Grim Tales - Winters Heart - Fenrir Unbound Book III - Interlude II

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  1. LadyofChaos
    • account closed
    • 318 kudos
    Thats a giant wolf but so cute!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 879 kudos
      Thanks Lady Chaos!
  2. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Quite a tale, inside Fenrir, doing their best to give his heart a massage in a way, give it a fighting chance for what comes next, magic like the power a mothers words have for a child when she tells him as he lays on the operating table that he will be fine....... she is there but instead of words they used real magic.......... to heal him the best they could.

    I did understand why Hircine would do as he did, he may be a god but even the gods feel for their children.... they may not do things like us mortals but they do still want to help if they can..... and I found this very moving.......... great shots and story
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Thanks for reading this little side post Shelley and I think you are dead on when it comes to the gods/princes. Even "evil" entities can still have a sense of loyalty and fondness for those they value or are close to them. Hircine is very much the dominant patriarchal type and he would certainly look out for those in his pack, especially if one of them is his son.
  3. AaronOfMpls
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    • 47 kudos
    Eep, Fenrir must really be getting weak if he can't wake up, though it seems Grim and Wolfgar have bought him some time with help from grandpa Hircine (and a bit from grandma Kynareth ). Will it be enough?

    I liked the description of Grim running after, and then with, the Stag. I liked Fenrir's private realm, too; interesting that the "cold" there is strong enough to make even Grim and Hircine shiver!

    I also liked the bit about Wolfgar's perceptions. As smart as he is, he is still a wolf, after all. It makes sense that he lacks some of the human capacity for abstract thoughts and concepts.

    Anyway, nicely done, Jon, both pics and story! I can hardly wait to see them waking up at the College and dealing with the Eye -- and with Ancano! (Still, there's no hurry; take all the time you -- and they -- need to recharge. We'll all still be here.)
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Thanks for the feedback Aaron! I think I wasn't clear enough on where the boys all went (as most people have assumed it is Fenrir's home which it isn't. It IS *Fenrir* himself that are in. They are inside Fenrirs soul/essence/spirit/mind. It is like entering the dream of a sleeping person or like those movies where people enter someone's body after being shrunk. Only Fenrir is a god (even if a lesser one). Fenrir is all around them. The body of the sleeping fenrir is his heart of hearts - his core sense of self.

      Although maybe that is what you meant by private-realm. Just thought I would clarify. It was a little abstract for Grim and way beyond Wolfgar. As you said he is very smart (he is Fenrir's son just like Grim - only Grim had a human [Mer] mother and Wolfgar had a wolf mother) but still mostly wolf.

      Glad you enjoyed the story and images. I have been relaxing. I finished screenshots for the next story last night ... only now I think I will redo half of them as I may go back to Spellweaver armor for Ancano. Damn to wishy-washy! Keep changing my mind on his armor :p
  4. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Very very well done! I was concerned that Fenrir was running out of energy and hurray! He gets a re-charge. Very kind of Hircine, but I do agree that if it was in his power (which it obviously was) to help Fenrir then he should not allow him to die.
    But what must Grim do to break the bonds? As Hircine warned the eye is VERY dangerous.
    Can't wait to see what will happen!
    Your portrayal of Fenrir and the "Heart of Winter" was epic. Brilliantly written and of course your always wonderful imagery! Really enjoyed this one my friend!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Thanks Arnold! Not to much I can answer in regards to the questions since I don't want to spoil anything. The Eye is very dangerous and we all know Ancano tries to use it - which makes it unstable. So Grim is going to have to deal with all of that and it won't be easy. At least Domina was competent.

      Glad you enjoyed my tale with the family - Hircine, Fenrir, Grim, and Wolfgar make for an interesting pack.

