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  1. Earrindo
    • premium
    • 163 kudos
    version 2.0 uploaded
    Further adjusted the height, and in fact FS skeleton should be closest to vanilla height while Sundracon will be a little taller than vanilla.

    Official Schlongs of Skyrim version!
    This is a much more carefully put together skeleton in that it will not affect player or NPC height at all. I found a way to gauge relative gains and losses and I won.
    Works great with SoS, will probably explode your game if you dont have SoS, but honestly, what have you got to lose except permanently soiled underwear?

    Also everybody go give Skulltyrant kudos for having to deal with all these updates.

    Skulltyrant's mod will be updated eventually with compatibility skeletons for various popular mods that alter the skeleton.nif. Go track and endorse it here;

    please post screenshots lovely downloaders! I am terrible at them and its difficult to describe how much better clothing and armor looks with the narrower waist.

    Thanks to all you guys for helping keep this mod on Hot Files for so long! Not often do we see male only mods given a spotlight so thank you for your support!
  2. Jokerine
    • account closed
    • 1,196 kudos
    I am an ignorant idiot for asking this I'm sure, but after reading the comments, I couldn't figure out which one of these I should install if I just have the vanilla body. Is it sundracon? There was no 'vanilla' folder in the file I downloaded. I'm really confused Sorry again!
    1. Earrindo
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      no worries, this has been a remarkably popular slapdash mod.

      the sundracon skeleton will work best with vanilla and robert bodies,
      ignore the original FS skeleton and use the SoS skeleton if you use FavoredSouls body or SoS.
    2. Jokerine
      • account closed
      • 1,196 kudos
      Thank you, I'll be testing the Sundracon one with my vanilla male follower
    3. Earrindo
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      Feel free to test out the SoS skeleton as well. Honestly the proportions are a bit better on it since I did the whole thing from scratch essentially.
      theres no harm done by swapping out skeletons and I always encourage experimentation ^_^
    4. Oxytwist
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Earrindo, It has been a long time since I played Skyrim. No sure anymore, do I need the whole install of SOS to use your body?
      I thought not, right?
      I only must use the SOS vanilla armor replacers right?
      Sundracon FavoredSoul are the same as Vanilla so no armor replacing needed right?
  3. TritonsWrath
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    any way to make this compatible with SAM Light for SSE?
    1. Earrindo
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      erm, no, not really.
      The base SAM body is a better method of getting this body shape. Not to mention it uses a different skeleton entirely.
      This skeleton will only work with the vanilla skeleton, as any other mod that replaces the skeleton for any reason will be incompatible.
    2. Oxytwist
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Hmm I think one is better.
  4. wynterknight
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Does this work on Special Edition? I used this for so long that the vanilla body proportions look weird to me now.
    1. Earrindo
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      It should, yeah
    2. Oxytwist
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Can back after 5 years. Came look again for this body. Must we change things with Nifscope or something else for SE?
      Thank you for making this mod.
  5. sadelf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey so this might be a dumb question but I have a bit of a comprehension problem so, I was just wondering if this mod conflicts with female skeleton mods like UNP? I didn't think so because this one just alters the men's bodies but i wasn't sure. Sorry and thanks.
  6. thek8ikat
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    Thank you so much!
  7. TheForkOnTheLeft
    • member
    • 145 kudos
    Okay so this is my first time coming across this mod lol. Crazy, I know lol but I'm wondering if this will work with skysight skins. They have an option for male meshes for feet. I know that you said yours doesn't really do too much with the male body itself aside from height and 'Width?' if im not mistaken. I am wondering if it will work together. I honestly dont see why not. And SOS is needed to work right? I never used any skeleton mods because when ever I tried them they came out really wrong. So I am a tiny bit nervous lol Any insight you have for me will be greatly appreciated.
    1. Earrindo
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      This mod doesnt affect the male body meshes in any way. It is compatible with any body hands or feet you might want to use. It only adjusts the skeleton which is a separate .nif altogether
    2. TheForkOnTheLeft
      • member
      • 145 kudos
      Okay, cool. Thanks for that. I tried looking for SOS but it isn't up anymore? So would I be using the optional right?
      Edit: I tried it out and the subtle change is actually really nice lol
      But Im sure it more suited for tall, thinner/average weight characters lol
      Mine is more of ebony warrior status Both Height and width.
  8. LadyKonalea
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Used this when it came out, and nothing looks better on my character. Tried others, but they made him look fat and didn't feel like tweaking them every time. Your skeleton has me spoiled permanently, as it's so beautifully done that I won't use any other ;-) Thanks for all your hard work.
    1. Earrindo
      • premium
      • 163 kudos
      I'm touched!
      I love those little mods that make the game for me, and I cant say how much it pleases me that my mod is one of those for you ^_^
  9. benekhar
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Beautiful, can you make one that reflects the weapon positions of the Armed to the teeth skeleton?
  10. LinkinPark02
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    which program you used to edit the skeleton ?
    1. lued123
      • premium
      • 18 kudos
      Probably Nifskope?
  11. User_9280274
    • account closed
    • 1 kudos
    Not a bad skeleton, nicely done!