The tale of the laughing fox part 29 - A meeting with a patron of thieves

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  1. deleted6889352
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    Excellent chapitre l'ami!
    Je commence à rattraper le grand retards sur le conte du Renard Riant et c'est très agréable de retrouver Edrelle et ses camarades dans de nouvelles aventures. Mais voilà que Edrelle et Bryn sont devenu des Rossignols, c'est très plaisant de revenir sur cette partie de la guilde des voleurs qui est mon passage favoris, bien que j'ai rencontrer un bug avec karliah qui m’empêchait de continuer cette passionnante aventure, j'avais du reprendre une sauvegarde de 10 heures en arrière

    Enfin bref, maintenant qu'ils sont liées à Nocturne il vont être mieux disposé à affronter le vil Mercer.
    Il semblerait que Bryn ne soit pas très enthousiasmé à l'idée de devenir potentiellement le nouveau chef de la guilde ^^ Mais au moins, si il décide de le devenir, la guilde sera en sécurité entre ses mains.
    karliah a su se montrer convaincante envers Nocturne pour qu'elle accepte Bryn et Edrelle. Et bien, Rayures de Miel est surprenante! Une espionne de Nocturne j'ai été aussi surpris que Edrelle en apprenant cette nouvelle, mais il est vrai que cette cher Rayures de Miel à tout les atouts d'une parfaite voleuse et espionne de la nuit
    Très belles images mon ami, j'aime particulièrement celle ou Edrelle, Karliah et Bryn, de dos portent leurs armures de Rossignols se dirigeant vers la grille et aussi l'image ou Nocturne leur donne sa "bénédiction". Très belle description de l’armure de Rossignol également, mais j'ai aussi beaucoup apprécié quand tu as expliqué ce que ressentait Edrelle à sa sortie de la grotte, retrouvant enfin l'air rafraichissant de Skyrim.
  2. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Another amazing chapter as the draw closer to the ever elusive Mercer. As always the banter between your characters is a real treat.
    I was very intrigued to learn that Honey Stripes has a connection to Nocturnal. A wise choice as the Daedra obviously recognizes her superior skill.
    Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
    1. Kamikazekossori
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      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much, Aok, Mercer's lead is indeed reducing by the moment. I am happy you find that banter such a treat, they are great parts of the tale to write
      Glad you find Honey Stripes connection to the night mistress intriguing, it had the group intrigued as well. Nocturnal does seem to have picked well one who is sometimes her eyes and ears ^^
      Look forward to sharing another chapter
  3. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Wonderful chapter! Beautifully written
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      A joy to hear you find this chapter beautifully written, Cecilie ^^
  4. 8990gilang
    • member
    • 49 kudos
    Really love scenes between Adrelle with her friends. They are very interesting companion and respect each other. really want to see they together beat Mercer till he died. Very nice sets and story Alex
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am flattered you love those scenes between Edrelle and her friends. Glad they are the interesting companions, they do have a lot of respect for each other that is true. That moment when they will bring him to justice is not too far away. Thanks a bunch, Gilang
  5. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    An awesome chapter my dear. I loved Edrelle's brief moment with Dimitri before she went off on the quest; that archer sure has a silver-tongue on him. I suspect that's what enamoured Edrelle so. Was it me or did the Laughing fox seem slightly annoyed with Bryn this chapter? First her little remark about him not asking how she was when she first entered the cistern then as they were heading down into the Twilight Sepulchre I could almost feel her rolling her eyes as he complained about having to become a Nightingale.

    Speaking of which, that armour sure looked awesome on Edrelle and wow, Honey Stripes is Nocturnal's 'eyes'! What a nice surprise that was! I'd love to hear more about that...

    And now they're off... to take down that evil Mercer once and for all. I loved Sapphire's words 'I'd like to introduce his chest to my blade' and I get the feeling that sometime in the near future Edrelle may be making that introduction herself...

    Stunning images as always and your descriptions are always perfect.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much, dear friend. Makes me smile that you loved that little moment Edrelle shared with Dimitri, had fun writing it; he is an archer with the silver-tongue of a bard that one indeed. It is one of the things that she is fond of about him. It is not just you, Edrelle was a tad annoyed with Bryn. She did not appreciate his initial demanding tone though she did understand he had much on his mind and his complaining in the hall of the nightingales was a little grating on the ears

      Great to hear you find the nightingale armour look awesome on Edrelle and I though that secret unraveled might be an intriguing surprise, she is sure to answer more questions about it that elusive one

      The time to face that self-serving traitor does approach with swift steps. Happy you really liked Sapphires words about her blades and its plans for his chest, hehe, Edrelle might indeed soon introduce Mercer to her blade.

