Grim Tales - Pack Justice - Mother Grim P10

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  1. greenbms
    • premium
    • 51 kudos
    Very well written grim, great job!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thank you Greenbms!
  2. deleted6889352
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    It was a real slaughter! I really enjoyed this part of the story and I really like how you describe all this violence of this confrontation between the assassins and the two wolves, in imagining the scene it was very bloody!

    Arnbjorn demonstrated a great honor in fighting alongside his former "comrades" with Grim, I'm glad Grim was able to save him from his serious injuries, Moreover, he is now part of the pack of Grim having accepted his blood, this is a good new.

    The pack will finally be together again and it is bigger, it's a good thing for the future!
    Great work and wonderful shots as always Wolf and I enjoyed listen to this music is one of my favorite music fight
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 878 kudos
      Ah many thanks Franck and I am happy you enjoyed how I concluded everything on this story. Lots of reading I know! I am also glad you used your imagination to help fill things out, which is what I always do. When I write I see everything as it is happening in my mind. The images are more props in the play. They just help visualize things and help reduce the writing.

      Glad you like Arnbjorn as well. I like showing exceptions. Just as Serena is a bit of a "good" vampire so is Arnbjorn a decent werewolf and assassing, once he had a chance to follow his own path.
  3. deleted1123719
    • account closed
    • 122 kudos
    I found this to be a very bittersweet chapter (for me). I loved the action and understand why Grim had to kill all the DB members but as I hang with them a lot in Rathe's tale i'm kinda close with some of them (Gabriella, Babette, Nazir, Veezara). So it was sort of hard to read about their deaths.

    Having said that, awesome action and i loved how Grim saved Arnie (even though he's pretty much Rathe's mortal enemy). I can foresee an interesting friendship happening there (and wonder what Erik will think and if he'll be a little jealous of the big beefy werewolf).

    Wonderful work dear. (PS, nice touch having Grim be overwhelmed when he first went into the sanctuary; it IS pretty awesome on first sight).
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 878 kudos
      I sent you a PM as I felt rather bad about that. As I told Aok it is hard when someone else does something bad to characters you like - I have had that happen twice in stories here on Nexus and I was like "Nooooooo."Easy to get connected to characters in a game.

      I did enjoy the banter for the little bit I played through the quest line. Obviously Arnbjorn really amused me as I saved him. Babette was very cute in a very sick way but of all of them I thought she was the most evil and twisted of the lot. I didn't have overly strong feelings for the others. However from Grim's point of view, and the lore of the game he is following, it had to be done. Anyhow sorry about that, at least in your universe they all get to live on. Nice thing about TES - each of us gamers are the " Dreamers" that make the universe, at least until we wake up (stop playing), so hopefully that helps a little.

      The down side to following lore quests and content is this type of cross over. That aside I am glad you still read through the story all things considered and got something out of it.

      PS - IF they had been more like Rathe I suspect I would not have disliked them as much. I think I said it to Exelangel that part of it is that they seemed to really enjoy killing, they took pleasure in it. Rathe, to me at least, always did it for money and business. Maybe some see that as even more cold but I don't. Killing for the sheer enjoyment of it seems much more evil in nature.
  4. aok
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Hurray!!! I'm very happy Arnbjorn survived! I think he will be very loyal to the Grim pack.
    Well, so much for this faction of the Dark Brotherhood. I wonder what will happen with Cicero?
    (I always kind of liked the mad little jester
    Excellent work as always!
    I hope Grim gets to Wolfgar soon!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 878 kudos
      Thanks Aok! Aye I am sorry to destroy this coven of darkness for all you evil followers (including DoC and poor Jess) and while Grim doesn't have any regrets I have a couple. I know what it is like when you bond to characters in a game and someone else does something you wish they hadn't to them. I suspect that is why I would never make Grim a follower. Could not bear to see him abused by someone else.
  5. Exelangel
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    What a great chapter, wow.

    I must admit, I feel really elated by the compassion and new brotherhood displayed by Grim and Arnbjorn. Truly, compassing the essence of assertion and determination is no stranger to Grim.

    As for the Dark Brotherhood, I would feel compassion if it were not by the foolishness and pride previously displayed by their leader. However, Brotherhoods dictate that if one fights to the end, so must the others, well, most of the time that is.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 878 kudos
      Appreciate the comments and insight Exelangel - always enjoy reading what you have to say, Grim was a bit tired of the bloodshed. I have to say I am sorry but I feel zero compassion for anyone in the DB. They are killers and murderers. Perhaps there are a few assassins who are not evil but after hearing most of the conversations in that place I don't see any of them as redeemable (beyond my own story twist on Arnbjorn). They all enjoy killing. They come across that it is more than a job - they actually enjoy killing people. Grim had no problem wiping them all out.

      Rathe, in some ways, is an example of an Assassin I might have some compassion for if only because he does not seem to enjoy the actual act of killing - he does it as a job and not for pleasure.
  6. bohlingTVD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Fantastic chapter Jon!
    Arnbjorn got it right when he stood Grim to the side, and i think he will become a valuable member of Grims " pack".
    The night mother!
    I just get the idea, that she will play a role in your story, as well as Cicero.

    Great images, especially Grim and Arnbjorn as werewolves.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thank you very much Heidi and indeed there is a bit more to tell about Cicero and the Mother ... possibly I will get to that today.

      Arnbjorn I think is a decent enough guy - he just needs some guidance and training is all. The BWC will be a perfect fit for him and I have already figured out what his first job will be for them.

