Manly Monday

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 878 kudos
    Though I would just copy one of my comments here for those who may be mildly curious what I my plans are ... which are in flux at the moment lol.


    After playing Grim for 3 whole years (minus some minor toying around with Kavel and Marrok) it is very hard to switch gears. Oh I have him backed up on three places in case I really miss him but as of now my HD and PC have been purged of ALL my old Skyrim stuff. Images, saves, mods, etc. all deleted. I like fresh starts so my mind isn't tempted with going back - it makes me very wishy-washy when I have too many options. I then started building a new world yesterday. These are the first few shots of the new world.

    Of course I ended up still using probably 80% of the mods I always do as I just enjoy them too much. But am trying a few new ones. And, of course, a new character.

    Based on where I left things in Grim's world this character is supposed to be Fenrir in human (and I include Orc and Dunmer in that word) form after he returns from saving the Fallout 4 Universe from being taken over by machines.

    Just not sure what his form will be or if I will even go with that story or come up with a whole new character concept - which would be the Orc. If I play Marrok then Marrok will either be the version I had been playing or, since I left his past purposely vague (he just "appeared" in Solstheim around age 8 ) he could also be a Dunmer ... since Fenrir did sleep with a half-Dunmer woman named Alfrun to have Grim. Grim is mostly Nord but he has a little Dunmer blood in him so he could manage fire - a key thing used to help rescue his father.

    Anyway I write too much and have an overly active imagination :-) Just enjoying concepts right now.
  2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful images with very impressive and handsome looking hero! I am very curious at what character you choose to continue Skyrim journey and would he appear as Nord, Dunmer or someone else!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Nataly! Still enjoy the game but needed a fresh start. Kept returning to Grim and falling into old play habits. So want to revive Skyrim somewhat. Grim will always, always be around - in my head and heart as well as his stories.

      Still not sure on character. I think I would play the Nord guy but only if I can find a haircut I like.
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,112 kudos
    Great works Jonathan the last image is fave looking forwards to your Orc and bring back Marrok too
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Izzy! I am not yet sure how I will approach this. After playing Grim for 3 whole years (minus some minor toying around with Kavel and Marrok) it is very hard to switch gears. Oh I have him backed up on three places in case I really miss him but as of now my HD and PC have been purged of ALL my old Skyrim stuff. Images, saves, mods, etc. I then started building a new world yesterday. These are the first few shots of the new world.

      Of course I ended up still using probably 80% of the mods I always do as I just enjoy them too much. But am trying a few new ones. And, of course, a new character.

      Based on where I left things the character is supposed to be Fenrir in human (and I include Orc and Dunmer in that word) form after he returns from saving the Fallout 4 Universe from being taken over by machines.

      Just not sure what his form will be or if I will even go with that story or come up with a whole new character concept - which would be the Orc. If I play Marrok then Marrok will either be the version I had been playing or, since I left his past purposely vague (he just "appeared" in Solstheim around age 8 ) he could also be a Dunmer ... since he did sleep with a half-Dunmer named Alfrun to have Grim. Grim is mostly Nord but he has a little Dunmer blood in him so he could manage fire - a keep thing used to help rescue his father.

      Anyway I write too much and have an overly active imagination :-)
    2. ista3
      • premium
      • 1,112 kudos
      I could read a book with a thousand pages written by you 'well okay I exaggerate a bit' make it two thousand without images, your writing skill and imagination is unbelievable
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Ah that is very kind of you thanks! Hopefully I will do some more stories once I get things settled on.
  4. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    He looks fantastic!
    Although an Orc might be a fun change of pace!
    Can't wait to see what you will come up with!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Arnold! My first char was a Nord named Ulfr Bjorn - 600 hours all vanilla (except a hairy chest mod) as it was before my modding and ENB days. My first modded game, with Seasons of Skyrim by Bronze, was my Orc - Varg the Reluctant Paladin. He just did the Dawnguard questline and became Archmage. Been over 3 years since I had an Orc so it is something I am debating ... although really no idea at the moment where I will end up.
    2. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      I think as a story teller, an Orc character would be fun as they have such a "Warrior" "Die with your boots on" personality.
      I look forward to seeing what you will do.
  5. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    I see a few familiar features like the strong chin and the eyebrows that say, "You don't want to meet me when the moon is full." I've yet to try to play a pure magic based character. I'm just wondering what quirks and limits you plan to place on him. I know you like to do that as much as I do. IE. Sedulsa never sneaking and Grim's bare feet.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Aye I wanted some wolf traits - he may end up being Fenrir so that was important. Plus all my men have chins you could land a plane on (as a friend told me when she saw some of my male characters). I just like very rock/brick like men - thick, sturdy, solid.

      I do like quirks. Somewhat unrelated Fenn, in Fallout 4, has one - he hates the Jingles monkeys. No matter what he hunts them down and blows there heads off. It has gotten him in trouble a few times. He has a few other quirks but that one is one of the funnier ones.
  6. EMS60
    • member
    • 105 kudos
    A fine char. I like the prominent chin, bushy brows and these captivating eyes.
    I'm not so fond of this hair style on him. Imo it looks a bit like a helmet (if I may write this.)

