Phoenix Burning - Chapter Eleven - Aftermath - Part 2

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  1. bison1967
    • premium
    • 214 kudos
    Rathe sure has the attention of some "big time players" doesn't he. It was wonderful to see Fleur again, Jess! Extraordinary work as always!
  2. Bowsong
    • supporter
    • 73 kudos
    Yeah "What the Fudge"! Just when I think I've got this figured out- you throw in another major player to put me back to square one! That's alright, cuz I'm sticking with Rathe for the long-haul. Wonderful details in your descriptive stylish writing. You certainly have the gift. Always a pleasure to see darling Fleur again, however bittersweet, she always brings a tear to my eyes. Reading that she's referred to as "B*tch-Girl" makes me want to "b*tch slap" someone! Grrrr!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks dear! Oh I do like to keep things interesting! Glad you've still got faith in rathe; he desperately needs some love right now!!
  3. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Boethia???? And here I'm thinking Ah! It's the Night Mother playing him all along! Heh, and I thought I had a lot of twists.... OUTSTANDING!!!!
    WONDERFUL to see dear Fleur again!
    SO IT IS MAVEN!!! Damn that biotch is even more ruthless then I gave her credit for. Heh, so much for Motherly love! Almost feel bad for Sibbi....almost
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon! Sometimes I wonder if Maven actually is a Prince herself she's so manipulative and evil! Hmm, that gives me an idea
  4. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Boethia, well I did wonder if it was her at the helm of the NM at this moment, oh not going to be good when the NM gets back in control oh not good at all.......... but might be fun to watch the two of them go head to head.

    When she seems to slime up to touch and caress Rathe , it turned my stomach , b&@*$ lol I know so protective of dear Rathe but really that is just gross to think of her touching him , now poor little Quin's , must be so hurt and upset his Boethia has a thing for Rathe......... it must really piss in his corn flakes she gets all hot and bothered up under that armor for him. Would not put it pass Quin to soon take matters in to his own hands ....... a man like that is not all there to begin with not like he is in control and soon neither will she be ....... when the NM gets her sick ass back in control......

    Princes just cant seem to keep their asses in the places they are suppose to be and their realms under control.......

    Beautifully written and oh so wonderful to see sweet Fleur , and come to look out for Rathe, even a prince stands no chance against true love is my take on it.........Boethia had maybe better rethink what she has planned this Rathe has a few in his corner that will stand for him and oh the NM is going to be so pissed .......... Amazing shots ........ cant wait to see what happens next
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon! Yes, it was pretty horrendous to see her torture Rathe like that (NM or Boethia, I son't want ANY deity touching my Rathe like that)! but it's all just a way of manipulating him into doing what she wants... that is, giving his soul to her.

      Yeah, Quin's pretty darned upset that Boe seems to have a massive crush on Rathe and yes, I wouldn't put it past him to take matters into his own hands. Not really known for being a cool, calm collected type is Quin...

      IF the NM gets back, she'll have a lot of fence mending to do... IF she gets back. Who knows, it might just be Domina that comes back and who knows HOW she'd react to the current situation!

      I too agree about love; it has an amazing capacity to stand up and be the stronger element... but Fleur is only an emissary of Kyne and Boe is a Prince. Even with love on her side, not sure if she can take on the Prince of Chaos.
  5. RONALD15
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    Nicely done Jess.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon
  6. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    So Selena is Maven's little "ploy toy"....this latest revelation is MOST intriguing!^^
    ....and Boethia no doubt damned-well knows of this plot....another convenient test for Rathe perhaps? ^^
    (as if he hasn't had ENOUGH lately)
    Or is it Selena who's to be tested, or both? ^^

    I still wonder about who had Sibbi killed....was it mommy-not-so-dearest, or Selena, just in order to conveniently blame Rathe?

