab] settings (most important fragment) :


    uExterior Cell Buffer=100(i don't need more)
    iPreloadSizeLimit= 4194304000 (i have 8gb Ram so half is enough)

    ------- Older notes ---------
    [Ive added completely new experimental line into .ini
    [it is in PDF and description]
    [due to discovery of the two new lines i was able to introduce new main solution that should work for everyone now [while keeping given req. about mods and config etc.], and give range view like using ugrids=9/11 while keeping ugrids at default level , "old fashined" (but working too for some people] solutions are still present in Alternative solutions section of PDF].

    Newly introduced lines should also help to have exactly same effect as having ugrids at 7 and even 9/11 without making scripts go crazy becouse you will keep ugirds at 5 !

    As positive side effect this solutions [ MAIN SOLUTION, CRTICITCAL SOLUTION or ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS] will also reduce stuttering and crashes for big battles, heavy scripted events, populated cities/villgaes/inns/interiors,etc.
    You should gain some fps too.
    It is not only about stable uGrids which as it shows in the end is quite easy to achieve.
    [Even in extreme cases , when you have very old or weak GPU like for example: 630, or 4xx series, or weak laptop Gpu ,you could still use part of this solution for increase your stability and more smooth gameplay, especially if you have some Ram instead (over 2gb at least, but even 1gb systems should benefit , just read solution ) ].

    It is working for me and not only for me, i will try to help others too.

    -----------------------<<<<<>>>>>> --------------------------------
    QUICK TIP OF THE DAY [15.01.2014] :

    1. As for line "iMinGrassSize="

    Yeah i know what some of You have on your minds right now "FPS KILLER, FPS KILLER" , but HOLD ON, our Solutions gives us really big boost for Fps and overall performance so right now You can benefit from higher settings even on crappy , coal engined PC with wooden GPU! [hooray]

    The smaller the number (default is 40) , the more dense (and thus better looking) , grass will be.
    I have mine set to 20 and it is pretty dense.

    2. Second thing as we speak of grass visual quality is line:
    "iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=" ,

    If You are using mods like FLora Overhaul, which adds more types of grass (even combined with each other, let's say 2-3 mods about grasss ), it is very good idea to let the game engine make them visible.
    Standard , default number in this line, doesn't allow to appear a lot of grass types in that setup (multiple grass mods), to solve that simply put higher number, im using :

    With some combination of mods and this setting, you could have beautiful fields, full of flowers and dense grass.

