

  1. aluckymuse
    • supporter
    • 228 kudos
    Hello There!
    Be sure to read the description fully before commenting here and please search this thread for answers before posting the same question. Be as through as possible when reporting an issue, using a clean save and checking if the bug is a repeatable consistent problem and turning off/on mods in your load order to see if it's a mod compatibility issue. Thanks!

    If you marry a Khajiit and decide to live with them and they don't actually have a house so you're stuck in an uncompletable quest;
    Open the console click on your marriage partner to get their Ref ID, then type: "player.moveto [loveintrests RefID]"
    The quest is then completed.

    Marriage can only work if you have already talked to the priest (Mararmal) in the temple of Mara in Riften. Even if you have a amulet of Mara and use all the proper console commands with VVE, you will not get the marriage option till you go through Maramals dialog, it's just how the game works.

    I am aware that khajiit may not have sound for their marriage merchant dialogue. At this time I can't figure out why. Regardless they will still act appropriately.

    TES5Edit This mod is clean. Fun Fact: I actually have to clean this mod EVERY time I make a new build in order for the new voices to work correctly. If, by chance I have missed something important however please do inform me about it.

    Please be patient. Your favorite voice will be completed eventually!
    If you want a follower or marriage candidate (waifu/husbando) mod to use one of these new voices just politely ask that mod author to make an alternate version using the preferred voice type.

    A Note to Previous MFVM Users,
    You may be wondering, Lucky, why is VVE just one esp when MFVM had an installer with all these options!? And why the heck did you rename the mod and make it just an esp?! Well, it’s easier to update VVE as a singular esp rather than an esmifyed esp. VVE includes DLC content so patches regarding that are no longer necessary. For the rest of the options I am currently looking into smarter ways of dealing with patching in general. This may mean that VVE will require SKSE in the future and will continue to only need one esp. (I have every intention to have console support, which may include patches in the future since SKSE is out of the question for them.)
    Since VVE is softly compatible with all the popular follower mods, my current focus right now is to finish what I started by adding the rest of the follower voices, find as elegant a solution I can to follower mod support, then move on to marriage and improve that as that's where there's still a blind spot in community support.

  2. Darklocq
    • premium
    • 126 kudos
    Need a new download location for this; the Nexus page for it is dead.
    1. golivie
      • premium
      • 49 kudos
  3. User_23213994
    • account closed
    • 25 kudos
    Any ETA on the next update? It's been a long while now. Really looking forward to female shrill finally being done.
  4. Chedderbob
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this compatible with IAFT by chance? Im guessing it is but would like a confirmation before using them together.
    1. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      Original Amazing Follower Tweaks is compatible, I have not gotten any bug reports on any new versions being incompatible.
    2. Chedderbob
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok thank you. Doubt ill encounter any issues but if i do ill let you know.
    3. ImperialWanderer
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Just wanting to let you know that iAFT's mod page lists a compatibility issue involving duplicate dialogue options for the new voice-type followers.
    4. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      If that's the case then one (VVE) will have voiced dialogue and the other (iAFT0) will be silent.
      An esp patch would need to be made for seemless compatibility but I'm not making patches yet till the voices are done.
  5. Demnas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks so much for this. I'm VERY excited for the male elf haughty marriage dialogue. Awesome job.
  6. plarles
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I'm currently using EFF and badly want to use this mod as well. The main page said something about partial compatibility with EFF, that the NPCs using VVE voices use vanilla follower counts. I know that EFF has its own follower count system that mirror's the vanilla follower count system, but I'm not sure how this is going to affect my game. Would much appreciate some clarity on this.
    1. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      Partial compatibility has to do with the way the voices were implemented, EFF uses it's own scripts and edits the follower count conditions of every single vanilla follower voice.
      It's been a long time since testing, so I'm not sure if you could simply "force" say, a female Argonian to be a follower with EFF's make a follower option and everything would work fine or not. Otherwise, you simply have to recruit the female Argonian first and then anyone else to get around the vanilla one follower at a time condition.
  7. TheBxushis
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    • 57 kudos
    Does it support Job Trainer # faction voice? IE: Sneak/alchemy, etc
    1. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      This mod only adds follower dialogue and marriage dialogue to voicetypes.
      Job trainer # faction is not a voice type, there are voicetypes that have dialogue for training in sneak/alchemy/etc but my mod does not expand trainer dialogue in any way.
    2. TheBxushis
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      • 57 kudos
      thank you, i mean, add the 0 jobfaction + 0 jobfaction"class" support. so, have you done a tutorial explaining how you fill the blanck of unsuported voice, as i want to add that option? or just tips, as i'm turning shahvee into a more functional follower with some extra options. (she was a thief in the past, so she could train the player in pickpocket?)
    3. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      I'm starting to do modding livestreams (right now it's just art) which will eventually delve into how I add dialogue to voices.
      Essentially you look at the audio that's already in the game and you pick lines that match as closely as possible to what you are looking for.
      For training, if i recall correctly, you just need a positive and negative response when the player asks for training, and then maybe a ending phrase, so it should be quite doable, the main hurdle is always putting it together. You'd need to make sure that voice exists in the correct formlist for trainers (if it exists) and finding the trainer quest(s) to add the new dialogue.
    4. TheBxushis
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      • 57 kudos
      thanks, i managed to learn how to manage FUZ files, coverted to a editable file, combined two dialogues i wanted then reverted to FUZ again. for now i did learn that the function "JobTrainer" doesn't support FemaleArgonian, so i will need to add a new one from scrath instead of copying an existing
      when i look, there a few Modders who worked that and maded some of the mods that blend in vanilla better than custom ones, and part set in stone (work with vanilla voice is impossible, only custom person voice is viable) and since i'm not english, i want to learn and use the max of my creativity to wrok around it)