      Thanks so much for checking out my images and stories Heidi!
  7. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 878 kudos
    Nexus bug.
  8. Scimo
    • supporter
    • 51 kudos
    Awesome work, wolfgrimdark!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Many thanks Scimo! Appreciate the comment and stopping by
  9. shane12353
    • member
    • 102 kudos
    Excellent work my friend
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thank you Shane!
  10. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Awesome and wonderfully written new chapter, as the previous one it is also very intense! Great shots too, such awesome action captures and the ones with Grim and Arnbjorn are very impressive images, very expressive!

    So it seems that Dark Brotherhood is finally laid to rest, except Arnbjorn, who now seemed to finally go on his own way, wanting nothing to do with them anymore and crazy Cicero, who in my opinion should be put to rest too, he is too dangerous to live, being not only an assassin but total psycho and maniac.
    The fighting scenes were very intense, I admit I was worried for Grim, after all his opponents were professional assassins and no wonder that he suffered a damage from them. By the way, in original guest line, Babetta was the only one who escaped the Sanctuary, I think because of her childish looks while in this version she was killed by Anbjorn... I can't say I am sorry for her, since despite her fragile and lovely childish look, she is old vampire who has done terrible things like any other assassin from there and she was just posing as a child... As for Arnbjorn, it was interesting how he greeted Grim and how he decided to free Wolfgar but I guess first of all it is because of beast blood, Arnbjorn felt kinship with them both and the fact that Arnbjorn turned against his previous "family" speaks a lot. I don't think he deserves to be saved, but I can understand why Grim did what he did and now Arnbjorn is given a second chance, a new beginning and if he won't screw anything like going on killing spree then Grim was right about his rescue...

    It was interesting twist that maybe due to Astrid's rage at him grim might be closer to discovering the truth and whereabouts of his mother than he ever was before and all because of Astrid's journal! I can't wait to see his reunion with Wolfgar, Erik and Bryn while I am also very intrigued about what he is going to do about Delvin! The teaser looks very exiting and intriguing! hank you very much for sharing your awesome work!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 878 kudos
      Thank you for the great feedback Nataly! Enjoyed your insight into the story and characters as I always value your view of things. Arnbjorn, Erik, Wolfgar, and Grim have some plans to track down Cicero and the Night Mother so we will see what happens there later.

      I had never done the pro-dark brotherhood line until this story (as I had to do some of it so I could do some of the scenes) and when I saw Babette I was like - who is that? She was never in my game. I thought she had been added by the mod "Interesting NPC's" lol. Then I read that she was part of the game. Aye they removed her as a child due to being unkillable and a kid. To be she wasn't a kid outside of the body - in all important ways she was an ancient and evil adult. I had to take her out with some console commands. Grim wanted to be thorough

      I know many people despise Arnbjorn but the view I had of him was a dark Farkas. What Farkas might have been had he been a darker version. He isn't light and goodness (Farkas I mean) either but he is one of the nicer companions in many ways. Arnbjorns path took a dark turn a long time ago. I wanted to see what would happen if he was given a second chance. The old Arnbjorn WAS destroyed in the DB attack. The NEW Arnbjorn was reborn when Grim brought him back from the edge of death. I think folk will find he will be a changed man after this.

      Realistic? I don't know. Is it possible for someone who has done many bad things to change their ways? I certainly like to think so, especially in real life otherwise it paints a very depressing image of humanity. In Arnbjorns case, with fantasy involved, he also had exterior forces making him dark. Grim and Wolfgar might the first two beings to show him some real mercy. Maybe that will make him start to really think about some things. He *was* a Hircine werewolf but he now has three things in his favor - no more Astrid, the BWC will train him on how to control his abilities, and he has some of Grims blood in him helping to control the blood lust. However he won't be given another chance - should he loose control he will be killed for everyone's safety.

      Indeed the silver lining in all this is that Grim now has some clue to his mother - what that clue is I will reveal very soon (probably in the epilogue of this story plot).

      I should have the reunion done soon. I had actually written much of this before hand and then when it got to about 20 pages I realized I would have to break it up into many chapters for Nexus. This is why I have been releasing chapters so frequently. I just had to proof-read and link up images.

      Reunion is pretty much done. Loose Ends (epilogue) I still need some images for so probably later next week for that. Thanks again for following these very long stories!

    2. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
      • premium
      • 232 kudos
      Thank you very much for your detailed answer! Considering Arnbjorn, you did a slightly different story with him where he was controlled by Astrid all the time, so this makes him redeemable in my opinion, since the large number of murderers, if not all that he had committed was because of Astrid's fault, while in original storyline he was very harsh, rude and viewed humans as walking pieces of meat, which hardly could make feel sympathy for such man. And Arnbjorn started behaving differently in your story the very moment Astrid has lost control over him, so it is his second chance to start everything anew with new pack, where he won't be treated like Astrid did treat him - as a tool.

      Well, redemption ark is always interesting and in Dannee's story she was faced with same situation as Grim was with Arnbjorn and in Dannee's case the question was - to let Serana stay with her, since like Arnbjorn she had commit horrid acts in the past, so for Dannee it was a tough choice to decide her fate, though after everything they have faced together Dannee gave her a second chance and never regretted it, seeing that Serana was changing and changing for good. Hope that Grim won't ever regret his choice too.
    3. wolfgrimdark
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      • 878 kudos
      Oh I hadn't thought about Serena in that way with Dannee but you are very right. Another parallel in a way. Grim is going to have a hard time with Serena considering the antipathy Fenrir and he have towards Molag Ball and vampires in general.

      However one thing the Black Wolf Company is known for is taking in outcasts, lost souls, orphans, and the like. They form their own family within the BWC as long as they forget their past and agree to follow the company.

      I know my plot line for Arnbjorn isn't the strongest (being Astrid's slave) but part of me didn't want to commit wholesale slaughter and I do like my wolves so when I was going to pick one to save Arnbjorn seemed the best choice. The fact he is a handsome looking man didn't hurt either