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  1. BeautyandLife
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    To the mod author why is the mod coming up corrupt and shouldn't be used in LOOT?
  2. Grecia300
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    Could you do Sapphire(Thieves Guild), Olfina Gray-Mane, Ria, Aela, Sussana the Wicked( Candal Hearth Hall), Black-Briar family, Muiri, as many Bards as possible, Astrid, Wench's, Haelga, Svana Far-Shield, Drifa (Pawned Prawn), Dragonborn DLC, and Dawnguard DLC

    plz, plz, plz
  3. Caianna_Corui
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod! It makes some of my favorites (Vilkas, Farkas, Hadvar, Brynjolf) so pretty to look at! Just a note though, I've noticed a few errors in the English version of the game. Installing this causes a few names to be incorrect (switches them to German, I believe. Maven switches to Maven Schwarz-Dorn, Dirge becomes Hueler, and Silda's name messes up as well.) On top of that, Tonilia is listed as Delvin in subtitles, as well as in the merchant screen.

    Nothing game breaking, more minor annoyances. Nothing too bad, and I still use most of the .esps. Just figured I'd mention it.
  4. shadowking66
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    You are a god and i think i love you lmao. This overhaul is the best one i've seen! I'm downloading it now. Thank you for taing the time to bundle them all together
    1. JCeats
      • premium
      • 44 kudos
      LOVE for everyone ! Thank you ^^
  5. MarinaHyde
    • premium
    • 181 kudos
    Hi JCeats,

    Deine Überarbeitungen sind wundervoll und gefallen mir größtenteils sogar noch besser als die "bekannten" Overhauls. Ich finde es übrigens nicht schlimm, dass die ESP-Dateien einzeln sind - so kann man sich seine persönlichen Favoriten heraussuchen, denn, wie Du schon sagtest, Geschmäcker sind verschieden.
    In Deiner Beschreibung steht, dass man Dir bei persönlichen Wünschen eine Nachricht schicken darf: Leider bin ich kein Premium Mitglied (da ich selbst nicht modde bestand nie der Bedarf) und kann Dir somit keine PN schicken, weshalb ich erst mal hier nachfrage, ob Dein Angebot noch besteht ... in der Hoffnung, dass Du diesen Kommentar liest. :/

    Viele, liebe Grüße,
    1. JCeats
      • premium
      • 44 kudos
      Ich habe dir eine PM geschrieben, für den Fall dass du die nicht lesen kannst: Ja, das Angebot steht noch

      (Ich bin übrigens auch kein Premium Mitglied und kann Nachrichten schreiben. Vielleicht ein bug mit der Seite bei dir?)
  6. JCeats
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    @ SeraphimDreams I hope I can do something for you, you are right - this are a lot esps.. but I am a total idiot concerning tesvsnip. after I returned from my holidays I will try my best to reduce this
  7. SeraphimDreams
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Awesome mod, but could you possibly try packaging them together? It just becomes a little cumbersome with all of the ESPS needing to be together to get the full taste of this mod.
  8. JCeats
    • premium
    • 44 kudos

    xD I am curious that so much users just cannot understand my taste, but as we are saying in Germany "Tastes are different, not false" neither I nor anybody else should judge about personal opinions - not because of your post, rather than other below.

    As I said I am from Germany (oh my god) and a man who's interested in men (oh my double god) -
    I think the angles depending in my origin, my orientation and the books I read.

    Mh.. and yes, I just looked at some faces and was whishing that they look diffrent, so I changed them. And well.. not everything is lorefriendly, but in a world with magic, why shouldn't there be spells to keep youth save.. (Maven for example.) Or Onmund.. he is marriable but I can't stand this chin - while I am in a game and having the option to change their look to fit my tastes.. why not.
    I hope I understand your question <.<
  9. deleted1311581
    • account closed
    • 5 kudos
    Interesting mod... I am curious though, as you say these are edits from your personal tastes. May I ask what angle/s are your tastes coming from? Is it pure aesthetic or adjusting some of the more outrageous morphs? I have no problem either way but I wonder where you're coming from is all.

  10. Dowakin13
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I think I will try it, and give you some feedback
    Other than that looks promising