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Lol you certainly may write that - feedback is welcome in a positive way (I think we all enjoy the safe zone of Nexus where we can just relax and post things) as it can help improve things. Sometimes it is just fun to ramble on as well (like I did on the DOF).

      Plus I somewhat agree. The hair is an issue. At certain angles I like it but not the rest. Problem is very limited hair. I tried KS hair but it didn't fit well. It almost looked like a badly fitted wig. Maybe it is the body I use (SoS plus SkySkins). I tried a few and then gave up.

      So I have vanilla plus 4 additional ones I found in a small mod. This is one of the 4. The other I like but used on Kavel ... but I am debating re-using it even if it makes him look a bit like Kavel (I mean Kavel was fairly sexy). Otherwise I may try a mowhawk (which I prefer on the Orcs) or my favorite male one which I used on Tork Wolfbane and Brynjolf.
  7. ChrisKley
    • premium
    • 108 kudos
    Hopefully another great character has entered Skyrim! Since you played Grim as person with alot of background and lore, maybe this character could be more like a cold mercenary? Who does not care about the needs of other people and just tries to make a livin?

    Sorry, I got a bit off-topic ... Its your character and your game, have fun with it and do what you please!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Chris and I never mind rambles - do them all the time myself. I don't go well with bad/evil characters - just don't enjoy playing them and every time I try they turn out nice. At best I can do a Robin Hood style thief as far as a "dark" character.

      He is too new for me to really talk about some plans I have since I don't know where I am going or who it will be in the end
    2. ChrisKley
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      Oh, I dislike pure "evil" characters too

      At the moment I am playing a wandering mercenary who travels from town to town and looks for work. With "INeed" and some other mods ( if you want I can name them, but it would take some time) its really hard to survive actually hahaha! Always livin on the edge my friend and basicly a simple thing as the death of a stolen horse is horrible! Its my first "semi-realistic" playthrough, but I enjoy it alot. But I think that you are more the fantasy type?
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      I tend to like high fantasy, epic fantasy, so my characters tend to be a bit more powerful than the average person. I get to be an average person in real life so tend to be like something different in my games

      That being said it is also fun to have a challenege which is why in FO4 I am doing survival mode on very hard. To my surprise I like it. Not sure if I will do something similar in Skyrim or not.
  8. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    ..I love mondras..specially these kind ! ( I need a coffee cup that says that..I <3 Mondras ). It's a nice concept I have to say ! He sure is looking very handsome and I quite like the yellow eyes..a very wolfish touch to the look I think...golden eyes. If anything that would be the one thing I would not touch..regardless of the race i'd keep those eyes that particular color. Makes me quite curious what Fenrir would look as an Orsimer now ! ( Can't go wrong with that on the manly side either hehe)

    All very yummy captures
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      A little behind these days! Busy building a new world while also saving another (Fallout 4). I think Eli (who does all the home mods) has a mug like that - in real life as well as in some of her homes, including coffee).

      Aye the golden eyes are totally staying - a wolfish trait. Some may wonder why they aren't ice blue and white hair. Well Fenrir is more just a divine spirit at this point. Still a powerful one but much of his power was given up to Grim when Grim took over. Fenrir is still alive though and has his immortal soul and some of his divine powers - shape changing being one of them. So he is taking on human/mer form ... if I got that path.

  9. Diotima
    • premium
    • 77 kudos
    Wow, he looks fantastic, but not like a Nord in my eyes. More than a breton with his wonderful golden eyes and their melancholic touch. I like the contrast between this eyes and his more...hmm...rustic brows.
    An eyecandy, of course, but all your chars have a very special aura. Strong and sensitive at the same time. I love this mix a lot.
    Greatly done Jon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Heidi! Is rustic brow another way of saying better for you than me? lol

      I have been fluctuating mainly on brows and hair. I am very pleased with his golden wolf eyes and thick lashes (he is a bit of a handsome playboy-scoundrel type) and the rest of his features. Just that hair. Brows - I wanted something wolfish and intense ... still playing.
  10. YSmonstar
    • premium
    • 710 kudos
    He looks great, especially in the second picture in the description. I personally prefer sticking to the human races for both my male and female characters, since I find them generally more attractive. I think he fits being a Nord.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks YS! Oddly enough I find the male Orcs rather attractive. They have a rather sexy brutal and powerful look to them and I like the ears and tusks a lot. Think its because I find strength/muscle attractive that I like them as well as the Nords. The Dunmer I just like as a race in general and have seen a few I find attractive. Nords tend to be my favorite followed closely by the Orcs. But I have played an Orc before - its been two nords and one orc.

      Lot will depend on how the world progresses as where I want to go with the character. I don't make them lightly and tend to not like having a lot of characters. But Grim is retired so I need a new guy.
  11. kestrelhawk
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    Yes, I'd say he suffices quite well. Yes....
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Kestrelhawk - still trying to decide on hair :p