    Cheers and Thank You.
    1. neelix2001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Just thought I would add my gratitude like this as it isn't really needed to download I don't get the option to endorse.
      After applying your 1.8 tweaks to my ini file the difference was I can only say staggering I get a decent 50-60 fps anywhere its incredibly stable and no stutter, my skyrim is heavily modded with all the usual gfx goodies plus an enb.
      I have a decent rig with 8 gig of ram and a NVidia 750 gfx card prior to using this fix the game ran fine without the enb but on applying the enb effect the gfx card would begin to howl and the game stuttered into a shambleing wreck with my system I knew that that shouldn't happen and thanks to you that's now fixed I have a beautiful stable game to play ....kudos my friend
    2. rudy102
      • premium
      • 2,592 kudos
      Umbrecht --- Excellent work
      Since yesterday I can play with "uGridsToLoad=11", only this can remove visible popups for me, and the game seems rock-solid stable.
      What is your experience with uGridsToLoad=11, any broken scripts, quests or other problems ?
    3. Umbrecht
      • BANNED
      • 34 kudos
      Nope Sir, no problems at all.
      But it is "most" safe to play with ugrids left on "7" [due to complex of modded games - and some users me included have over 200 mods - it's hard to tell for 100% ] anyway with help of mod that let you change ugrids value "on the fly" without breaking Your save, so You can just experiment freely. High ugrids problems comes not from "high range view" but from having too much scripts happen at once. Most problems are generated by running too much "live" scripting mods [for example like mods that are constatly running in the background - especially heavy are economy mods, "spawn" mods - it 's really important to spend some time to decide which ones you truly need [ for example im using Frostfall, Realistic Needs, Requiem, Hunterborn, Interesting Npc's but in total my "heavy on live" scripted mods are no more than 10 --- i leave mods like Wet&Cold , Trad&barter, Economics of Skyrim, all animal like SkyTEST , and especially save bloating ones like Tundra Defense [it's great but for fun not for playing story] behind and turned off. It is rule in this engine: more heavy "active scrpting mods" you have running in the background while playing Skyrim the more errors you will get. So first ask yourself "Do i really need that another 4 mods with heavy scripts to have fun?" .
      As i said use no more than 15 max [and 10 at best] live scripted mods at once. And im saying this after hundreds of hours here and in previous ES games. It's fun to play not to spend many hours to get the game stable and not to backward few hours to solve problem .
      Just leaving most "core" that i need which have "live" scripts. On the other hand "Static" mods like texture ones, weapons and other item mods, quest mods [they are mostly "lightly" scrpited in terms they are not on the run all the time], buidling mods, etc.
      Generally im toying with ugrids and ES engine thing since month after release of Oblivion [it was just after my college], reading, trying and learning through various non Elder Scrolls connected articles and some sources directly for ES.
      Now im much over my 30ties, and have some time for my nerd hobbies like cRPG gaming and Warhammer Fantasy Battle .
      So i just dig through all of my past years notes for personal use and use Elder Scrolls editors [both old TES Cons. and CK ] to found some dependencies in both titles. Rest is just over 600 hours of testing and playing in both titles for all these years [ for Skyrim only it takes near 480 hours] . And after that i think it could help other players so i decided to make them public, thats all.
      What is better i have almost 0 technical knowledge of programming, my findings are more work of experience and "feeling" of game engine.
      Same way i reach nice fixes for Gothic 3 many years ago after hours of gaming, when i was able to play this game 3 weeks after release without single stutter on pretty bad pc. It's hard to define but when i spent long time in game, and read thorugh it's ini files, various documents, study their mechanics and like in ES case look into files by editors i can "see" some of the dependecies and can "understand" / "feel" what to change to make them work better.
      It sounds weird but its true. Once again i apologize for my spelling errors and form of included PDF [pretty spratan ] but i have very little time to make proper looking documents becouse of my RL tasks and pleasures like little daughter, wife , work, other hobbies.
      If i found some new "worth to include" findings in the future and have some time i will try to make PDF document look better .
      Cheers and let's hope cRPG genre will give us more great titles soon! And as every other ES fan im waiting for new Elder Scrolls universe game! Im really happy my findings could help other players and thanks for nice words!

      PS. [In polish for Rudy 102 ]
      "Rudy 102" to po naszemu chyba co? Miło poznać. Jeśli chcesz załącz porady z fixa do swojego ENB [swoją drogą świetnego], tylko wrzuć creditsy i linka etc. Pozdrawiam, miłej gry.
    4. rudy102
      • premium
      • 2,592 kudos
      Sorry, one post in Polish.
      W krótkich, żołnierskich słowach Wspaniała robota.
      Używam przede wszystkim modów ulepszające grafikę, nie zauważyłem na razie żadnych negatywnych skutków, aczkolwiek wczoraj przebiegła obok mnie, gdy spacerowałem po lesie w okolicach Rzecznej Puszczy, naguśka niewiasta. Nie wiem co o tym myśleć.
      Twoje ustawienia wykorzystałem w czasie produkcji filmiku z mojego ENB:


      Linka i creditsów nie omieszkam dodać

    5. TKHBMVP
      • premium
      • 93 kudos
      Rudy, your video is incredible, ... nice preset, I will link it on my mod site.
      What are your hardware specs you are playing on?
    6. Lord Zahr
      Lord Zahr
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Huge thank you for everything you've posted!

      If anyone is getting random and consistent exterior CTDs caused when loading new cells, read every word Umbrecht has posted here. It stopped my game from CTDing with over 150 mods, ENB, etc. EWI65's ini files are still a good base, but Umbrecht's solutions make what are in most cases necessary changes to allow uGrids effectively.