      At a minimum I think there will be at least two more stories before I get to Ancano, Grim, and the Eye.
  5. larsaryl
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    This is very nice. Always love the conversation between Hircine and Grim. Although. Conversations between Hircine and Erik are also very, very interesting. I hope Erik and Grim will have some peace and quiet. I think everyone deserves a little rest. I expect in their future a lot of fighting. I really wonder what the future will bring them.
    As always, a wonderful story.
    I look forward to more.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Thank you for stopping by and taking time to read and comment Larsaryl, much appreciated! Part 4 of the Saarthal story will be a quiet restful one. After that they head to the Labrythian (sp?) to get the Key that Grim needs to use on the Eye of Magnus and release Fenrir from his chains. Of course anyone who has done the mage quest knows what happens when you get back from that quest ...
    2. larsaryl
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      • 3 kudos
      Ohhh, yes. I remember the mage quest very well. It is possible that we will see the inglorious end of that incredibly irritating Ancano. I know I probably should not be so bloodthirsty, but ....... I REALLY, REALLY HATE HIM.
    3. AaronOfMpls
      • supporter
      • 47 kudos
      Oh yes, I remember that, too. Especially on my first character, a Nord barbarian warrior. Every character of mine since has wanted to punch Ancano in the face, or worse!

      Things are going to get very interesting, I suspect.
    4. wolfgrimdark
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      Silly Ancano gets a little power hungry and decides he will take the eye for himself. He wants to prove to Domina (whom he does not know is dead) that he is "worthy" of her.
  6. MiNiTails
    • supporter
    • 30 kudos
    The atmosphere of this scene is really nice and original. Nice work !
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 879 kudos
      Thanks you MiniTails - I am glad you liked it!
  7. User_6005213
    • account closed
    • 200 kudos
    You get to show us so much creativity, it seems to have more than a simple game when one read that, that simply fantastic ! If I could write better in english, I wouldn't hesitate a minute
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 879 kudos
      Hey Simon thanks for this very nice comment. I try my best to be creative and just hope a few folks enjoy what I share!
  8. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Very nice! Loved the way you wrapped things up in Saarthal indirectly through the use of this chapter. A bleak and frigid realm is where Fenrir sleeps; kind of makes me think of cryogenics (keeping his essence preserved and in sleep so he doesn't die completely). The magnitude of just how cold that place is hit me when Grim said 'brr, even i'm cold here (paraphrasing)'.

    I always enjoy it when Grim and Hircine come together; they so do remind me of two Alpha males from different packs snapping and snarling at each other, only begrudgingly helping one another if they must. A very unique relationship they have and one I enjoy reading. I think both you and Nataly have a gift for writing Princes. You both really grasp that power of immortality and supreme confidence they wield.

    Looking forward to the next part and the reunion of Grim with Erik.. and and Av - i'm sure THAT will be an interesting conversation. Plus, it'll be interesting to see where you sort the triangle out (as in Erik, Grim and Avrein... how will three hearts so entwined work out their place with each other? ).

    Stunning images as always - the cold, crisp whites and blues help create that feeling of cold.

    My only 'complaint' with this chapter is the music... ugh, dubstep. Sorry hon, I just hate that style of music!!

    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 879 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback. Didn't know that music had a name actually, I just consider it "new age" but thats okay - music tends to be a pretty individual based thing anyhow.

      The realm where Fenrir sleeps actually isn't a realm ... it *IS* Fenrir himself, the entire "realm." It his soul, his essence, his divinity. It is like entering someone's dream or mind in a way. It is like a sea of liquid nitrogen - instant death to all those uninvited unless extremely powerful and even then they will be subject to the rules of the owner.

      Glad you enjoyed the visit with Hircine. I had so much more I wanted to add but this was suppose to be "short" and I already got some ribbing over that

      I will add more in on that later. I have some discussions planned about Dannee, Sanguine, other princes, the Elders, and more. Might come after I wrap up Saarthal. My current plan is to wrap up Fenrirs story now. Then I plan on doing many of the side stories I have building up. This one fit in very well though so I made an exception.

      Grim, Erik, and Avrein ... Wolf, Bear, and Hawk. I have been thinking about this since for a long time now and I have two core plot lines (with various flavors) I am trying to decide on. I probably won't decide until I see how the writing goes and which direction all three of them seem to flow to most naturally.

      I really liked the images myself. Tobi did such a great job on this ENB. They are going to make for some nice winter wallpapers for myself. I am debating using one of them for my christmas cards this year - Fenrir would make a great Pagan theme.
    2. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Yes there's something powerful about a triumvirate. I've always worked with triangles in my writing; it's a great way to add tension because you can play them off against each other so well. I like the Wolf, Hawk, Bear analogy too...
  9. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Lovely tale Jon. The episode had a very "Norse" feel to it, liked that.

