

  1. EmeraldDemond
    • supporter
    • 58 kudos
    And just like that, v0.6 is live, it took a year longer to release than I'd hoped, but with every setback, and the sheer amount of work I vastly underestimated, it unfortunately took much, much more time than I calculated; a great deal of additional content had to be delayed, but the entire mod has been overhauled and polished, to the point it'd be futile to try and write a change log for it, just consider everything changed in one way or another...

    I did my best to scrub through every detail, and test as much as I could, so all I can hope for is that it works as best for everyone else as it did for me; however, there are two issues I will make known, to avoid people reporting it back to me:

    - The Nobility Residential District has a framerate problem, I've done my best to optimize it, but in the end it is a very large, open room, with a great number of objects to render all at once, so being at the edge and looking into the center will cause the frames to drop...

    - The exterior cell of Maar Gan triggers a visual bug with the grass plane, this is apparently a bug in the original Skyrim, that this one cell triggers for an unknown reason, that has no reasonable solution, other than to save, quit and reload AFTER leaving the area...

    I hope you enjoy, I hope it goes well, and I hope it was worth the wait; now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going on vacation...
  2. Rlordumx
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Hi! This mod looks great (even more so cause i like Dwemer dungeons so much), but can't try because an SE user. I have some limited experience in modding, thus a question - may i try and make a special edition + Xbox ports of the March of the Dwemer?
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      I would much rather you didn't, but thank you for the offer; the time will come when I will approach the problem my own way...
    2. Rlordumx
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      OK, i won't. Thanks for the reply.
  3. Dion240
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    • 0 kudos
    Sounds like a awesome unfornatley i play the special edition so can't play this mod so really hope you'll one port it to special edition 
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      Perhaps one day...
  4. qwertyuiop210
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This looks great! sadly cant play since i dont have LE edition, but will keep an eye out if you ever decide to port this mod, hope you doing well man.
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      As well as I can be, certainly, thank you for asking; it's been a while since I worked on the project, I've been distracted by many other fun ideas, but I do hope to get back into the motions again soon...
  5. H4RP00N770X
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    Is "Going Out With A Bang" truly the final part of the quest or?
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      "Going Out With A Bang" is the final quest for the latest version, more quests will come with future updates...
  6. jaspergrumfuttock
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    OMG, it's me again! First of all what a great surprise - the last time I played the game ended at "the gun to kill the gods" and now it continues. Fantastic. All going well, no bugs but how oh how do I get out of the lava pit with the shard of Lorkhan. I can get the shard OK, I can even survive with a ton of healing potions and good restoration, but try as I might I cannot find a way or jump high enough onto what appears to be a "track" back to the Geomancer who is holding the lava apart. Please advise, it's driving me daft! Thanks again for a great mod.
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      Yes, the ramp can be a bit tricky; Telekinesis can be useful, not only for carrying, but using it to launch it a fair distance, even upward out of the basin, but that can be unpredictable and may get the shard misplaced...

      Truly, if you've given it every chance you can, you could use the Console to move it; simply open the Console, select the Shard, then leave the basin to safety, and using the command "moveto player" while the Shard remains selected, that should do the trick...
  7. jaspergrumfuttock
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I'm playing your mod again and thoroughly enjoying it - again! However I'm stuck in the red room  where the golden hair boy and I are transported to immediately following placing the lexicon in place. I think I was stuck here before but cannot find the post with your solution. Do you have a list of setstage commands please so I can progress? Many thanks.
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      So, for whatever reason, some scenes just...lock, and there's no rhyme or reason as to why; what you have to do is, open the Console, select an NPC, type "Disable" and press Enter, DO NOT DESELECT THEM UNTIL YOU BRING THEM BACK, then close the Console and see if the scene progresses...

      If it does, re-open the Console, continue to NOT select anything, type "Enable" and press Enter, and the NPC will re-appear; if the scene does NOT progress, do this for any other NPC in the scene until it does...
    2. jaspergrumfuttock
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Sorted!!! Brilliant play again until I present the (fake) keening blade in the palace, then going somewhere quiet, open the door, get knocked out, hear laughter...then just a black screen with background music and no-one to click on. Sorry to bother you again but any ideas please. Thanks in advance, regards.
    3. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      This one sounds trickier; first, I need to know where you are, you may be in two places and it may help to know which...