      Thank you again! +1
    7. lmstearn
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Hey, that's good to know about iPreloadSizeLimit!
      TBQH, it shouldn't matter what value it takes on as it is only a limit, or upper bound. Case in point: Seden had it to over 4Gb with everything working. From what I have been able to glean, the Bink movies are not launched as a separate process. If 4 GB of memory was actually reserved for Bink videos, there's no way Skyrim would load.
      Edit: The Bink codec would have to use a considerable amount of GPU memory. It has support for DX and GL which both use GPU memory. One can easily track the usage of GPU memory here, for instance.
      The buffers created here appear to be CPU RAM ones, however.
    8. Umbrecht
      • BANNED
      • 34 kudos
      Nope it matters , you can feel it when changing areas and game is loading new area (outside/inside etc., or loading new cells in world area outside) , it was exactly the same in Oblivion and very similar in F3/NV.
      Anyway feel free to experiment, right now im in love with Witcher 3 .
      But i will be back to Tamriel soon for adventure in great Forgotten City mod.
    9. lmstearn
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Looks like it might have some impact, after all, even with Fallout 4,- although testing it with the min and max settings and reporting VRAM & other statistics with something like the Skyrim Performance Monitor is the way to go.
      Now I have moved on to SSE, but in using the same rig all my settings are on low quality, and the exercise will be, if anything, to limit the effects of ugrids now.
      Oops, dang got yourself banned now. Bad luck mate.
  2. deejt
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I just want to say I think this works with Fallout New Vegas, I tried the 2gb setting and I just had the smoothest gameplay in years.

    I have 119 plugins enabled and 159 mods


    # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
    New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esm
    Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm
    PFTP - Merged OCCLUSION.esm
    Improved Desert Overpass.esm
    A World of Pain Revised.esm
    Two Wastelands Redesigned.esm
    Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm
    Interior Lighting Overhaul - L38PS.esm
    Animated Player Interactions.esm
    AWOP Revs - Scaled Goodsprings Fight.esp
    AWOP Revs - You Are The Hero.esp
    The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
    Corner Messages TTW.esp
    Tutorial Killer.esp
    Quick Trade.esp
    FP gun follows crosshairs.esp
    Universal Item Sorter.esp
    JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp
    BURN - Hardcore Fire Effects.esp
    TTW - Energy Visuals Plus.esp
    BLEED Ragdolls Patch.esp
    Real Recoil.esp
    Bullet Impact Increased LOD.esp
    Root 'n Loot.esp
    Harvestable Cave Fungus.esp
    True Wasteland Economy.esp
    Economy Overhaul.esp
    Animated Ingestibles.esp
    Groundcover Overhaul.esp
    Strip Wall Billboards.esp
    Random Extra Traps NV.esp
    Uncut Wasteland.esp
    NewVegasUncut 123457 Merged.esp
    BM Dish Explosion tab.esp
    MM Caravan Guard.esp
    Mojave Raiders.esp
    Mojave Raiders - TLD Patch.esp
    Mojave Wildlife (FO3-Style).esp
    Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style).esp
    A Murder of Crows.esp
    Megaton Lighting Overhaul TTW.esp
    Strip Lighting Overhaul.esp
    Immersive Pickup Sounds FNV Patched.esp
    Project Reality Footsteps.esp
    Cloud Shadows.esp
    CC - Rain.esp
    TTW Realistic Wasteland Lighting.esp
    Realistic Interior Lighting.esp
    Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp
    Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp
    Interior Lighting Overhaul - Ultimate Edition.esp
    ILO - Tale of Two Wastelands.esp


