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  1. Grimraven1
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Once my mods are bug tested and roll out; they're pretty much finished. My mods to date are ticked to auto level from level 8 to level 80.

    In all honesty, I'm not sure what the player character level cap is for Skyrim, so I've always maxed companions out at 80 since that's the number I see the most reference to.

    If the level cap is higher than 80; I'll make future companions top off at a higher cap.
    1. Tremere777
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Grim, if you use SPERG the level cap becomes relatively non-existent as it requires uncapper and has a ton of perks. That said I like her look and I'm going to give her a spin.
    2. Tremere777
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      So far I like her, going to run Forelhost with her today and if anything comes up I'll mention it.
  2. Grimraven1
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    There are several things that can cause this issue (I've had it happen with add-on companion and vanilla companions a couple of times).

    1. Make sure that the companion's ESP/ESM files are below more essential mod data files in your load order.

    2. Some companion overhaul/enhancements mods cause seom companions to go M.I.A. sometimes from what I've read.

    3. Sometimes Bethesda's save game data will simply decide not to load mod assets for certain mods. When this happens, reloading the save after exiting and restarting Skyrim will resolve it sometimes...while other times the mod will need to be manually uninstalled/reinstalled in hopes that Skyrim decides to load the mod's data correctly from the ESP/ESM files.

    4. Try putting the ESP/ESM files of the companions that aren't working for you dead last in your load order (be sure to load the ESM files ABOVE your related ESP files in the load order).

    The only companion of mine I had this issue with was Pixie during pre-release testing. A manual uninstall/reinstall resolved the issue for me.

    Just make sure that when you do an uninstall/reinstall that you uninstall and then load Skyrim BEFORE reinstalling the mod(s). While in the game, load all of the save games you want to use said mod(s) in and then save the games so that Skyrim will remove data entries regarding the mods you've uninstalled (not doing this will cause the game to treat it as though you never uninstalled the mod should you not clear out the uninstalled mod data first).

    If none of the above helps; I have no clue what's causing the issue with those specific companions (all of my companions are pretty much built the same way in means of functionality and mechanics).
    1. Voivre
      • member
      • 26 kudos
      Did all this, still getting CTD, please help.
  3. EndofTales
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi and... Aaah a High Elf Conjurer Kaelyn She not going to be so HIGH and mighty after I'm done with her (Just kidding) Wow she is the First Cute High Elf I ever seen and I got to say Nice Work man Finally a high elf that I LOVE to have as a Follower so THANK YOU very much
  4. Game Weasel
    Game Weasel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I've loaded, uninstalled, reloaded, activated and deactivated this mod and for the life of me I can't ever seem to find her in the Inn. I don't know what the problem is. Any ideas? I've had the same issue with a couple of the other companion mods you've done. Daeas works just fine but Kaelyn and Talsha seem reluctant to show themselves.
  5. madpaddy
    • premium
    • 94 kudos
    Great mod any chance of making her lvlup to 120 ??.
  6. Grimraven1
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Try putting her Esp/Esm files at the bottom of your load order.

    Make sure the ESM file is before the ESP file.

    Always make sure the Apachii Sky Hair ESM/ESP are in the load order before any companions that require it (like this one does).

    If you installed with the Nexus Mod Manager, that's most likely the issue (the few errors people have had with my mods almost always stem from using NMM, and I don't recommend using the hunk of crap myself).

    @ P210: Glad you like her. Thanks for downloading and feel free to check some of the other companions I have up on the Nexus. More companions coming up.
  7. veekahn
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Have 131 esp mods installed and this one crashes on initial launch
  8. P210
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    This is one of the best NPC mods ever made for Skyrim. Everything works perfectly. I hope do more like this one.
  9. Grimraven1
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    <--- No offense taken of any kind. Once I release a companion; you're free to use them however you want.

    Once I get some more companions made I might look into releasing a "best of" collection where I take the companions that were endorsed/liked the most and place all of them in one collection. The main hurdle with this is getting the creation kit to cooperate as I feed it all of those ESP files to consolidate into one ESP (sometimes it works, most times it doesn't).

    The creation kit, at best, is currently a buggy hunk of junk that can corrupt ESP and ESM files (if it does this you have to start over from square one), it can delete your added characters occasionally, and it will also randomly reset/change things you input on various creation tabs (which means you have to constantly double and triple check everything you do to make sure the CK doesn't screw with it).
  10. qinlongfei
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    Like I said, the reason I request a compiled version is I want someone to fill my house (Deus Mons and Dovahkiin hideout comes to mind) so I need a large number of different companions who would be able to sandbox anywhere and your mod just seems to be a good choice. (Sorry if you get offended I use them to populate house instead of using them as fighting companion.)