My Top 5 ENBs

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 175 kudos
    Awesome shots, one and all.
  2. Janitaska
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Oh my! Good to see a handsome Skyrim male! Skyrim's men don't get enough love here on the nexus i feel. He looks like Adam Lambert. Great work!
  3. Amevenastral9
    • supporter
    • 178 kudos
    Very nice showcase of various enbs! Great to see the Somber series as they continue to be my favorite as well! Though, I admit the K Enb and Saraan suum do look stunning!
  4. lsinsocal
    • premium
    • 88 kudos
    Great shots! I have to agree with you on all of these. We have similar tastes. My fav is Grim Azura by far though. Kountervibe Northern Lights is worth a look too. The extreme version is a monster and really shouldn't be used for anything but screenarchery but oh man... so preeeettttyyyy.
  5. Syphoid
    • member
    • 106 kudos
    Great captures and list. Are you using any weather mods? Only thing that puts me off some ENBs is that they're incompatible with weather and lighting mods.
    1. fiszi
      • member
      • 176 kudos
      I don't use any, because of the reason you've mentioned - they are not really compatible. Only using ELFX for Saraan suum, it requires it
    2. lsinsocal
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      You can try Expanded Skyrim Weather. Works well for me so far and I've used all of these ENBs. ELFX is fine too for the most part, you might have to do some tweaking with the Grims but it does work.
  6. Rincevent69
    • supporter
    • 81 kudos
    Great set and good work Fiszi!
  7. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,114 kudos
    Superb collection
  8. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    Nice summary Fiszi, thanks for some of the nice shots and comments on the Sombers. Tend to agree. I am still struggling with Malacath exteriors during the day. Just can't seem to get the right look I want with them. Nights and interiors I pretty much leave alone as I am happy with them. I was playing with Hircine last night and may go back to that preset for a bit.

    Like all your selections as well I have my own top favorites as well but frankly they tend to change a lot depending on my mood.

    For me the look, feel, and flexibility (ease of changing things in-game with GUI) of an ENB more than compensates for the lack of a weather/lighting mod. Plus many of them will work with an ENB with a little tweaking unless they are a major overhaul like COT.
    1. fiszi
      • member
      • 176 kudos
      Thank you
      I really loved Vaermina/Somber lut, but last time I used it, I found out that I don't like it as much anymore... Hircine is much better, less vintage, more contrast And Malacath looks different enough
      I don't miss weather mods myself, mostly because I prefer clear daylights and twilights
  9. toorhum
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    impressive screens. and very good ENB selection;
  10. vandalgion
    • BANNED
    • 24 kudos
    Outstanding collection,great ENB Effects