    +14 Enhanced Camera
    +Pip Boy Shading Fix
    +New Vegas Stutter Removal Win10
    +DiaMoveNVSE Patched
    +16 FP Gun Follows Crosshairs
    +Heroes of the Apocalypse
    +Item Browser
    +Harvestable Cave Fungus 1-2-1
    +Freeside Neon Sign Fix
    -Player Headtracking
    +1 Another Millenia
    +2 Another Millenia Gun Addon
    +New Vegas True Scopes
    -B42 Optics 1-0-20b
    +1 DX Spread
    +2 BallistX 5-3
    +Real Recoil
    -Immersive Recoil 2-4-1
    -Immersive Recoil - NPCs 1-3
    +Iron Sights Aligned NVSE
    +Iron Sights Aligned NVSE - Mod Support
    +Better Posture
    -B42 Inject 0-14b
    +Animated Ingestibles
    +Asura Locomotion
    +Walking Inertia
    +Dramatic Inertia
    +Modern stagger 1-2
    +Animated Player Interactions
    +Solid Project V
    +B42 Loot 0-13b
    -Hitmans door animation
    +TEXTURES - WORLD_separator
    +Gun Runners Kiosk Glass Fix
    +Fallout 3 HD Overhaul 2-7
    -Upscaled Textures
    +Fantastic Fire Hydrants 1-1
    -Legacy Reborn - High 0-1 + Hotfix
    -testing - subway wall
    -testing - structure overgrowth
    +4k Capital Wastescape
    +Winter Textures
    -wasteland LOD
    -Tex O Time
    -rock formations
    +Higher Poly Rocks 1-2
    -Higher Poly Rocks Tex O Time Patch
    +Irradiant Muck
    -Wasteland Flora Overhaul 3-6e
    +Groundcover Overhaul
    +Vurts improved plants
    +Dinky the Deluxe Dinosaur Retexture
    -Vault 22 Flora Overhaul Remastered
    +TEXTURES - NPC + CREATURES_separator
    +Wasteland Clothing HD
    +Book of Steel
    +PM's HD Ranger Outfits - 2K
    +Ghoul Mask
    +Character Kit Remake
    +Remastered Vanilla Bodies
    +Two Wastelands Redesigned
    +Real Eyes
    +Gore overhaul
    +Cold War Blood Decal
    -aMidianBorn NV Superb Mutants
    +Super Mutants HD
    +Biohazard Ghoul Retex v2
    +Molerat Extravaganza
    +Securitrons Scanlines
    +TEXTURES - ITEMS_separator
    +IMPACT - The Gaming Rig
    +BURN - Hardcore Fire Effects 2-2c
    +EXE V2 - Effect Textures
    +Dust Mote and Fluid Drip Effects HD FNV
    +Energy Visuals Plus - lumen from explosion
    +Ash Piles
    -Goo Piles
    -Red Goo Piles
    +1 Simplified Weapon Retexture Project 1-6
    +2 Weapon Textures from Heaven
    +3 TTW's Hunting Rifle + 32 Rifle
    +4 WTH - WRP Patch 1-1
    +5 Weapon Retexture from EVE
    +TEXTURES - CLUTTER_separator
    +Ingestible Textures
    +1 Clutter Textures
    +Superpele's Textures
    +MGs NCR Pack Full - Clutter
    +6IXES Clutter Texture Pack
    +Better Clutter
    +Physically Based Collection - gutted
    +Physically Based Beverages
    +The Divine Bomb of Atom 2K 0-2
    +Better Jukebox
    +Animated Cash Register
    -Better Cash Register
    +Quality Carts
    +PM's HD Ammo Boxes - 1K Diffuse
    +Dead Courier's Stash 3-0-1
    +1 BLEED
    +2 Ragdolls TTW
    +3 BLEED Ragdolls Patch TTW
    +Sweets Dynamic Detection
    +Random Extra Traps NV
    -Random Extra Traps FO3
    +Grulags Library of Simple Scriptrunners - explosives
    +Just Assorted Mods 4-4 + new sprint anims + clean tex + weap DOF
    +True Wasteland Economy 2-2 - loot destruction
    +Complex Vendors
    +Economy Overhaul
    +Root'n Loot TTW 1-14
    +B42 Quickthrow 3-1b
    +WORLD - UNCUT_separator
    +1 Uncut Wasteland
    +2 New Vegas Uncut
    +3 Prerelease Restored v
    +4 Camp Golf Confrontation
    +5 Westside Suburbs Uncut
    +6 Primm South Uncut
