Evilution V2 - A Dire Quest

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Finally got my planned rebuild done and a new chapter out!
    Huge thanks to friends who will identify with the last shot

    Now I have a LOT of catching up to do with a lot of friends work who I'm certain have been very busy themselves!

    Hope you all enjoy!
  2. deleted2364420
    • account closed
    • 119 kudos
    thanks aok i have missed so much the last few weeks specialy your images of these wicked and crazy looking characters you have love em

    awsome job and thanks for doing this good luck to you o/
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend! I appreciate your encouragement!
  3. ScorpionSK
    • member
    • 99 kudos
    Great story and khajiit is very happy that Dire is finally rescued. This was a long awaited episode which completes the siege story and dots all the "i"s in it. And khajiit thinks, that only from this moment it can considered as a really happy end in this story. Khajiit likes the most the moment where Dire plays with Death Dealer. You have so wonderfully shown their friendship and DD's true happiness from meeting his old friend, which was returned from the death. Very emotional and heart touching moment.
    Ripp's new hairstyle looks very wild and cool. Fits great to her character. She looks very beautiful.
    Also khajiit thinks, that their new potential enemies, which shown on the last image, looks too much beautiful, that it will be even sad to kill them .
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thank you so much my Khajiit friend! Glad you enjoyed.
      You may however change your mind about that boat load of travelers once you learn what they are up to!
    2. ScorpionSK
      • member
      • 99 kudos
      Yes. Khajiit predicts this and agrees with you. The first impression is often very deceptive. Cruelty and meanness often hides itself even under the mask of beauty, and this makes this things much more dangerous. So our beloved heroes must be very careful and always ready to unexpected bad things. But this will be a new story, and of course khajiit will wait for it.
  4. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Great new chapter dear !! Dire is finally back on his paws thanks to the witches..(and darn Quna is a strong one carry Dire on her back !!!)...though I wonder what connection aside from being in the same coven they had with the green witch...and what cause that "falling out". Ohhh ! I love Ripp new hairstyle it suits her nicely !! haha she's a talented one to cut her hair and style it while flying on the back of a dragon haha...oh those silly nudist don't know where to set their camp to be safe lol. Good that they get some peace...but...well it won't last with that ending now...

    Amazing work !
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thank you dear. Glad you like Ripp's new hair. I think it suits (and fits) her better.
      You are quite right though... The peace won't last, not for anyone!
  5. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Oh yay, happy dance, Dire is alive and safe and sound thank to those special witches........... and hold hell that Ripp is good, to cut her hair on the back of a freaking flying dragon really dang .......... Ambrosia says she is impressed as hell and but her and I love the color and style....... so nice to see the family relax for a night safe .......

    Oh that last shot...... hmmmmmmm the male I know at the end by the red head.......... hmmmmmmmmm I am pretty sure that one I know ........ rest be interesting to find out...... great story and so glad to see your game is back up and running looks stunning...... wonderful shots and damn great story my friend ....... you have been missed
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Awww! Thank you hon!
      Oh you are very good as I expect your guess is correct as he is the only one that would likely be recognized. Although in this time line he is not so nice
  6. Farvat
    • premium
    • 302 kudos
    Nice to see a new chapter published by you. The scene, certainly the most symbolic is where Ripp question to Alduin, an opinion on her hair color. True own ironic reversal that characterizes your inimitable style.
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thank you my friend!
      He he, it's fun to see how far I can twist it all

  7. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    Fantastic conclusion and wrap-up to this epic tale Arnold. Happy Ending only EC style ... with nudist camp buffet and a boat load of Thalmor on the way lol. Ripp looks fabulous in the new hair and I don't think Alduin has any reason to complain. Still some mystery there on his motives but guess we wait and see how that love affair develops. Nice to see Dire and DD having some good times and great that he was able to be saved. Hope you are enjoying the new game build and having fun with it!
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thanks Wolf!
      Heh heh, nudist camp buffet
      Though you would be happy that Dire survived, of course i'm sure you guessed that i'm too much of a softie to kill him

  8. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful conclusion and wrap-up to this action packed and epic tale! I am so glad Dire has made it! I was afraid he might not survive but thankfully with the help of two stunning, mysterious witches he is ready to hunt again with his friends.
    Rip has awesome new hairstyle, no wonder that Balduin can't complain! I am still not so sure about how genuine he is, given his usual attitude of ruling the world, but he sure has soft spot for Rip. I wonder how their love affair will play out in longer term... But so far it was happy ending in Evil company, the slaughtering of nudist camp included! Yet the new threat also arrives... Judging from elven armor, this is new team of Thalmor, although I might be wrong...
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thank you very much dear Nataly!
      Hmmm... I think you can trust your judgement on that boat load of travelers
  9. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    lol...... just laughing at your parting laugh.
    No doubt that EC will have new challenges to the peace they have rightly deserved.
    Always a joy to make it to your tales.
    But where is the kickass tunes?

    Take care buddy
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Heh heh, imagine most diabolical laugh you can think of for the end
      Sorry, no tunes for this one, but have one in mind for the next chapter!
      Thanks Steven!!
  10. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Another adventure with the fabled Evil Company begins!
    I'm most relieved that Dire is now well, and a good, "welcome-back-from-the-brink" wrestle between him and D.D. was very cool, I got a chuckle out of that! ^^

    Too bad about those useless nudist "hunters" at the Sulphur Soaking Pools near Darkwater Crossing, far too busy relaxing most lazily to do ANY hunting whatsoever....^^
    Bethesda should have made them into Trader/Merchants, at the very least, like many other hunter/poachers....

    What manner of Riff-Raff doth cometh now from those most CURSED Summerset Iles??

    The Evil Company will shortly give them a most "warm and friendly" welcome to Skyrim, I'm sure!
    In the meantime, Avalanyaa is still somewhere out there skulking about, she's definitely p*ssed off, and has NOT forgotten about the E.C....

    Thanks and cheers, dude!
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Thank you mighty Bezerk! Never forget the first time I came across those nudists! I was laughing so hard!
      You don't miss a thing do you! Yes there is one pissed off green witch out there some where!

      Cheers my friend!
  11. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Great chapter Good that the witches still practices and have knowledge of the ancient arts to patch Dire back up. DD now has complete faith in his daughters abilities and touching that he could tell her.
    Thers always a dark cloud over the horizon and we get a small glimpse of a new motley crew. Surely they can pose no real threat to DD and the EE....
    1. aok
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Ha ha! Thanks Corfus!
      Oh that "Dark Cloud" I s cause for concern, but not only for the EC!