      i'm glad there is enough tutorials to hint what i missing. for now, i will keep reseacrching and going (Trial/Error).

      Edit.: I figured it out why it doesn't work, JobTrainer requires "SharedVoiceFile" that is only displayed to somevoice types, in other to add jobtrainer, in teory, i will have to create a complete custom one, porbaly with a JobTrainer2, and create a quest following the same vanilla setup.
    5. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      SharedVoiceFile sounds like a Formlist issue.
      If you have voicetypes listed in particular formlists they'll show up in those shared dialogue things. (Sorry for the casual language it has been a while to my wording isn't exact.)
      You can copy a voicetype's dialogue that's already in JobTrainer and then change the subtitles and voicetype to save time rather then doing it from scratch. All the dialogue I've done for this mod was done in a similar way. Creating a custom quest for a custom voicetype that is just an addition to FemaleArgonian is probably very inefficient.
    6. TheBxushis
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      • 57 kudos
      Thank you, i did discover the problem althougth i don't find to much info about it, but it's something similar to the Miraak Follower mod and why the neck gap exist if you decide to change a npc weight, to avoid potential bugs, it's recomended a new game, and if you load over an existing one, it may not work as with a custom mod.

      To explain what i did learn, editing an existing npc is not as simple as creating an npc, lets say, a custom "follower", some values and information are read straight from the game and therefore editing a Quest to add more content does not work always really well if you don't start a new game.

      it's something weird and interesthing. but that i will work out, for now, i have sucefully reworked shahvee, and she works in the game like Faendal, you do her quest, she become a potential follower, and is willing to teach you how to pickpocket at journeyman level (in vanilla Skyrim, there is no "low option" of JobTrainer like all the other CLASS.) with her own lore, background and interactions felling like a full complete follower.

