Phoenix Burning - Chapter Seven - Trap

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  1. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Well now, I guess she had no use for Sibbi! I would think that she is working for Maven, but I don't think she would have Sibbi killed.
    So who is she working for? Or is she making a play to be a power?
    Glad that Quin is still free. Can't wait to see how this unfolds!!
  2. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    What in Oblivion happened here?!
    Sibbi gets 'clipped' in grand fashion, and then Rathe gets hung out to dry by his so-called "backup" Qreepy Quin?
    How did the Red Rose ho with her "Mercs" know where to find Rathe in the first place? Hmmm....

    She MUST have been Sibbi's little squeeze, overhearing everything in the Blackbriars' house, just like the licentious ladies of Nassau's brothel trade plenty of valuable gossip in "Black Sails".
    (Awesome series, a sort-of prequel to the classic novel: 'Treasure Island'. )

    Quin either lied like a used oxcart salesman when he gave the "all clear" for his "sitrep", or he was just too lazy to check the basement....ya right! Not bloody likely! ^^
    Why did Rathe take HIM, of ALL people, instead of a few other capable fellow killers for some backup?

    Killing Sibbi is a clever way to destroy the business relationship between the Brotherhood and the gangster Maven Blackbriar and heaping massive heat upon poor Rathe as a result, provided he survives this latest fubar....

    Warm and kind thanks, Jess, and cheers, dear!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hehehe, the proverbial plot thickens maybe? You may just be onto something about the Rose and her "connection" with Sibbi. Could also be just incredible luck on her part or extremely bad place at a bad time timing on Rathe's behalf... nah!

      As for Quin, who knows, all is not always as it appears to be... that hole behind the bookshelf was pretty closed up when they first entered the warehouse.. And... he doesn't have the greatest depth perception

      As for Sibbi, well, I think a lot of ppl won't mind that HE'S dead... even Maven, though she'll no doubt have to play the outraged mom card!

      Thanks as always for following my dear!
  3. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I like your description of your very gritty Riften which Rathe had not seen in some time, that way things were more weathered and worn, time being quite unkind to the place, though the familiar stench of stagnant water still remained. Also like how you described the way Quin and Rathe scouted out the outside of the warehouse as they arrived before the appointed time for their meeting, the way they watched the townsfolk from the shadows, looking for anything suspicious, a passing glance that may warn them of some danger. Was great how you depicted the atmosphere of warehouse and its effect on Rathe, his palms slick, that bead of sweat down his back as the timbers creaked under his feet, the way his hair stood on end as he peered into the gloom, one can really feel the foreboding feeling he had about the place.

    It seems Sibbi found one who was far better at scheming than he, that viper of the rose, meeting his death at her hands, I now wonder if that message was ever sent by him, that he was dead before it was even sent. Was great how you brought out the intensity of Quin and Rathe's battle against the ambushing mercenaries, Rathe's shout of it being a trap, that hiss of an arrow, those screams of their foes as they flooded into the room, Rathe fighting through the pain of the arrow, leaving one blade behind to fight with the other. I wonder what plans that viper of the rose has in mind for Rathe exactly, how much trouble Rathe has gotten himself into, look forward to the continuation. Excellent work, Jess
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks dear! I always love describing the Riften in Rathe's world - it IS such a vile, gritty place in his world and I enjoy writing that. I was also trying to build some tension by having them first spy on the warehouse, then sneak in (and little things like the sweat on the Listener's hands) all were trying to build a tense atmosphere.

      Good point; was it Sibbi that even sent that note or was this the Rose's plan all along? Was SIbbi outplayed by her or by someone else? And for what reason?

      It was a pretty fearsome but decidedly one-sided battle. Despite his prowess with blade and bow, Rathe just couldn't face down that many Dead Eyes. Especially with the unseen archer peppering him with arrows. But at least he's still alive... for the moment anyway

  4. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    This was awesome, very intense chapter, filled with action and a feeling of betrayal, for it was a trap indeed! Great shots too, such fantastic action scenes!