      Very glad the shots and descriptions were so well done, that you enjoyed them ^^
  6. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Wonderful continuation of Edrelle's tale, beautifully written with awesome and very impressive shots! I always love to watch the relationship between Edrelle and Dimitri, their trust, mutual understanding and acceptance of each other and playful jokes they share, always endearing and heartwarming.

    Good to see Bryn is ready to get th revenge on Mercer, also loved Edrelle snarly remark to him. So together along with Karliah, they seemed to restore the triumvirate of Nightingals, with Edrelle and Bryn taking places of Gallus and traitor Mercer. Also it was great interaction they shared with mysterious and enigmatic Nocturnal, seems like mistress of Shadows was in good mood and getting such jewel as Edrelle to her eternal service made her forget even Karliah faults...

    However Edrelle made a risky decision, true she wants to help the guild and make Mercer pay for what he has done, but the price of becoming a nightingale is too high in my opinion. Instead of going to some pleasant place like Sovngard in afterlife all nightingals will have to guard Nocturnal shrine for all eternity which sounds quite unsettling... Hope Edrelle knows what she is doing, because some things that are done cannot be undone...
    Also it was very cool to finally learn Honey Stripes secret, which can prove that nocturnal had an eye on Edrelle for quite some time and it is very interesting to see how it will affect her fate...
    Thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks a bunch, Nataly, I am very glad you enjoyed the words and the images. Means a lot that you love to watch the relationship between Edrelle and Dimitri, I like to write about their growing fondness and trust. They seem to understand each other well and they are two that very much like to share playful jokes, good to hear it warms the heart.

      With the theft of the vault and Karliah's words Bryn certainly did not have any more doubt that Mercer had to be stopped, glad you liked her comment, with the danger she went through to get the plans she preferred him not being demanding. They have indeed restored the triumvirate despite some doubts from both Edrelle and Bryn. Was interesting to write the voice of that mysterious nocturnal, she did seem quite amused and pleased at her new nightingales, Karliah's failing did seem little to her at that point.

      Edrelle did feel there was a risk to her making that oath but without it Mercer might slip away and his clues with him, the price is indeed high but the lore does speak of the chance of her releasing one from her service. Certainly is a bit of an unsettling task after one's death. Edrelle is quite sure of what she is doing and she might be more right than she thinks but I don't want to say too much. Honey Stripes was glad to finally get the weight of keeping that secret from Edrelle off her shoulders, does seem the Night Mistress has been watching indeed, might chance the weaving of her fate a little

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts and kind words, my friend ^^
  7. Queenieangel
    • premium
    • 461 kudos
    Wonderful work ,Alexi!!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks so much, Angie, glad you liked it
  8. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 878 kudos
    The endearing words between Dimitri and Edrelle are very well done. Each story you bring them a little closer together as you show how much they care for each other. The soft words, the holding of hands, the playing jokes, and the undertone of worry and care that your text and images portray.

    I also like how you balance the timing between adventure and relaxation. They take many great risks but they also take time to enjoy the good things in life; which is important as they help define what makes life enjoyable and worth having. Friends and those you can trust - things exceptionally rare sometimes among those who follow the life of the rogue.

    The small comment about the guard and then knowing a grave with all their time there is amusing as I wonder the same thing. Grim and Erik also spend a lot of time out there. Then again (with the mod I have for Riften) there is also a nice picnic area out there and some small taste of nature. So it makes sense for Grim to bring Wolfgar there to relax.

    Sounds like Edrelle was a little annoyed with Bryn there with her snarky comment about escaping the traps lol. Still he seemed to make it up with her. I like Bryn and I think Bryn and Karliah will be good allies for Edrelle.

    I liked this sentence, " “Woah there, the armour is appreciate but I did not agree to becoming a nightingale” said the fiery haired thief, sounding worried." As it seemed very much Bryn and pretty much what I expect Grim to say as well. The main downside is everyone wants a bit of your soul it seems (Hircine, Nocturnal, Hermaus Mora, etc). I often wonder what happens when they come into conflict - Will Shor get it at Sovngarde? one of the Daedric Princes and if so which one? Perhaps even Akatosh has some claim if you are dragonborn.

    So Edrelle agreed ... I wonder if she knows the scope of what she is agreeing to. Still there are far worse ways to spend an after life (Farvats Soul Cairn anyone?) then among your fellow Nightangales watching over your family (the guild). Plus eventually the lore states Nocturnal will release you once she feels the contract has been met.