    I'm beginning to get the distinct impression that to be a Boethia devotee, one would have to be a freaking MASOCHIST, never mind an abject fool!
    Just look at how Quin gets a b1#ch!
    (He probably likes it, hence the masochism, but then he's also a psycho-sadist too......real freaking nice guy, huh? ) ^^

    Finally Boethia reveals her ugly self....well, sort-of....^^
    Quin is really jealous of Rathe, and probably of his position too, never mind his precious Boethia's pro-Rathe favoritism. ^^
    Sometimes I wonder if Boethia is subtly testing Qreepy Quin for some dark purpose by deliberately displaying such ad hoc favoritism.^^
    (it just sounds totally like HER style)

    Sweet Fleur's spirit reminded B1#ch Boethia of her proper place, and it's NOT anywhere near the Dark Brotherhood, or it's members.
    Boethia, in turn hates being shown up, and actually took a swing-and-a-miss at Fleur's ghost!

    BTW: If the Night Mother is preoccupied, what about Sithis then?
    You'd think that He'd be concerned about some d-bag Daedra messing around on His turf and likewise trying to usurp the Night Mother's He so distracted as well by the first would-be usurper who's currently challenging the Night Mother? ^^

    Many warm thanks, Jess and cheers, dear!

    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hahaha, many thanks for the erm, passionate response! I agree about being both a masochist and being owned to be a Boethia follower; she's a damn demanding daedra that's for sure! Don't think i'd like to be her minion - she's either testing you or hurting you! Still, there must be SOMETHING about her that gets people interested, otherwise she wouldn't have ANY followers!

      She's definitely playing a deep game - testing Rathe, definitely... testing Jade? Perhaps. Testing Quin? Well now, there's an INTERESTING thought! Maybe HE is who she really wants to be her champion... she DOES love a good back-stabber after all...

      As for Sithis, well, I always think of him as a cosmos type entity - too far above it all to really worry about individual realms like Nirn and Oblivion. That's just my interpretation of teh God-like entity that is Sithis. I see him as more of a caretaker and he's pretty happy to leave the NM to look after her own realm. Plus, if Domina wins and takes the NM's place, maybe she might be a sweeter bride for Sithis?

      Regardless, I don't think Rathe's going to get help from the dread father... but he's got enough 'otherworldly' interest at the moment, i'm sure he doesn't NEED another deity looking at his soul!

      Thanks again hon!
  7. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Fantastic and tense chapter - really enjoyed the dialogue and revelations in this story as well as new mysteries added even as you answer a few old ones. So now we know who is behind the NM - Boethia. A clever way to add her and glad Domina could help out even from beyond the grave, so to speak.

    So lets see how my current perception works now that I know a few things I did not know in the previous chapter.

    Jade - To much of a mystery right now but since it was mainly the "vengance driven wh*%#" (with no real self-control and being way to emotional) that made me hate her so much is just an act ... I may end up admiring her. Lot will depend on who she actually is and how she acts in future stories. Nice to see you adding so much complexity and layers to your characters, very well done!

    Quin - ...and though he tried to tell himself it was from Her chastisement, a part of him, deep down, knew it was because She spoke of Rathe in such wanton tones. And it hurt Quin. Hurt him badly. Based on the use of the word wanton I take it Quin is supremely jealous of Rathe as he is in love (or whatever his twisted heart uses for that emotion) with Boethia. Explains a bit of his betrayal. Nothing turns male friendship to hate like competition over a lady's attention. Yet also a strange situation he finds himself in. He hates Rathe because of Boethia and he wants Boethia who wants Rathe and Boethia is so much more powerful than Quin ... no wonder the guy is so twisted.

    Rathe - Well nice to see he has the will power and self-awareness to resist the urging of the "NM" and also interesting that Boethia was willing to let him get away with it. Then again if she pushes too hard I bet she knows Rathe would just leave. She needs to seduce him into becoming her champion and that means playing, to some degree, by his rules. But immortals have all the time in the world ...

    Great to see Fleur again. I am pleased you made her a bit smug and confident in dealing with Boethia. Appropriate she had a touch of concern over the NM and Sithis though. Still I enjoyed her not letting Boethia get to her ... and instead Boethia is the one irritated. Nice to see that Rathe now has a guardian angle.

