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General Tullius,

By the time you receive this letter, my men and I will have finished securing Swindler's Den. The Alik'r presence has been persuaded to base their operations elsewhere and we have made an...interesting find. The bandits who shielded the Alik'r from the suspicion of the Whiterun Guard appear to have amassed a small fortune of potatoes, likely stolen from local farms.

What is to be done next? Please advise.

Awaiting further orders,
Legate Reiar-El,
XIIV Woodlands Detachment
IV Legion

1 comment

  1. midhras
    • premium
    • 192 kudos
    Very well thought out to do this as a series of letters. This way you can dispense with ongoing narrative (which can be a bother) and get straight to what you want to say. This kind of thing is great, for I can assimilate what I've read here into how I imagine the world. You've enhanced my experience so to say; thanks for that!