    -7 Gomorrah Casino Uncut
    +8 Black Mountain Dish Explosion Restored
    +If it wasnt for betsy
    +WORLD - EXTERIORS_separator
    +New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re - Remastered
    -Enhanced Mojave Landscapes v2
    +Remastered Quarries
    +Nipton Pit Stop Redesigned
    +Realistic Trashed Water
    +Improved Desert Overpass
    +Strip Wall Billboards
    +WORLD - INTERIORS_separator
    +1 AWOP NV
    -2 AWOP FO3
    -3 AWOP TTW
    -4 TTW Interiors Core v
    -5 TTW Interiors Combo v
    -6 NMC TTW Interiors patch
    +Hidden Valley Overhauled Classic BoS Theme
    +Metro Inspired Sewers
    +1 UIO
    +2 DUINVv
    +3Darnified UI - DT and DR
    +4 DarNified Traits Menu
    +5 JIP Improved Recipe Menu
    +6 One HUD
    +7 One HUD DUI
    +8 CellHUD
    +9 cellHUD Radiation Message textures
    +10 CellHUD dot crosshair
    +11The Mod Configuration Menu
    +12 MCM BugFix
    +12.5 Darnified MCM
    +13 FOV Slider
    +Corner Messages TTW
    +Universal Item Sorter
    +17 Quick Trade
    +B42 Notify 0-2b
    -19 Realtime Weapon Modding System
    +Upscaled Loading Screens
    +High Res Local Maps
    +3rd Person Camera Overhaul 2-3
    +Caravan Guard 1-2
    +Mojave Express Courier Delivery Work
    +The Living Desert
    +Mojave Raiders
    +Mojave Wildlife - Vanilla Version 1-01
    +Mojave Wildlife - FO3 Version 1-01
    -Monster Mod ReRelease 10b
    -Prodlimen Creature Pack Main File
    +Cook-Cook In His Castle - Main File 1-2
    +A Murder of Crows
    +New Vegas Strip Sniper
    -Nick Valentine
    -Rideable Molerat
    +Realistic SFX
    +JSRS 2.0 TTW Millenia
    +Project Reality Footsteps FNV v
    -Interior Rain sound
    +Immersive Pickup Sounds Patched
    +No Casing Noise
    +SmoothLight FNV
    +Megaton Lighting Overhaul TTW
    +Strip Lighting Overhaul
    +Real time reflections
    +Realistic Interior Lighting FO3 TTW
    +Interior Lighting Overhaul NV TTW
    -Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - TTW
    +Climate Control NVSE
    -3D Rain
    +TTW Realistic Wasteland Lighting
    -47 Weather Redux TTW
    -Atmospheres - Weather and Lighting 0-4
    -Obscurum weather
    -silent hill
    -Cloud Upgrade
    +Cloud Shadows
    +TTW Sun Tweaks
    +Visitant's HD Fallout Night Sky
    -aMidianBorn NV Superb Mutants - edited
  3. mcollins
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Way to much rambling in the description.. get to the point! Im passing on this one.
  4. Marcurios
    • supporter
    • 160 kudos
    iPreloadSizeLimit is for video loading in Fallout, it has nothing to do with 3d rendering, so in effect you guys are lowering the amount of usable RAM you have by setting this higher.
    1. xrayy
      • premium
      • 379 kudos
      iPreloadSizeLimit= 4194304000 - i confirm that this setting is totally placebo. it works just for the opening video. another funny setting is to increase cell buffer size while enabling preemptively unloading cell buffer. in my opinion a waste of vram and a cause of encountering more stutter without any advantage i know about.
  5. IxTha
    • supporter
    • 43 kudos
    Damn, amazing mod, before installing this my skyrim with 560 mods even with Crash Fixes had a lot of crashes, always the `` Skyrim stopped working '', but trying, reading and understanding this mod, it totally helped me, I used the settings :