    Well, I just knew that it would be a trap and it surely was not wise thing to accept this contract at all, but curiosity can be a fatal flaw... Rathe sure must have known that nothing good waits him in Riften and once again this city proved to bring bad luck to Listener. The descriptions of the city and docks was awesome, very fitting for such place yet despite all precautions Rathe took on observing surroundings it as not enough.. somehow I have a feeling that Quin might play role in it, especially proclaiming that warehouse is safe and then Rathe faced a major surprise!
    Honestly I did not think Sibbi will end up dead so soon... obviously he was out of his league playing in games of power and the possible result of it could be his demise, which happened very quickly. But for a trap this setup is perfect. If Maven will discover the Listener of Dark Brotherhood which she sponsors killed her heir... things sure will get ugly, Rathe's life will be forfeit, Maven might shutter all her ties to assassins for such treachery while Dead Eyes can take their place.. a pretty good plan, which was probably invented by Rose woman, who also proved herself to be skillful archer...

    Seems like she doesn't want to kill Rathe, since given her skills, she could have killed him on sight! and Quin... I wonder what Rathe thinks of his escape, as a sign of treachery or insidious plan of rescue that will come later? In his place I won't be putting too much hope in Quin, that creep can't be trusted.
    I will sure look forward to see what will happen next and thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 879 kudos
      Hmm Nataly maybe you should start writing dark mystery stories ... I had never thought of that idea - the Red Rose is framing Rathe to get the Dead Eyes into power. Genius in many ways.

      NOW I am super CURIOUS to see what happens next!
    2. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hehehe, thanks Nat (and Jon)... oh yes, it HAD to be a trap didn't it? But at least this time Rathe went in with both eyes open and did some pre-scouting, as though he too were expecting a trap. Unfortunately, it was a better laid trap than previous one's he's encountered and he got sprung. Whether Quin aided or merely missed the trap... well, all will be revealed soon.

      Ah poor Sibbi. He just shouldn't have tried playing THIS game. Not when there are players out there who are so much better at it than he! Once again, i can't say much yet but the Rose is most definitely a player in the game... but i won't say what cards she's holding

      Good observation that she didn't just out and out kill Rathe (which would have been the safer most definitely wiser thing to do) but for our sakes we're glad she didn't. At least it means the Broody one has a chance of escape... maybe.

      Thanks hon for your continued support and comments (and speculation)! I love reading your replies!
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 879 kudos
    Loved the music for a change (not a fan of Cash I am afraid) - the first tune in particular was just awesome and really got my blood pumping - woke me right up and I think was a perfect fit for the cold dark trip.

    I really liked this chapter. To be blunt when evil people do evil things to good people I have a hard time with it and if it gets to much will skim. But when evil people do evil things to other evil people then its all good :-)

    So very pleased to see Sibbi put down, little scumbag that he is. Totally got me there as well - did not expect him to die so quickly. Big question is who killed him? Was it the Red Rose (lady with the arrows)? Did he hire her to kill Rathe and she decided to take him down as well (for reasons of her own) in addition to Rathe? She reminds me of why I hate bows :p Of course that is only when the one using bows is the enemy ... and this case she is the enemy since Rathe is our man.

    I almost wonder if he would welcome death ... was wondering if that thought would cross his mind. Considering his current path death would probably be the best thing for him about now. However I highly doubt that is what is store for him. Red Rose seems like the viscous type so maybe she plans on torture. Or maybe she is working for someone else who wants him captured but alive.

    Well it was a trap for sure even if we have no clue whose trap it actually was anymore

    Fantastic action shots, wonderful music, and the fighting descriptions were top-notch. You got a lot of talent and it shows in your writing. It just flows so naturally - like a smooth river when things are building tension and then like white water rapids when you get going.

    Very curious to see what is coming next!
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Haha, yes I know you're not loving when I immerse country tunes into my stories - I try to diversify the music as much as possible and this chapter called for something a bit menacing and gutsy.