      Type "teofis" into the Console and hit Enter, it will remove the black screen, and you'll see if you're still in the Palace, or the place you're meant to be...
    4. jaspergrumfuttock
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you for your very quick reply, which unfortunately didn't work. The exact position - The Second Keening, I have just presented the fake keening to Lord Kag' and been informed to "return to the scheduled area in the bazaar district to speak with the geomancer" I then tap "e" to open the doors to exit, a guard appears, then his fist appears, then the screen goes black, the game freezes and I have to sign out.  It's a puzzle, I'm sure it didn't happen the first time I played this mod. Thanks again, regards.
    5. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      No no, I know it won't work, I'm just information gathering at the moment, I apologize for the miscommunication; when you're knocked out by the punch, the screen goes black, and by using the "TEOFIS" command, it removes the black, and gives me a better idea of what's going on, and where it decided to stop working...
    6. jaspergrumfuttock
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      TA DA!!!! I got it working. Very simple when I remembered that it happened in another mod some time ago - simply too many items in my inventory, so just dropped a few and hey presto, next screen opened!  Many thanks again for your time and help, time to press on with the game. All the best, regards.
    7. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      Oh, well, a simple solution, we like those...
  8. DBorn15
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is an amazing mod, quite possibly the best one I've played!  The amount of detail and depth of the story are incredible.  It makes me wish I had discovered the prequels in Oblivion.

    The only issue is that I moved to SSE some time ago and don't want to go back to LE.  I didn't realize the mod was still under development so I converted v0.6 to SSE for myself.  That went smoothly, and until now the only issue I had was that one cut-scene didn't start -- the one where the Geomancer recalls his past -- until I disabled/enabled him.  Everything was fine after that until I tried to enter the bazaar district from the sewers, which instantly caused a CTD.  Trying to coc to the cell had the same result.  I found nothing in the Papyrus logs to indicate why it crashed.  I don't think it is a memory issue.

    I tried setting the quest stage ahead, which skipped the problem and put me in another district (I don't recall the name -- it had train tracks running off into the distance), but after that the Geomancer was busy when I talked to him, and nothing I tried allowed the quest to continue.  Probably something didn't get updated after using setstage.

    I don't expect any support since I did the SSE conversion myself.  Just pointing it out in case there is a known solution.  I suspect something didn't quite convert to SSE correctly, and look forward to any official conversion that might be planned.
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      I'm glad to hear you enjoyed what you could of it, but it's problems like this that make me incredibly wary of conversion; even just working with the legacy version, it's terrifying how easily a time bomb can be worked into the mod that can't be discovered until it's too late, and converting just seems to be a cluster bomb version of that...

      Over the years, it's been increasingly obvious I have little choice in whether or not I eventually convert this to the Special Edition, but right now, I just don't have the time, the energy, or indeed the memory to worry about it at the moment...
  9. PrussianEagle00
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    • 0 kudos
    Honestly love the look of this mod, and I would love to play it if you decide to port it over to SSE but I understand that you want to complete this mod before even thinking about a port, I thank you that someone has made something like this actally real and look forward to this in its future developments

    F.Y.I looks perfect for a dwemer playthrough
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      It means a great deal to me to hear such lovely words about my work, I'm genuinely and sincerely grateful, and even moreso because you enjoyed it; I've been blindsided by a great many other projects this year, but I look forward to getting properly stuck into work on it again next year...
  10. Adaestra
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    i know its been a year, but SSE please!, I was wondering if I have the ability to port it for myself in CK..hmmmm
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      As I have stated in the past, there are no current or immediate plans to port to the Special Edition; if you choose to do so for your own personal play, I can hardly prevent you from doing so, but you absolutely may not, by any means, upload that alteration to the public yourself...
  11. Joeghaleb
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, my final toughts after finishing all Main/Side/Misc and visiting all areas : I enjoyed it a lot !
    I'll go for another playtrough later and gonna try some commands to try bypass some cutscenes/dialogues.
    Thank you for creating this engaging adventure, and now you got me i need to know what's comming next !
    1. EmeraldDemond
      • supporter
      • 58 kudos
      I'm thrilled to hear such a positive final verdict; don't worry, I'm just as excited for the future as you are...