    Looking forward to catching up with Erik and Wolfgar.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Many thanks Derek! I **LOVE** the Norse and the culture (brutal as it was) and their mythology. If I had a choice of any time period to be "reborn" it would be back then. I am working on a book about Fenrir and can only hope I live long enough to finish it!

      So these stories with Fenrir I really enjoy. Took me over a year to finally get to the point in Grim's stories where I can finally focus more on Fenrir and Grim. My goal is to finish the big story arc about Grim and Fenrir by the end of Christmas break in December. It may be even over thanksgiving break. I don't have to much farther to go as Grim will finally have the chance to save his father when he confronts Ancano in the College when Ancano tries to use the eye for himself (I am sticking with the main quest line as I usually do but with my own twists). It will be do or die then.
  10. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Awesome interlude, so wonderfully written and with beautiful, atmospheric shots!

    This chapter was a pleasant surprise, before I saw the shots on Flickr, I was totally positive that the next chapter will be about Saarthal wrap up. And it as very interesting and fascinating to read about Grim's journey in spirit world, aided by his charismatic and enigmatic grandfather Hircine.

    For me to see interactions of Grim and Hircine is always a treat. In a way the Old Wolf even acted as a mentor in this chapter, showing Grim would he could do with his divine power but also taunting him... Seeing the chase after White Stag my questions about whether Grim could cope with his divine side and take under control has ceased... truly, he is exceptional person to get control not only on is divine side but also of rage, like in that episode when he finally reached the stag...

    The journey of Grim into Heart of Winter was amazing, especially the scene when he decided to look at things as they really are... but it is something mortal mind could barely comprehend, if it can at all. It was sad to see Fenrir in such state, I wouldn't want him to die and hope that Hircine's plan will help him... so Grim could free his father in time. also loved Hircine;s speech about Daedric princes and their capacity to feel emotion. You write Daedric Princes awesomely and I hope to see more of Grim's interactions with his grandfather and maybe other Princes too!

    Also it was so great to know that while Grim was absent the help did come in time (kudos to Kynareth for that!) so Grim and Avrein will be fine! I am also looking forward to see how the relationship between Erik, Grim and Avrein will unfold...
    Thank you very much for sharing your awesome work!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      Thank you very much for the nice comment Nataly and I was hoping you would enjoy this little surprise side story. Because Grim was in his own "Deep sleep" as he recovered from his torture and broken legs I thought this would be the perfect time for him to have his spirit travel with Hircine to help out Fenrir.

      One thing I didn't mention yet (but will later) is that Hircine also had Grim pull all that divine energy as Hircine knew it would greatly speed up Grim's healing and make sure his legs would have no permanent damage resulting from his breaks. Combined with Kyne's boost the three of them should suffer no serious side-effects except for a few scars. I put my characters through a lot sometimes but I try to compensate for it with some nice benefits.

      Hircine does indeed act as a mentor to Grim. He helped show Grim how to handle the Wild Hunt (it may seem like I have forgotten about that but I have not ... but one does not call a Wild Hunt on whim ... once in a mortal lifetime is rare enough let alone more often ... yet as I have hinted with the Wild Magic coming back there is a good chance that Grim will call at least one more Wild Hunt) and now he has shown Grim that he can access his divine power.

      However it is important to remember that there is still some risk in doing so. It can be addicting and if Grim does it to often, and to deeply, he may not want to go back to being mortal. I do not think the power will corrupt him - he is to grounded in nature for him to be swayed by power - but he could decide living as one with the natural world is far better than the pain of mortal life. In addition when he is in the spirit realm he has no "flesh and blood" barriers to the divine power and can access it more easily. Hircine also wants Grim to be divine, not mortal, so Hircine has his own motives there.

      All that being said I did write this part of the story to indicate Grim took another step up the power grade scale and now has a bit more access to his divine heritage and can access it easier than he has in the past.

      Glad you enjoyed the interaction with Hircine - I really enjoy that type of epic story telling with powerful entities. I actually cut a lot. In fact I had about a page where they discussed Sanguine, Dannee, the dragonborn, souls, and other princes. But I decided it would work better in the other tale I have planned (where Hircine asks Grim for help for a change). I hope to do that tale soon after I wrap up Saarthal ... which I started today. With any luck I may have it out by Sunday or even late tonight.

      Thanks again for your comment, much appreciated!