Rise From The Ashes - chapter Thirty Eight

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  1. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    Hi all, many thanks for you comments and endorses! I'm away on holiday at moment so can't respond just yet. Very appreciative however!!!
  2. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Crap! I have so much caching up to do! And you just did a bunch more!! Oh well I will enjoy catching up!!! Epic work hon!
  3. DiscipleOfCarnage
    • supporter
    • 106 kudos
    Damn, this is some really good stuff you've got going on here, jess; some very emotionally complex characters, as well as the new introduction of Quintis (who's acting like a snake in the grass at this point in the story).

    By the way, I also wanted to mention how awesome of a job you did on both the physical and emotional traits of Quintis' character creation.

  4. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 877 kudos
    Fantastic addition to the story - really enjoyed this particular story a lot. Rathe and Fleur have a bit more harmony now and she has grown up a little. Rathe was a bit harsh on Darius but with his feelings for Fleur so strong, and his ability to kill without remorse, it certainly made sense he would come down hard the lad - although it was also clear he was down on himself as well. You really did make him seem like a really out-of-his-league little boy with the snot from his nose comment

    So now I wondering if Quin is Lady Zuzu's hired hand. You still haven't gotten to the fact that she has been planing to kill Fleur to make Rathe suffer, and then I assume kill him as well. She has hired someone ... or at least is working with someone ... and we still don't know who. Pretty sure it is not Darius at this point as that doesn't seem to make sense all things considered. However Quin ... Quin could be a perfect set up. One doesn't act all nice and friendly and then grow cold ... not when words have so much meaning in a story as every word tends to be picked for a reason. Course it could be something else entirely and just misdirection ... guess I will have to wait and see

    Nice shots and the story itself was very entertaining. Very much looking forward to the next chapter as I believe most of the DB dies at this point in the vanilla story. Yet Arnie is still around and so I am not sure what your plans are.
  5. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    Lol had a right good laugh at the "you darn poopy bum." hehe....... swear all you want dear far as I am concerned , can see Rathe saying dang it ...... lmao.......... what a great story....... good to see Fluer and Rathe finally as one..... will it last ..... god I hope so but never sure with your stories to be honest...........and I guess Ambrosia is not going to need to knife Ashrid this time.......... think Rathe will do it himself yay......... can not wait for that part ........... death to the bitch........I still am not sure about the boy....... still wonder what he is hiding and he is hiding something.......... and still that fiqure in the hood from Whiterun so long ago........ hmmmm I am wondering now ....... a new idea has come into my mind.......... but will watch it as it plays out....... but have this little sick feeling in pit of stomach.......... amazing shots .......... super amazing shots
  6. innova889
    • member
    • 135 kudos
    hehe darius got friendzoned
    interesting new development about quin. i love how everything is different b/w rathe and fleur ...fleur seems to have grown a bit, feels more calmer...

    great one jess
  7. AaronOfMpls
    • supporter
    • 47 kudos
    Eh, no problem with the language. It fit the situation.

    Rathe and Fleur's "conversation" seems to have gotten their heads in order. Good to have someone like her to balance his more brutal side. And poor Darius... hopefully he'll get over Fleur and all that's happened, in time.

    I'm not sure what to think of Quintus now, though. He's friendly enough with Rathe, but you have to wonder what he's really up to.

    Good pics as always, too! Nicely done!
  8. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful continuation of Rathe's tale, awesomely written as always! Good to see Rathe being more calm and even smiley from now on, seems like his "nocturnal conversation" had great positive effect on both him and Fleur, who began to sweetly call him her love. I would be very happy to know what Rathe and Fleur has talked about during their night together but I guess, that it was more action than talking...

    Darius continues to be annoying, I just have a hard time to believe that he is such love sick puppy that he looks like, even if this is paranoia... but it is just that Dark Brotherhood doesn't strike me as organization who would welcome such simple boys as Darius as he is now, behaving like smitten lad around Fleur... Still, it is interesting that he wants revenge on Astrid too, though I can hardly imagine he can overcome her in direct fight, unless of course he will use his magic to strike from the corner when she doesn't suspect him...
    Fleur made brilliant observation in my opinion when she compared Rathe and Darius, Rathe with his mastery and Darius with youthful desperation... Apparently Fleur received a great pleasure from her passionate night and I am very happy for her and for Rathe, it is heartwarming that he was so sweet and tender with her... And I think Darious certainly won't be happy to discover how close Fleur has become with Rathe... Quintis certainly noticed it already.

    And speaking of Quin... he gives me creeps, this guy is up to no good certainly and I wonder what his real purpose and goals are. I guess this will be revealed eventually.
    Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work and I am looking forward for continuation!

    P.S. I have no problems with heroes using potty language, it won't feel right if Quin or Rathe will suddenly begin to talk like two prudish old ladies at dinner who get a blush when hearing any dirty word. Such language in Rathe's tale gives very realistic feeling to it in my opinion.
  9. Kamikazekossori
    • supporter
    • 252 kudos
    Good that Fleur was there to be a calming influence for Rathe as they returned to that lost sanctuary, seeing the boy drinking wine after what happened, him simply talking to Darius was downright gentle for him, though the death threat was more in his stride. Of course the kind Fleur forgave the mage for nearly harming her, reassuring him a little among the edge of anger in Rathe's voice. Astrid has much to answer for in those trouble, her little underhanded ploy with the frenzy potion showing how desperate she is, a move particularly unwise to show one's weakness among assassins. Odd that Quintis would not be up for a fight against the brotherhood, makes me a little suspicious and I did not like his thoughtful and cold gaze in the end at all, no good can come of one like him to be pensive. The intrigue thickens it seems, wonderful chapter, Jess
  10. AmadanBezerk
    • supporter
    • 40 kudos
    I just KNEW that Quin was not who or what he appeared to be!
    "....a slow, strange smile crept across his lips...."
    And then that cold expression on his mug as his "old friend" galloped away with his "tag-alongs"....

    I liked how Fleur called Rathe her "Love" now. She'll give Rathe the light in his tragic life he has so desperately needed to help him overcome his long darkness from now on. ^^
    "Nocturnal conversations" indeed! ^^
    Why do I get a strong feeling FEW words were actually spoken, and even LESS sleep was shared between those two last night? ^^

    So Darius wants revenge on Astrid too now?? That's an interesting twist to say the least!
    Could it all, however be just as much a load of B.S. as Quin's supposed "friendship" ??
    Darius WILL eventually find out about Fleur and Rathe both now being an "item", and thus heartbroken, what will he think or do then??

    Your "potty language" is very realistic, and I for one do not find it nearly as offensive as the militant, moral-majority types who try to "sanitize" everything we say and do in life that they happen to disapprove of.
    ( "KISS, Detroit Rock City"s fanatical "MATMOKs" come to mind here....^^ )
    Endorsed. Kind thanks for this wonderful but slightly bittersweet angst, Jess, and cheers, dear!

  11. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Ooo! Quin's up to no good (I hope)

    Great episode Jess!
    You're right, no way are they gonna say "Oh, flipping heck!" or such!
    1. deleted1123719
      • account closed
      • 122 kudos
      Oh flipping heck!! Love it! Reminds me of Moss from The IT Crowd!!

      Yeah, Quin's...