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  1. gakerty
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    Yeah, there are a lot of graphics Witcher 3 does very well (e.g skin/facial textures, monster textures) and others it doesn't show well (small object textures, some plant textures, water textures!!), but it may be open to modding, so these may improve over time. In any case, its engine is obviously far superior to Skyrim's. Overall, I'm definitely enjoying Witcher.
  2. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Like the other two I am playing both now as well (well about 24% WItcher and 75% Skyrim or skyrim/nexus related stuff). Overall I prefer the Skyrim look but there are some graphics in W3 I prefer. They are very different games when all is said and done IMO. Different play styles, different approach, different mechanics. Not really easy to compare them.

    More on topic - a nice set of scenic shots Gakerty, like the clear skies. Malacath is on my "tweak" list to work on interiors and try to make exteriors a bit more "depth" and dynamic based.
  3. doktorvlad
    • member
    • 41 kudos
    water witcher 3 is unwatchable
  4. SimClarke
    • premium
    • 165 kudos
    I'm playing both at the same time, but I think that modded skyrim has still a better graphic (IMO)
    nice set btw!