
Mod articles

  • Pretty Motion update record

    v1.0-1.1 MCM Version
    Redefined poses list and poses number.
    Add "Ex" and "Weapon Ex" poses which is new figure poses create after ring version.
    many old pose is re-adjust.
    Old pose 07 and 10 is move to Ex list which is number 06 and 07.

    v1.2 MCM Version
    Some old idle pose adjust, around 20+ new poses add with different weapon animobject setup.

    1.2 Introduction:
    First I decide to update to 1.2, I am lazy that I just want to add few idle poses, I hate keep testing and adjusting again and again loop between 3d software and skyrim, It spend a lot of time and so boring. But when I working on it, I imagine that more nice pose position in my mind, and I want see they how looks in the real, at last I add new contents...