      Yes, I must admit, i didn't shed any tears when Sibbi died. He was never a nice guy and certainly was one of the most immoral characters in the vanilla game. Plus, he was plotting to kill Rathe so... no fan here!

      I think all his life Rathe has flirted with death. In many ways I suspect that's one of the reasons he went after the Albino. He never had anything to live for but the need for vengeance and it was either find that vengeance or find oblivion in death. Then Fleur came along and changed everything for him... but now. Good question. Does he welcome death now? I really don't know.

      I actually LOVE playing the archer, and sneak attacks from the shadows are my speciality, but seeing this way of attacking coming from the 'enemy' WAS pretty tense. It's a very vicious way to fight.

      Many thanks hon and I can assure you, if it reads like a flowing river it sure doesn't feel that way when I'm stuck on a big ol' fat writers block!!

    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 879 kudos
      I keep coming back to listen to that first song. Have become addicted to it. I think it should be Rathe's theme song lol.

      I know you are an archer fan - remember many of your characters you have made that love it. I just hate people picking ME off with a bow lol. But then I feel the same with casters. Probably why I made Grim such a visceral melee person even if a rogue.

      I understand the writing issue but from my end it flows great. Music and images also helped it all go along.
    3. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hahaha, the Rathe Theme Song... I like it!
  6. frank213
    • premium
    • 823 kudos
    great Jess.
    The music fits perfectly with this impressive work
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Aw thanks Frank!
  7. bits01
    • premium
    • 183 kudos
    Sundaymorning - and all is well: coffee and a great story. Thanks.
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hehehe, I live to make your Sunday morning's great Bits!
  8. MsFrankenstein
    • premium
    • 118 kudos
    1. deleted1123719
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  9. Liadys
    • premium
    • 248 kudos
    Loved the music. Since last chapter the whole deal with Sibbi been screaming trap .... Loved your description of Riften warehouse and the smell of the city...very fitting for the slum Riften is suppose to be. Since Quin gave the all i have to wonder if he didn't just sell Rathe it was obviously a trap ...finding Sibbi dead. The Dead eyes set up an ambush...and the Red rose lady sure have a spot on aim...nailing Rather both in the shoulder and leg. Oh Rathe sure is into some big trouble...what will become of him ! I'm quite curious also about finding out if Quin just betrayed him and left him to his fate or...have a plan to 'rescue' him later on.

    Can't wait for next chapter sweetie ! Wonderfully done !
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Thanks Lia sweetie! Yes it smelled like a trap too to the Listener... which is why he took such precautions, yet it still all went to hell. Design? Chance? Bad freaking luck? Quin? Could be!

      I see you're not too broken up about Sibbi! Hehe, he didn't really deserve to be playing in THIS game - he was so out of his league! But, his death is bound to cause some complications later on down the track...

      Many thanks for following dear!
  10. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    So Sibbi bites the dust, could not have happened to a nicer perv lol......... such a leech he was...... but hmmmmmmmm I would take a guess and say the Archer did the killing but dangerous to kill the heir to the Riften throne so to speak......oh is Maven going to want to kick some serious ass for this and I see Rathe as being the ass that gets blamed for it all. I was shouting trap the moment he started down the stairs , thinking omg wake up and that slime ball Quin what an ass..... to leave Rathe when he needed him, such a true friend....... not..... wow what a place to leave it and this woman really who the hell is she .......... to touch Rathe..... god woman you have a way of leaving us all primed for the next chapter...... amazing shots and wow what a chapter
    1. deleted1123719
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      • 122 kudos
      Hehe, calm Shelley! You just hate to see our boy get into a tight spot

      But yeah, Maven, even though she had no real love for Sibbi sure isn't going to be too pleased that someone offed her heir! As for Quin, I must admit, even my blood boiled seeing him smile at Rathe then slip out the hole in the wall leaving poor Broody to Red Rose... and she's got more on her mind than just to 'touch' Rathe!

      Hugs for the torment I'm putting you through and big thanks for following!