Grim Tales - A Princely Favor - Champion of Fenrir Book IV - Chapter  7

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  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    I really want to thank everyone who responded to this post in some way. All the nice comments really made my weekend and have totally got me all psyched up for the next chapter. I always enjoy doing these stories but some of them are a huge amount of time and effort (like this chapter - can't tell you how much went into this one) so always good motivation to know people enjoy them.

    So far no one has figured out Grim and Wolfgar's plan. As a writer it can be hard to know how subtle to go sometimes. On the other hand some mystery is also good. I will just say that a key word is "trick" as Grim and Wolfgar are descended from the trickster ... and tricks often mean misdirection.
  2. AaronOfMpls
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    Eep, everyone but Wulfgar captured! (Though I admit Grim, Erik, and Akrioh look surprisingly good stripped and bound... )

    Great bit with Valerica; I can see how there'd be bad blood between her and Grim. I haven't really played through the Dawnguard quests yet, so I admit I know less about her than I might. Wonderful that she chose Serana!

    And now to see what Wulfgar's rabbit trick is about...
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks - this was one of my favorite chapters out of the story. Took forever to do this story - good 50 hours I think when all said and done. Didn't help I had to do many of the shots over again.
  3. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Great chapter lots of drama and suspense with not everything playing out as expected. Grimm and Valerica didn't get off very well eye to eye, but I guess that might have been expected with their backgrounds and history they were not destined to like each other.
    Bbut seems Valerica choose her daughter over ambition, I guess she can start new schemes but she cannot replace Serana.
    Must be a very tricky feeling for grim to control the urge to fight, better to go down fighting if you have a chance to survive but obviously Eric and Akrioh would have no such chance. I guess its time to give in and hope a chance to escape shows it self in the future...... Wolfgar escaped capture and he and Grim know a few tricks maybe grim has back up plan in mind

    Nice work, look forward to next instalment when I read it.

    1. wolfgrimdark
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      I think Grim would have been fine with slice and dicing Valerica. Because I am doing a cross-over story using Nataly's Serana I am making Grim a but more "flexible" with the undead. Thing is Serana really is what Farvat said - a teenage twilight vampire upset over her parents divorce. I see Serana more as a depressed mage. She is very un-vampire like.

      One thing Grim, Erik, and Wolfgar have on their side in the end is their souls are claimed already by Hircine and Fenrir. If they die they won't be going to Coldharbour at least.
  4. Poupoulou
    • premium
    • 65 kudos
    wow, stunning and terrifying capture.
    The dof and bokeh are amazing!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Thank you very much Mr. Poupoulou!
  5. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Oh this is bad. At first I thought it was all going to blow up between Grim and Valerica. Fortunately cooler heads prevailed. I was surprised that Valerica destroyed the bottle of blood that would have given her so much power. Truly the love for her Daughter was stronger (To Serana's amazement.
    Now I wonder what this "Rabbits trick" will be? Initially I thought Wolfgar might seek Valerica's help, but now I suspect some other trick. Perhaps he will Ambush them? I don't know.
    Once again I am amazed Wolf! Heh, but you leave us with a very Jesse like cliffhanger!!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Howdy Arnold - thanks for the comment! I did a lot of reading on Valerica in both lore and Nataly's stories and Valerica comes across as a scholar who loves her daughter and prefers to stay in the shadows. She does not think vampires should be out in the open or ruling - that is why she turned on Harkon as well. So I considered it lore friendly that she would not be interested in power.

      Wolfgars little rabbit trick is mainly misdirection as you shall soon see - if I can finish chapter 8 this weekend!
  6. wadelycan
    • premium
    • 79 kudos
    I guess I still haven't gotten to the part of your stories where the "rabbit" trick was learned. I will eventually (At least I know who Despair and Dannee are now)

    Hard to see how they get out of this situation without casualties. Really looking forward to Wolfgar being the star!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Thanks Wadelycan! Chapter 8, which I am busy working away at, answers that and shows what Wolfgar is up to. He definitely has a big role to play in the next story - he is the only one free at the moment so Grim is counting on him!
  7. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    An absolutely spectacular set!! GREAT!!

    If my English would be better, I would comment more!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Many thanks Queenie and no worries - I try to include a lot of images for those who don't read/write English!
  8. Isleen
    • supporter
    • 126 kudos
    Finally I found the time and the awaken mind to read and understand this masterpiece. First of all, the choosen music matches perfect with the images you've posted.