    I saw another comment about Kyne and would say that perhaps Fleur is acting on her own behalf towards Rathe. Or perhaps Kyne has some hope to turn Rathe to the light - with Fleur as a reward.

    Powerful and intense writing and superbly done! Very much excited to see what comes next Jess!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon! I was so grateful for Domina's help to setup the whole Boethia usurping NM's position!

      Ah! So maybe Jade is redeemable in your eyes? Yes, she's not quite the one dimensional villain she initially appeared to be (you know me hon, I love complexity in my characters)! As for who or what she really is, well, you'll find out soon

      Is that a sense of tiny sympathy for Quin? Maybe it's just understanding why he does some of the things he does. I certainly don't feel sympathy for him, however I think it does help to know he has SOMETHING deeply at heart; even if it's a twisted something.

      Rathe has had a hard time from NM / Boethia. First she makes him dance to her tune without any answers, then she brings Jade into the family, then she seduces him... then leaves him high and dry! Poor fella. He needs to get out from under her claws. He was a much better man when he was out from under the influence of the DB. When he was a free agent.

      Yes it was nice for me to have Fleur in my game again. I have missed the little cherub. I love the idea of her being his guardian angel now. And yes, she might be acting on her own, but maybe it could be that Kynareth has a little something in mind for Broody... he's already got the NM and Boethia after his soul... why not a Goddess too?

      Many thanks again my dear!
  8. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    oh you sick girl.... lol... the Nightmother having a bit of fun with Rathe.. reminds me of Taltos by Anne Rice.
    but so she has a plan to try and push Rathe over, past that goodness that lays buried. Perhaps not so deeply as the NM may think. NM should be careful, just as Rathe has the capacity to show cruelty, he may turn that on the NM, and drown her out with showing compassion for the devious girl, Jade.

    Great shots and always watching for the continuation.......

    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon, but the NM isn't the one pulling the strings on our Rathe, it's Boethia playing him like a harp at the moment he sure does attract those daedric princes!

      Ah yes, his evil side might not be as easy to pull free as She'd like! That's for sure!
  9. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Great and deep impressive Chapter again my dear Jess. You write a captivating Story again and your Images at this Chapter are one of the best i ever see.

    Please make your great Chapters as E Book, Can't wait for that

    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Many thanks Kai! I do hope one day to make a book... you'll be the first person I let know if I do dear!
  10. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    It is fortunate that the good in Rathe is still strong, fending off that taunting of the insidous voice in his mind, telling it that he would not become what it wanted him to be, managing to make it back-off at least for a time. Unusual that he would have missed the odd fact that the voice had referred to him as champion but with the relief of that dark voice gone it is understandable.

    Looks like Jade has very much not given up on her plans for Rathe, she sure is a determined one, though I am not sure how she will make sure that letter reaches its intended reader without falling in the hands of one of the assassins. Quin's unwise questioning has lead to quite a bit of pain for him once again, a deadra's schemes not for him to know. It is interesting to see that Fleur still watches over Rathe, appearing in those halls to confront the true source of the voice in his mind, a surprise to see it is in fact Beothia fighting a battle with the Night Mother over Rathe's soul, two entities one really does not want to be stuck between. You did a wonderful job creating that tension once again, an intriguing chapter, Jess
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks hon. I wanted this Book to be very much about the concepts of good V evil. Rathe has always (to me anyway) been the anti-hero; evil but with good in him. I wondered what he'd look like if that good was taken or suppressed entirely. We've already had a glimpse of that when he coldly killed the innocent girl in the beginning of the Book and then again in the last chapter when he captured Jade so brutally. But it's Boethia's hand playing this game and guiding and shaping the evil inside him, while Fleur has always been the one to draw forth his goodness. But without her and with Beothia so determined to have the evil win... well, who can say which way he'll go? All we know is that there's more than one (and perhaps more than two) great entities after Rathe's very soul...

      Thanks for your continued support dear. Means a lot.