    uGridsToLoad = 5
    uExterior Cell Buffer = 36
    bPreemptivelyUnloadCells = 1
    iPreloadSizeLimit = 2097152000
    bUseHardDriveCache = 0
    bUseBackgroundFileLoader = 1
    bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel = 1
    uStaticNeverFade = 1
    iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority = 5

    And now I can finally play my Skyrim stable and comfortably, in addition to improving my fps, I eliminate the 10 stutters for every 5 seconds that I had, really thanks, you are a beast ...
  6. phoenix10121
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    got r6025 pure virtual function error after doing this. Game was not launching after i did this.
  7. alby78
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ciao in primis mega complimenti per la guida volevo chiederti un informazione visto che non sono pratico ho seguito la tua guida non so se si possono aumentere ancora dei settaggi per migliorare il tutto in caso se potresti dirmi cosa ovviamente poi esperimento io giusto per avere un idea il sistema che ho 9900ks-32 giga di ram-titan xp in sli nel frattempo ti ringrazio in anticipo
  8. leonidasOMG
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please help me, sorry for my english, my rig is:
    i7 8700k
    16gb RAM
    2 SSD
    1 M.2.
    Radeon RX580 8gb

    and i can run my game, after i beggin to add more mods to my load order, i can play skyrim very well with no cashes but for a 1 month ago i can´t play skyrim crashes after the bethesda logo, can you help me plis? ^^
    1. Shubal
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      A crash at the Bethesda logo usually means that one of the mods you have downloaded is missing a master file (mod) that it depends on. Go back and look at the last mod you downloaded and read its requirements. Read everything about every mod you want to download and only add one at a time, go ingame and test it for awhile and if everything runs well, add the next mod you want. Good Luck!
  9. xrayy
    • premium
    • 379 kudos
    interesting thread and mod with so many endorsements
    some suggestions to update the ugrids facts so far in 2019:

    the ugristoload limitation is not as strict since much better hw and enboost as the essential memory enhancer is available.
    just change the ugridstoload value. you do not need the cells value line because this value is set automatically by the gameengine.
    5 (36) 7 (64) 9 (100) 11 (144) and so on... higher cell values than the default does not have any positive effect for the use of exterior cells cache.
    so the posted exterior cells value for ugrids = 11 by the author (100) is nonsense. 100 cells would not even cover the minimum needed 11x11=121 cells for the exterior and the interior cells need also some cache! the value 100 will be overwritten by the gameengine with the default value 144. i recommend to read the s.t.e.p. wiki to understand what you change if you alter these values.
    you can try 7 and 9 both ugrids work stable with enboost if you have capable hw. if you like to play modded skyrim with ugrids = 9 and 4k resolution you should consider to buy a fast cpu, a SSD and a RTX 2080ti . 1080ti should be good for 2k and probably 3k.

    i tried 7, 9 and 11 with a 1080ti each for month with no stabilty problems but with an impact in fps and sometimes a bit more stutter here and there in the exterior. even 11 works stable and may be used at least for screenarchery with 16GB ram and 11GB vram available.
    the cell change stuttering in fast moving 3rd Person seems to be slightly more severe with an increase of ugrids. i still have no full solution for this microstuttering even with ugridstoload = 5.
    a good way to reduce stuttering is to use the open souce tool "processhacker.exe". use this tool instead of taskmanager and you are able to configure not only cpu affinity and task priority but also i/o priority for tesv.exe (very useful for many older games).
    settings above ugrids 11 are not tested. it seems not advisable to use such settings with the available hardware and considering the dx9 and 32bit limitations and ai related undesired effects.

    so in my opinion there is no special solution. if you stay with ugrids = 5 and a few moderate mods you can still even play without enboost if tesv.exe is 4GB aware. if you like more detail enboost it is essential to prevent memory limit related ctd because high res textures otherwise will fail to load beyond the 32bit/4GB memory limit.
  10. guxx2006
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it worked for me somehow, ini config to extend memory usage solves my exterior random save ctd problem, thanks for sharing
    i tried uGridToLoad=5, uExteriorCellBuffer=36, iPreloadSizeLimit=(5*1024)^2, random save ctd happened nearly every 30 mins, strange.
  11. Vanguarde2017
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Folks, the user who made this is banned ( for being a racist turd ) and the methods he describes using this "Mod" are very dangerous and foolish. If you don't trust me go ask well known modder Sheson.
    I gave this mod a fair shot and took a week to examine and use it, it's insane and dangerous. The more you understand the core engine of Skyrim the more alarming this "Mod" is.

    I frankly think it should be removed from the Nexus seeing as Umbrecht the racist is banned and the mod is dangerous.