    Whether I'm not the best in writing comments -better to say comprehensible comments in english- I try my best to sort my thoughts on this chapter. You've impressed me once more with Serana's and Valericas behaviour against Grim and his companions. Valericas first reaction shows her natural aversion against the werewolves, the blood of hircine and in Grims case - the spawn of Fenrir. Need to read this part three or four times to get it completely in my mind. Awesome written part.

    Let us have a look on the dark side of this chapter. Baby face Zzed, the heel licking Daedra from Coldharbour. Did he ever understand that he's Despairs little minion? He's so self-absorbed and slave to her. Despair is a gorgeous and great character (I lover her tales) and I can't understand for what she need such a bootlicker. He do a good job, but it's hard to see Erik and Akrioh bound and down on their knees, decorated with these daedric collars. It seems a bit to me, that he don't understand the difference between prowess, intellect and brute force. For sure he can't retrace why Grim and Serana give up for the moment, but how he should know this. Humanly behaviour is nothing for a cold-hearted daedra. Hope he'll get what he deserve, when he beginn to understand.

    Finally there's only one thing to say: Stunning work, Grim. It was a pleasure to read it.

    P.S. The rabbit is the best part. I love the rabbit playing hide and seek.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Big thanks Isleen for taking the time to read through this huge story! As you probably noticed I made a few mentions of the Wolf-Blooded as they have some strong ties to Fenrir as well as some interaction with the vampires in the past. It was the Wolf-Blooded who helped the other werewolves rise up and remove the yoke of the vampires. This is nothing original though - I am taking the main idea behind the Underworld movie series, Rise of the Lycans. But it is just a little side lore on werewolves and vampires so I didn't mind borrowing the idea and just altering a little to fit Grim's story.

      I take it you did not like Lord Zzed the Kynmarcher lol. Aye he is an arrogant book-licker indeed ... but there is a reason for that which very few know about (he has some ties to Ty another character of Liadys). I expect he may get a chance to see just how he misjudged Grim later on but for now he has the total upper hand. But then Lord Zzed is not the real problem, it is Despair and that is the one foe Grim may not survive.

      So pleased you enjoyed the story. Also fun to see Wolfgar playing a "rabbit" for such a big and powerful Wolf. You might enjoy the next chapter as Wolfgar is going to the main the star, at least in the beginning.
    2. Isleen
      • supporter
      • 126 kudos
      I've seen some test shots on Flickr and can't await to read the chapter. Hope you give me some time to finish my story before. It's hard to concentrate when such a masterpiece like yours is waiting in the back to be read.
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      I saw you have part 2 up and have it bookmarked for later reading when I can enjoy it!
  9. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    I liked your description of what Grim saw as he found himself in the Soul Cairn, that aura of menace about the sky above him, how its hues made it look as if bruised, a reflection of that cruel fate of those trapped in the shadowy realm it is. That description of the lighting as a feral wanderers of that sky and the rumble of thunder add to that atmosphere. Seems Grim found a little insight into what Serana's nature might be like with the way he felt so cut off from the natural world. It is good that the potions Akrioh worked well, bringing a little bit of light into the gloom, making them feel invigorated, it is better to keep one's senses sharp in such a place. Nice to see Grim and Serana agreeing about something, both wanting to move swiftly through the soul cairn, not wanting to linger under that dark sky. Was interesting to have Lotsi's perspective on that realm, the way it was not so unfamiliar to him though he disliked it, it reeking of boredom, one would indeed not have much to do in a realm of lost spirits. I see that Wolfgar has taken to Lotsi, the deadra giving him some attention as Grim and Serena ended up in another argument. That place certainly has those two on edge, snapping at each other once again, good that Grim apologized and that Serana had such understanding of him, them both feeling that same tension.

    Grim's senses even though weakened by the Soul Cairn served him well once again, warning him of those approaching foes. Was great to see that teamwork in the unusual group as they face those foes, Serana's spells weakening them before they met Grim's blade, Grim running to help Lotsi with Wolfgar in tow. I liked that touch of humor in how Grim referred to Lotsi as his horny friend, a bit of laughter can help in a tense situation, keeps one's spirits up. You depicted well the unusual relationship Serana has with her mother, their greeting not all that friendly, Valerica being unimpressed that Serana had risked her life to check on her. I see that old memories of the were-beast freed from the grasp of the Volhikar made Velerica react in quite the hostile way to Grim. Was interesting how it was Serana that stopped that confrontation by standing between them, ready to defend Grim from her mother, another sign of the growing trust between them. It is good that the vampiress realized that she was letting old memories blind her to reason, that she has quite a bit of wisdom from her very long life helped.

