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Spectacular Night Eye 4.1
by OfftheRails

SNE is a collection of six improved shader effects for Skyrim's Nighteye power. It is compatible with the sublime Night-Eye Overhaul, created by BigFuzzyBear, , Gopher's superb Predator Vision, and most lighting mods.

I recommend using one of these - Night Eye Overhaul adds potions, scrolls, spells and enchantments of Nighteye to the game, so you can actually access the effect without being a Khajiit or a vampire. Predator Vision completely overhauls the nightvision mechanic for vampires and werewolves. Meanwhile, Realistic Lighting Overhaul and similar mods will darken the dungeons to such an extent that you'll actually need Nighteye before you can do any exploring.

ENB Users
ENB can sometimes prevent the Night-Eye effect from showing up at all. I'm told you need to set "UseOriginalPostProcessing" to 1 in your enbseries.ini file.

Installation - NMM

Activate the mod in Nexus Mod Manager to run the install script. It will ask you a couple of probing questions about Night Eye Overhaul, Predator Vision and any lighting mods, then invite you to choose which effect to apply. See the preview images and make your choice.

Installation - Manual
Open the archive and locate the ESPs folder. You won't be using the install script, so you'll have to ask the probing questions of yourself. Do so, and use the information so garnered to choose an ESP. The naming scheme works as follows:

SNE - all files start with SNE, so you can easily find them in your data folder later on.
Vanilla or Neo - Neo files are for use with Night Eye Overhaul. Vanilla files are for everybody else.
Regular or Bright - Regular versions look best without any lighting mods, bright versions are... brighter.
Bliss, Energy, Garland, Precipice, Psycho, Sideline - use the previews in the images folder to choose which effect you'd like to apply.

So, if you decide to use the Sideline preset, with regular lighting and Nighteye Overhaul, you should install SNENeoRegularSideline.esp. Simples?

To use Spectacular Night Eye with Predator Vision, you'll also need to go into the "Predator Vision" folder, and pick one or two of the ESPs in there. Install one "PredatorN" file (for nightvision) and one "PredatorT" file (for thermal vision). Note that you should ONLY do this if you have PredatorVision.esp installed already.

Load Order
Shouldn't matter in the slightest, unless you're using other mods that change the nighteye shaders. In which case, load this after them.

Compatible with Night Eye Overhaul as long as you load that first and (manual installers) use the esps from the NEO folder.
Compatible with most lighting mods - load order shouldn't matter. Choose between REGULAR or BRIGHT versions of my effects, depending on how dark the interiors are with your setup.
Now compatible with Predator Vision!

Am I missing any? Send me the link & I'll check them out.


Q1. Can you give me a quick rundown of the various effects available?
A1. Sure can:
Psycho - reversed colours (red becomes green, yellow becomes blue and vice versa)
Bliss - negative image (light becomes dark...)
Precipice - high-contrast, edge-detection shader with a slight tint in bright areas
Sideline - my take on the default effect. Less blue, with a more pronounced radial blur and more bloom.
Garland - an alternative take on the default effect, with the blur shifted to the bottom half of the screen.
Energy - a constantly shifting two-tone edge-detect shader.

Q2. Can I use these shaders with [insert nighteye mod name here]?
A2. Yes. Load my mod last if you want to see my effects. If you don't want to see my effects, see question 4. If you *do* want to see my effects, but you can't, there may be a compatibility issue and you should let me know so I can fix it.

Q3. I use Imaginator/Realistic Lighting Overhaul/blah blah blah and your shader is too bright/too dark/too stupid!
A3. Yeah, I know. Yawn. If you're having trouble getting this to look right with a particular lighting mod, please comment with a link to the mod in question. There is a "regular" and a "bright" version of each effect - the bright versions were tweaked to work with Realistic Lighting Overhaul and similar mods.

Q4. I don't like the effects!
A4. Don't use the mod then, dumbass. Seriously though, I'm open to suggestions.

Q5. Can I use your shaders with Predator Vision?
A5. Not right now; maybe in the next version. The problem (as far as I can make out) is that PV uses its own ismods instead of the ones in skyrim.esm. As one esp can't overwrite another esp, my modified ismods are never accessed by the game. If you know what that means and you're aware of a solution, I'd love to hear from you. I really really would.

Q6. Have you ever thought of...
A6. Probably not. If you've got a great idea for how nighteye should look, let me know in the comments section. I'm open to suggestions.

Q7. Why are there so few effects?
A7. Because making them takes f'in ages.

Timeslip - for designing some brilliant nighteye shaders for Oblivion that made me want to create my own.
BigFuzzyBear - for actually making nighteye available in game for most of my characters.
Gopher - for so many things, especially Skyrim Mod Sanctuary.
IsharaMeradin - for the Knowledge.