    This was also informative, "“Khajiit wanted to say that the sly one does not risk anything from Nocturnal, her being intrigued will keep her from meddling too much, to see what she does with her own skill” " So Nocturnal won't interfere directly as she wants to see what Edrelle is made-off, at least that is my take on the sentence.

    Your interaction with Nocturnal was great - very much like the enigmatic Prince of mystery. I can't recall how close it was to the actual story but felt fairly close. I guess I will see soon enough although knowing me I will twist the story line all to Oblivion before I am done with it

    Grim is one step behind you it seems. He started on Mercer's hideout tonight (but got too late to finish as I am going to bed after I catch-up here) and will finish this weekend. Then it is off to see Nocturnal ... which is where my next story for Grim begins.

    So seeing you do this with Edrelle is great as it is refreshing my memory and I enjoy seeing the quest through another's eyes. Especially since I have a lot of sympathy with Edrelle since she is a nice person yet still a rogue - something Grim tries to balance as well.I am curious how Edrelle feels about the contract she made with Nocturnal and how you feel about it as her "guardian" as it were. Also being made a guild leader ... that could affect her group of friends as well. Very curious to see where this goes.

    An in regards to Honey Stripes ... I have been waiting to see what you do with her (in fact I wanted to hold off on my own story for this quest line until you reached this point) and was pleased my guess was mostly right - she does have a connection to Nocturnal. This is very interesting stuff :-)
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Happy you like those little fond exchanges of words between Edrelle and Dimitri. I like to slowly build their relationship, showing those little moments that bring them closer, I guess I am a romantic. Good to hear that my images portray those little details of their fondness.

      I guess to me those moments of calm and respite are as important as the action, in fact they are what I prefer to write that and writing about a journey. Without a little fun and time to clear one's mind among the dangers an adventurer would go might go mad and it does give one time to think about what is important. Friends and trust are important and a rogue does indeed very much value those things when navigating a world of those that can't be trusted.

      For some reason I can't resist writing those little parts about the thoughts of a guard about the group, a touch of a different prespective, glad it was amusing. The group do sometimes wander behind the temple, it is a nice quiet space with the few gilded trees around. Does sound a good place for Wolfgar to wander with a touch of the forest around him.

      Edrelle was slightly annoyed with Bryn for just a moment after the tension of the day, but what she said was partly to tease him a little for sounding demanding. He did make up for it with his apology, she understood him having things on his mind. Edrelle does see Bryn and Karliah as trusted allies, their actions have proved as much.

      That sentence of Bryn's was a slight change from his usual dialogue in that scene. I did think it reflected a little of who he is, glad you find it does. Gaining the interest of the daedric princes does seem to bring a little trouble with each pulling in a different direction, fighting amongst themselves to own a bit of a prized hero, does bring up question of what happen when one dies.

      She did agree but not without some doubts and concerns, she did not take the decision lightly but likely few know what they are agreeing to with how mysterious Nocturnal is. Her agreement is not as set in stone as it may seems, something to be revealed later. I had thought too there were worse things than defending Nocturnal after one's death and that promise to release one is an intriguing one in that oath.

      Your take is very much on the mark, with that sentence from Honey Stripes I was saying that Nocturnal finds amusement in seeing what one can do with their own skills without the aid of her luck, a bit of a test of sorts, how else would she have some fun with mortals.

      Very glad you like my interaction with Noctunal, was kinda fun to write from her perspective. I did loosely follow the actual story but I changed and added much among touches of the actual dialogue. That will be interesting to see how you twist it

      I am sure Grim will quite quickly catch up to Edrelle, though the last chase for Mercer does approach. Seem Grim has quite the meeting ahead of him with the Night Mistress.

      I am glad that seeing me do the quest gives you a bit of a refresher, I also enjoy seeing your interpretation of the same quests, seems each person brings something slightly different to them. I have that same sympathy for Grim in balancing kindness and the calling of a rogue especially with Grim having to deal with more meddling from other realms. I will reveal more about Edrelle thoughts on her oath to Nocturnal. She is bound to have quite the conversation with her friends about the leadership of the guild.

      I had been looking forward to revealing the secret that she had held on to, that connection she had to Nocturnal - your guess was pretty much spot on. Means a lot that you find it very interesting stuff :-) Really appreciate the very detailed feedback ^^

  9. greenbms
    • premium
    • 51 kudos
    A great chapter Kami! Like to see honey stripes developing here
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thank you very much, Greenbms ^^ Glad you liked to see a bit more revealed about that elusive Honey Stripes
  10. derek98
    • member
    • 101 kudos
    Great chapter Alexi. I'm liking Honey Stripes more and more!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Many thanks, Derek. I am sure Honey Stripes would be glad to hear you are becoming more fond of her