    I see Serana learned some things she did not know about her mother, she is one that has carried a few secrets with her not even spoken to her own daughter. I see Grim's question had her begrudgingly admitting that he was no fool, seems mother and daughter were had quite the similar initial reactions to him. Was touching how Valerica showed just how much she cares for her daughter, destroying that bottle of Fenrir's blood for the sake of having her daughter back, to keep her safe from Molag's machinations. Was also touching how Serana thanked Grim for helping her check on her mother, she does not often admit such things.

    That comparison you made between the evaporating of the vial of blood and their feelings of success and happiness quickly fading when faced with what they saw as they left that realm was great, illustrates it quite well. Seems that as I had worried, Erik and Akrioh ended up facing too many foes to deal with though I am sure they tried to fight as best they could. I see that Wolfgar slipped away out of some kind of plan, sending that message to Grim before he vanished into the Soul Cairn once more, good that their foes were none the wiser, mocking what they though was a lack of loyalty from the snowy furred wolf. Grim's attempt to draw the Kynmarcher into a duel did not quite work as he would have wanted, him holding his temper in check, knowing how unwise it would be to go against Despair's orders, it would likely involved quite a bit of suffering. As I would expect from Grim, he wasted no time trying to find some way to get his friends out of trap they have fallen into. Was cruel of the Kynmarched to taunt Serana with old memories, her unable to counter his words because of that collar. I see that lord Zzed quite enjoys having that control over the group with those collars, how very fitting of one tied to the nature of Molag. It is wise of Grim to hide behind that mask of mindlessness as he focuses on his plan, making his foes underestimate him, all the better to trick them when the time comes. I am curious about that last message sent betwen Wolfgar and Grim, that trick that they are planning. A wonderfully done chapter full of action and tension, Jonathan

    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Wasn't sure if I would see you this time Alexi - been tracking you but from those last screenshots on Flickr looks like another character was started in DAI - pleased you are enjoying yourself so much in that world even if I miss Edrelle and her stories lol ... no pressure just saying I miss her

      I almost always think of you now whenever I start writing descriptions. You are somewhat the king around here in that department so my mind just slides that way when I am trying to set the mood for a new area for Grim. Gain some respect for you as it is not easy writing those types of descriptions. I worked a long time on that paragraph.

      Grim, Serana, Wolfgar, and Losti are all trying to find there way. They truly are an eclectic mix but I like that. The Black Wolf Company, where is a mercenary, is made up of outcasts and unusual people so it is fitting Grim collects such a strange crew to his side. He is actually very open minded (minus undead, Thalmor, and slavers) and diverse - just like the natural world he represents. While Oblivion is not natural to Nirn it is natural to itself (meaning it has its own natural order) and Grim, thanks to Fenrir and Hircine, has one leg in Oblivion and one in Nirn in many ways - as does Wolfgar.

      I wondered how many people actually got my lame double entendre with "horny friend" lol. Grim is just a nice guy, happy and helpful, by nature - it is just who he is both in personality and by nature of his ties to life. Nature includes death of course but Grim tends to focus on the "life" side ... even though he does have to deal with death when needed. I always wanted to push Serana and Valeric a little closer together so this was my big chance to do so ... as you saw and noted.

      Erik and Akrioh, if they live, will surely explain to Grim what happened ... I just didn't have time to fit that in to my story - was already getting very long. This show story line was meant to be 3 chapters and it has expanded to 7 now and I suspect will be 10 before I am done. I might do some flash back shots of the event if feeling motivated otherwise it will be a textual recount of the event.

      Grim and Wolfgar are indeed planning a trick! In fact Grim is tricking the enemies now by playing dumb .. and Wolfgar has already played his trick although no one has mentioned what it is yet But we will know next story as Wolfgar will be the main star at the begining of chapter 8.

      Thanks again for your comment and keeping up with Grim and his stories!
  10. lordburnch
    • member
    • 69 kudos
    Just splendid! I love Lord Zzed, such a fun new character, I hope he lives long enough to be fletched out some more. Your screenshots have GREATLY improved over the last year alone. This was a phenomenal tale and the cliffhanger was perfect. All in all I think this may be my favorite tale of yours yet, and you are still getting better!

    One last thing, what did you use for the castle's textures they look fantastic!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks very much! Well I can't say to much without revealing secrets. I can say he won't die though ... which isn't saying much as you can only banish the Daedra :p Which is good actually because if he does happen to die he can still come back in another story!

      For the interior of the castle I use Vivid Landscapes - Castle Volkihar by Aron:
  11. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,114 kudos
    a bit late with my gratitude ... spectacular as always
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Lol no worries at all - nexus can be a very busy place One reason I like it actually.