

  1. Uncleseanp
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Damn i would love to see this mod get finished and converted to SSE this would be incredible in Skyrim VR I'm sure you could get a team together now SSE is super popular i completely get it if you are too busy though great work btw amazing you did this Solo you are very talented
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Totally open to someone taking over, I lost interest when I noticed AI would go unresponsive when there were a lot of them. I would probably change the monsters to monster spawners and only activate them when the player was nearby. Good thoughts coming to me years later of course...
  2. michael301986
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    I assume this mod is dead now. Its now 2 months in 2016 and the last announcement about some sort of dev was 7/2015...and no word since. I assume its just dead now overall
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      I just feel like there is less people playing Skyrim nowadays. The game is over 4 years old. I would love to keep developing, but with no volunteers, my new job, and money being tight, I just can't support development anymore. Maybe when TESVI comes out, maybe, since Fallout 4 isn't even peaking my modding interests.
    2. ChickenSupreme9
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      • 3 kudos
    3. TripleSixes
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      • 31 kudos

      Over a year from my last comment on this mod, and I still feel the same.
    4. DartRevan
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      TripleSixes, we are waiting for ur return !)
    5. JohnKnighthawke
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Over 5 years after this comment and Elder Scrolls Part 6 probably is still 5 or so years off. *chuckles* Oh well. While I never liked the original Diablo too much, I'm never-the-less intrigued by this mod (other mods have given me a taste for the crossover thing), and may install it at some point. Whether I do so or not, it looks like you made a pretty popular and liked mod here so congratulations!
    6. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Much appreciated, friend. I did start on some Diablo II worldspaces in this project, but they never got attached to anything.
  3. ReTr0TeK
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    I tried to add this mod to Skyrim VR but i guess it doesn't want to show up in MCM, ah well :(
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      If Skyrim VR doesn't support oldrim mods or SKSE for oldrim, that'd be why.
  4. Blackjack34A
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    im downloading this just because i loved Diablo 1 and 2. I currently have D3 uninstalled at the moment. It lost what made the first two games great.
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Hope you like it :) Thank you for your interest.
    2. tshort98
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Did you ever get it to work? because i'm having issues with the mod appearing in the MCM menu
    3. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Hey tshort98,

      More than likely a newer version of SKSE/SkyUI is causing this headache, since the libraries used in this mod are older.
  5. daki06
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Pretty sure that noone is reading this anyway but I will try.
    Does this still work with the updatetd versions of SKSE und SkyUI? Because the mod doesn´t show up in my MCM :(
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Hey daki,

      I haven't been working on mods for about a year, but I bet part of the SKSE api has been deprecated. Unfortunately, this mod will probably get filed away as "out-dated" as I have no plans on adding to it anymore. Maybe I will carry the project into TES6 if it is any good.

      That makes me pretty sad..
    2. daki06
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Aww man that sucks :(
      But thanks for the answer! :)
  6. modemwarr
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    But Diablo have multiplayer... ? - (Remove Skyrim map and have only this map and DI underground),...
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Maybe one day, thanks to the hard work of the developers over at:
  7. evilgluk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    will there be any custom models for bosses? e.g. for diablo
    1. evilgluk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      and you can also use some badass armor for black knights
      and something from for Leorik
    2. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Thank you for the tip
    3. evilgluk
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      no problem, I just want this mod to show its potential. Will you remake it for TES6 when it comes?
    4. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Y'know, I never thought about it. I have a few mods that are just giant in scale. I will say, If I were to remake a mod and push it to completion when TES6 comes out, it would definitely be this one.
  8. CarrioTine
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I cannot access the menu by the MCM.
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Make sure you are using the latest Sky UI and SKSE versions.
  9. Mergly
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nice to see this mod back in development! Since you said that this mod will be comprised of assets not taken from blizzard, do you plan on getting voice actors for NPCs?
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      I do intend to... it is just a matter of getting them.
    2. Deadpool1881
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey Triple, did you ever get the chance to check out my Butcher line?
  10. ff7legend
    • premium
    • 1,386 kudos
    How is the development of this mod coming along? I've been tracking this for a long while & am hopeful this will one day be finished as time allows. Thanks.
    1. TripleSixes
      • supporter
      • 31 kudos
      Well, I wish I was a little faster at making the dungeon, I adopted a new style, and I like it, but it is very very slow I am also waiting on a few people to approve the use of their weapons in my mod.
    2. ff7legend
      • premium
      • 1,386 kudos
      Understandable. Navmeshing & scripting are a real pain in the @ss from what I hear. Regardless, I'm glad this hasn't been abandoned & is still being developed, albeit slowly. Take your time though. Rushing things only leads to bugs/glitches later on. Thanks.