      This work for now require either your mod or RDO to work. (works fine with both) my future goal, is to ability some key NPC either by making their rewards more usefull, or by adding other options that was not viable in the vanilla game. (Thorald Gray-Mane, Kematu, Shavari and so on)
    7. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      I'm not quite sure what you did, from my view point you shouldn't run into problems that would require a new game. Though I can't say for 100% certainty seeing how I've never dabbled in the trainer quest.
      You should be able to add the required factions, change the NPC to the correct class, and ad the trainer script to the NPC.
      Then check any formlists related to the trainer quest to make sure the voice you want is listed in them, and then add new dialogue in the trainer quest that's either for the whole voice type to use, or is NPC specific by duplicating dialogue entrys in the proper quest. By doing this correctly you shouldn't need any other mods for help with the trainer dialogue working specifically.
      Here's a good tutorial:
    8. TheBxushis
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      • 57 kudos
      Finished All Trainers Dialogue for FemaleArgonian Voice, works sucefully, now all is left is to add her trainer dialogue option as a reward from regaining her amulet.
    9. TheBxushis
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Finished, next gonna work Shavari confront with the player, so, it will trigger a dialogue where you can spare her life or kill her. if done, she will run at the place esbern was, reflect a bit and after 3 days, a courrier will come for the player where she will apologize for her actions. I'm thinking if i should turn her into a follower or a Hireling. and since Female Khajiit Voice is limited, even if i edit with cantasia. maybe it's a cool touch to turn her into a especial kind of "Traveller Merchant" like other khajiits to be unique, and up to the lore of the game.

      to give a short review of what i learned by modding Shahvee.:

      gave her a extra dialogue on the end of her quest, so she will say.:

      > And i will be here if you need me. Dear friend.

      Her Trainer Dialogue (Pickpocket) is basically.:

      > Very well, i trust you are not planning any trouble. (Request)

      > Are you joking? There is no need for that. (Money/level)
      > Not, not... that won't be necessary.
      > I'm sorry, but i can't help it.

      Added a new unique dialogue. (Does your kind support any side of the conflict?)
      > That isn't an option my friend, Look around you.

      and idle comments to not feel like a commom Mod follower with just custom design on the Nexus.

      She feels unconfortable and comments " " if in noble places.
      > You have no knowledge of who you speak to. Go away.
      > You want knives? You want them in your belly? No? Then Go away!

      Battle comments.:
      I wouldn't even clean my tail with this trash. (Battle Dialogue Kill target)
      Is this how it all ends? (Battle Dialogue Kill target)

      Let the field mouse run. (Battle Dialogue)
      You've earned a quick death. (Battle Dialogue)

      And what if... What if there are things guarding this place? (Fear Dialogue)
      Are we truly sure this is a good idea? (Fear Dialogue)

      Yes, Yes. It is an ancient and ruined city. (Find Place)

      Ha! I'm afraid the loot's already been moved. (Idle Dungeon Dialogue)
      Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. (Idle Dungeon Dialogue)

      and so on. thanks for the support. gonna work some few tweaks. the it's done.
  8. Joshimito2000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, i've downloadedyour mod to try to crate a female khajiit follower, my problem is when i try to load the files in the creation kit, it says that is using too many master files.
    Do you know why this happens and if it has a way to make it work?
    1. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
    2. Joshimito2000
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thnx UwU
  9. Legend0fJan
    • supporter
    • 176 kudos
    Minor question, since you mentioned English Version in the files section. Has anyone ever made one in German?
    1. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      Only Russian and Chinese, the Russian version is outdated, as it couldn't be completed do to lack of necessary dialogue and idk about the Chinese version.
  10. Acidie
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    This mod makes it so I can't adopt kids anymore by normal means, any suggestions?
    1. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      Adopting children is a separate quest. The dialogue added by this mod only fills in what the spouse says regarding moving if there's not enough room for a child. To adopt a child (if i recall correctly) you just need to talk to the child in question, and that adoption quest gives you the dialogue necessary to adopt the child or for the child to not accept your offer if your house doesn't have the necessary space. My mod doesn't touch that dialogue.
    2. Acidie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Okay, thanks. I'll try again. The children shown in your mod, if they aren't there normally, how can I find them?
    3. aluckymuse
      • supporter
      • 228 kudos
      You'll have to use the console to spawn them. Go to the location you want the NPC to spawn in, they will return to this point when dismissed if they arn't assigned a home. Find the name of the NPC you want to spawn then open the console and type:
      Help "NAME" 4
      Then spawn the correct object using the command;
      player.placeatme BaseID #_of_copies

      These demo npc's are fully functional but are not integrated into the game, so this is the way to get them. Please view the mod description for the list of demo NPCs.
  11. Klonquad
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    Any news on porting this to Vanilla?
    1. aluckymuse
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      • 228 kudos