The tale of the laughing fox part 19 - A stubborn sort and a conveniently forgotten

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  1. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 276 kudos
    I love the banter between Edrelle, Tacita and Honey Stripes, the way you show us as they make their way to each top, how you talk about what they saw.. Lovely shots, but think my favorite one is the one of Edrelle and Honey Stripes at the base of the Palace stairs..
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am delighted you are fond of the banter between the trio, of the way I talked about each stop and what they saw, always like to try to think from their different perspectives.. thank you so, did like the idea of that grin as no one noticed the vanishing wine case in that shot, I am very glad it caught your eye
  2. deleted6889352
    • account closed
    • 59 kudos
    J'ai adoré et j'admire ta description magnifique et poétique de Solitude et du palais bleu
    Edrelle et Rayures de miel ont fait preuve d'une grande discrétion et habilité pour dérober cette caisse de vin pour Gulum-Ei, malheureusement il ne leurs à pas donné les renseignement qu'ils voulaient, mais maintenant qu'elle vont prendre l'Argonien en filature elles vont surement apprendre des choses très intéressante.
    Je suis certains qu'elle reviendront saine et sauve de cette aventure et Edrelle pourra ainsi passer une nouvelle nuit de passion avec son Dimitri, mais je sens qu'ils vont sous peu apprendre des choses qui risque de ne pas leurs plaire à propos d'un certains Mercer.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Je suis heureux que tu as tant aimé mes descriptions de cette ville sure l'arche de pierre et son palais, Basstos
      Dérober ce caisse de vin n'était pas d'une grande difficulté pour ces deux là mais la confiance entre eux a grandie en partageant un rire, il garde bien proche ce qu'il sait ce Gulum-Ei, ils vont certainement avoir quelque questions qu'il devra répondre quand ils le trouvent encore
      Avec leur talent et leur vigilance l'un pour l'autre il y as bonne chance qu'ils reviennent sauves, Edrelle voudrait pas briser la promesse qu'elle a faite à Dimitri et partager une autre nuit, Edrelle et Tacita ont deja eu le sentiment qu'il n'est pas exactement ce qu'il prétend, mais c'est sur qu'apprendre quoi ne vas pas les plaire
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 880 kudos
    Excellent work on describing this entire adventure, down to the smallest of details on the environment and surroundings - I enjoy those little details - like walking on the carpet, the descriptions of the guards on patrol, and the things they saw as they walked. It was also great dialogue between Honey Stripes, Edrelle and Tacita. A nice touch with the illusion spell to unnerve the Argonian.

    All the images are great but my favorite is the one of them walking to the palace. It is an exquisite shot and the DOF worked so well in this one. Nice job!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Happy to hear I did such work describing this adventure of theirs, I am the kind of person to notice the little details around me which is why I like putting them in my tales I guess, glad you enjoy them, it is in the nature of a rogue for them to take note of guards and their surroundings. I did want to involve Tacita more with her sharing her insights, Edrelle and her having worked together may times before, was interesting to write. Edrelle's illusion skills did come in handy in that moment

      Great to hear that one shot really caught your eye, did like the way the DoF turned out in the shot. Thank you very much, Wolfgrimdark
    2. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 880 kudos
      Aye I like how you handle Tacita's communication and enjoyed the issue of dealing with trust with Honey Stripes. Almost like hiring a baby sitter to watch after your kid (or in my case a dog sitter). Takes a lot of trust which says a lot about Honey Stripes fitting into the group well. You have very nice flowing prose with a relaxed feeling to it that is enjoyable to read.
  4. Corfus
    • supporter
    • 288 kudos
    Nice work kami, as always you are amazing with words and discription's and a great atmosphere to you story, backed up with wonderful images too, once again great stuff
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Means a lot that you find I have that way with words and descriptions, that there is that atmosphere to the tale, glad that the images back them up well, many thanks, Corfus
  5. Nataly1q2w3e4r5t
    • premium
    • 232 kudos
    Great continuation of Edrelle's tale, so beautifully written, a stealthy installment! Great shots as well, very expressive and atmospheric, love the lighting and colors, they sure add to the atmosphere of this city while Edrelle and everyone in her team look as awesome as always.
    Love your wonderful descriptions of heroes surroundings as always, and the friendship that Tacita and Edrelle have is heartwarming, while Honey Stripes had described Tacita's protective attitude perfectly, saying she acts like a mother of adventurous cub. Also i love how good things go between honey Stripes and Edrelle, for it is not easy to accept someone you barely know into the team, but it is evident that honey arrival and her addition to their group has made things even better.
    Seems like the security in Blue Palace could stand a chance against the awesome duo of Honey Stripes and Edrelle, who are getting along very nicely and Honey Stripes seems to get the full trust from all people in Edrelle's team. The line before their journey "would you care to accompany me to creatively a quite that case of wine" made me smile, but if anyone was ear dropping on their conversation, he or she sure won't understand a thing, very good plan if someone is getting into such adventure as Honey and Edrelle did. Too bad that Gulum-Ei did not reveal all information but I am sure Edrelle and her companions will discover what exactly he has to hide...
    I am looking forward for continuation and thank you very much for sharing your wonderful work!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Edrelle and Honey Stripes were quite sneaky in this continuation of the tale, I am happy as ever that you find my writing beautiful. I think I am fond of the city of Solitude as you are, it does have a great atmosphere at many times of day, glad I captured light and colours that added to it, the group would sure be happy to hear they look awesome.

      I am very glad you are fond of those descriptions once again, I liked describing the city and the palace as a change from Riften, makes me smile that the closeness Edrelle and Tacita have warms you heart, that sly spy is an insightful one, Tacita was quite amused by the accuracy of her description. It has in taken a little time to accept one so mysterious, her quiet steps and sharp mind are an great addition to the team for sure.

      The security in the Blue Palace could use some work, not being much of a challenge for two as sly, they are finding they work together well, knowing how the other thinks, Honey Stripes has gained quite the trust from the group. Great to hear those few words about acquiring that case of wine made you smile, they did make sure that other patrons would not understand, they did think it a good idea to keep their plans from prying ears. Gulum-Ei does seem like to keep information to himself, they will make it hard from him to keep that information hidden...

      Really glad you look forward to the next chapter, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights, Nataly ^^
  6. Exelangel
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    Very beautifully written and the characters are in depth in image and in writing, well done, please keep it up, I can't wait to read more!
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Great to hear I wrote it beautifully, that there is depth to the wandering band. Thank you very much, Exelangel, I will keep it up, there is still much tale to be told ^^
  7. cila81
    • supporter
    • 148 kudos
    Another wonderful chapter my friend!
    1. shane12353
      • member
      • 102 kudos
      I agree
    2. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I am so glad it is another wonderful chapter in your eyes, my friend ^-^

      really glad you found it wonderful too, Shane
  8. dragenella
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    Such a great deep respect !
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Thanks for the kind words, glad you like my work
  9. Reimar67
    • premium
    • 249 kudos
    Sorry for my silence Kami - been trying to keep up-to-date with Nexus but difficult at times.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      Don't worry about it, Reimar, I know it can be difficult to keep up with things on the nexus sometimes.
  10. pangallosr
    • member
    • 52 kudos
    Seems not everyone is having the same Skyrim experience. I missed this additional story in my quest.
    Really enjoy the talent that is being exposed here.
    1. Kamikazekossori
      • supporter
      • 252 kudos
      I do tend to build a lot on what narrative there is to find in the game, showing my own perception of those quests.
      Great to hear some talent shows in my tale, that you enjoyed it